"If you don't respect the elder, you deserve to die!"

Lei Jun's face was full of evil spirit, and he said angrily, "if you think you are a first offender, you should be punished lightly."

"Kneel down immediately and apologize to the elder. I'll spare you once!"

"Get out of here!"

The handsome man cheered coldly: "a little mole ant at the peak of dark strength, dare to be rampant?"


After that, he pointed out.


All of a sudden, a finger pierces the void and shoots at Lei Jun.

"Xiaojun, be careful!" Elder Yao Shengu, his eyelids jumped and reminded him.

However, his reminder was too late.


Sharp finger awn, a shot, pierced the heart of Lei Jun, flew out from his back, leaving a hole with a diameter of one centimeter.


Lei Jun looks at the handsome man in horror.


The next second, he fell on his back, twitched a few times, and there was no movement.

He's dead!

"Little army

The elder of yaoshengu, seeing this scene, suddenly burst out a torrential killing intention all over his body. He was furious and his long white beard flew up.

A pair of eyes, is full of blazing murder.

He killed!

He's going to kill!

"Son of a bitch, I'm going to kill you!" He growled.

Lei Jun is the eldest martial brother among the many disciples of Yao Shengu. He is not only the talent seed cultivated by Yao Shengu, but also his illegitimate son.

Now, his son was killed on the spot in front of him.

How can he not be angry?

"Go to hell!"

Elder Yao Shengu, give a loud drink and blow out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, the air around, have exploded, as if detonated a bomb, violent energy wave, swept in all directions.

And then everything around, too, exploded.

It's shaking. It's all over the ground.

The border he had built could not bear such a terrible aftershock. It was destroyed in an instant.

Immediately, a wave of air, unrestrained rampant.

The owners of several villas around heard the explosion and felt the shaking of the earth.

So, all the people with panic, panic to escape from the villa.

Then they saw the battle in front of the 233 villa.

"I'll go. What are you doing? Is the air exploding? "

"Is this a movie?"

"Awesome! What a real special effect!"

"Idiot, the special effects are all made by computer in the later stage, and you can't see the special effects at the scene."

"Are they fighting? Why does it look so horrible? "

"You see, that man's feet are not standing on the ground, but floating in mid air. Is he flying?"

"In my opinion, it's golden light and flying. How can it be like a fairy in a TV play?"

"Is there really an immortal in this world?"

There was a lot of talk and heated discussion.

They were all excited.

"Come on, take a picture!"

"Yes, take a picture and send it to the circle of friends!"

So they took out their mobile phones one after another and took pictures with a click.

Some are still on video.

Even, a few people turned on the live broadcast.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, handsome man, cold drink.

As soon as he swung his sleeve, a strong wind burst out, and directly fanned the murderous elder of medicine Shengu away.

"I'll go. It's so awesome. This man waved his sleeve and fanned the air, then he was beaten away by the old man!"

"Is this the legendary wounding through the air?"

"Master! This man is absolutely a master

"Wow, this man is so handsome, even more handsome than the little fresh meat star!"

All of a sudden, the crowd in the distance exclaimed.

A few women, even eyes pan peach heart, spring heart greatly moved.

Handsome man, see this scene, eyes suddenly indifferent.

"A group of mole ants dare to point out to our young master!"


Suddenly, he waved his hand.

All of a sudden, strands of golden poison gas, escape, under his control, float to the distant crowd.

"Wow, you see, the handsome guy is waving to me!"

"What's waving to you? Is it clearly waving to me?"

"Bah, he's waving to me!"

"Shameless, it's me, not you!"

A couple of women with a big spring heart quarreled."Hello ~ ~ you see, it seems that something is coming."

"Don't make any noise. It seems that something is wrong."

A few calm middle-aged men, found something wrong.

However, they found out too late.

The golden poison gas is invisible and invisible in the air.

When people were breathing, they inhaled poisonous gas.

Poop! Poop! Poop!

All of a sudden, they all fell down, face black, mouth foaming, the whole body in convulsions.

"Poison fog?"

Elder Yao Shengu, when he saw this scene, his eyes were coagulated. In his blood red eyes, he showed a strong sense of hatred and killing.

He asked, "are you a remnant of the ten thousand poison sect?"

"Remaining evils?"

Handsome man, eyebrows a pick, said: "so, old man, you are medicine God Valley people?"

"That's right!"

The elder of yaoshengu said angrily, "fifteen years ago, after Nie Wujue of Wandu sect died, Wandu sect fell apart and even Shanmen was flattened."

"Unexpectedly, fifteen years later, the remaining evils of Wandu sect will reappear in the world again!"

"That's right."

The handsome man said with a light smile: "the ten thousand poison gate will reappear in the world, and it will be the king of the world, unifying the whole country and even the world's martial arts and Taoism."

"Of course, the first one to destroy the ten thousand poisons sect is yaoshengu!"

He said with a smile: "originally, I planned to kill all the people in Shengu after a period of time."

"Now that we meet one today, let's charge some interest first."


Elder Yao Shengu snorted coldly: "the remaining evils of the ten thousand poison sect depend on you. Do you want to kill me?"



With a stamp of his foot, he kicked out a big hole on the ground. The whole man shot at the handsome man with strong inner strength.

"Go away!"

Handsome man, a low drink, a blow out.


Suddenly, the elder of yaoshengu snorted, and the whole person was kicked back. He stepped back more than ten steps, and then he managed to stabilize himself.

His face was red, his chest was stuffy, his blood and blood were surging, his arms were spasmodic and paralyzed.

This time, he still fell into the disadvantage!

"Oh, that's good!"

The handsome man said with a light smile: "old man, you can take my fist. Since you are not dead, you don't even vomit blood. Your strength is OK."

"It seems that you should be a big man in yaoshengu."

Elder Yao Shengu said coldly, "I am elder Yao Shengu!"

Yo ha ~

suddenly, the handsome man grinned and said, "it seems that I'm lucky today. I met a big fish."

"Kill you, want to come, medicine God valley should be very painful."

"Presumptuous!" All of a sudden, Wu xiaohuanjiao said: "the remaining evils of Wandu sect, don't be rampant!"

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