All of a sudden, his wife, too, fell to the ground, her face turned black, her limbs were twitching, hitting the floor and making a thump.

"Xiaomei, how can you..." Cried the man of the villa.


The next second, he also fell to the ground, foaming and twitching.

In a minute.

A family of three, all stopped twitching, the body stiff to lie on the ground, no movement.

They're not dead!

But death is not far away.

In half an hour, if there is no seven star master, with a strong internal force, to help them drive away the poison, they will die.

It's not just villa 256.

The whole Jinghao community, dozens of villas, at this moment, all lying on the ground, dying, will die at any time.



Handsome man, it's terrible.

You know, these invisible poisonous gases are not released by him at all, but are released from his pores and when he exhales.

The power of these poisonous gases is far less than that of the poisonous gases he released on his own initiative.

Not even one percent.

However, it was the weak explosion of the poison gas that melted into the air and nearly poisoned the whole Jinghao community within a kilometer radius.

How terrible would it be if he took the initiative to release the gas?

I'm afraid that in an instant, a town can be turned into a dead land.

The handsome man, staring at the elder of yaoshengu, in his devilish eyes, killed fiercely and roared: "old man, I will kill you!"


Suddenly, he turned into a flash of lightning and killed the elder of yaoshengu.

Suddenly, the elder of yaoshengu, with a look of awe inspiring, quickly made a defensive posture.


The next second, he vomited blood and flew out.

What kind of defense, in a flash, was smashed by the handsome man and couldn't resist at all.


The handsome man, with a violent drink and a scream, rushed up again.

Seeing this, elder Yao Shengu's face changed greatly. He quickly controlled his body and made a defensive posture in the process of flying backwards.


The next moment, he spewed out several mouthfuls of blood, his whole chest was depressed, and he was seriously injured. His breath was instantly withered, just like a shell, burst out.

He was blown away again.

What's more, the speed of flying backwards is much faster.


The handsome man, with a low drink, started again.

This time, the elder of Yao Shengu had no time at all, and he had no ability to make a defensive posture, so he had to be beaten passively.

Click! Click!

For a moment, a series of broken bones came out of his body.


He ejected a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with several pieces of internal organs.


He hit the ground hard and trembled all over.

Then, I couldn't move.

He was so badly hurt that he could hardly move. Even if it was the secret of longevity, it would not cure him in a short time.

If you want to recover from his injury, it will take at least two or three months.


Wu Xiaohuan saw this scene, shocked, dumbfounded, muddled.

Her mind was blank and she stood in the same place, petrified.

Three punches!

Just three punches.

In her heart, the elder of Yao Shengu, who was as powerful as God and almost invincible, was defeated completely and miserably. He lay on the ground and couldn't move.

"Damn old thing, I want to sacrifice Ah Fu with your life!" Handsome man, snapped.


Suddenly, he grabbed the paralytic medicine like a dead dog and threw it to the place where ah Fu turned to ashes after his death.

Immediately, a foot on his head, his head, step into the soil.

"Old thing!"

The handsome man said coldly, "kowtow to Ah Fu and make amends."

"Elder!" Wu Xiaohuan cried.

She was shaking, very scared, very scared.

"Little Little ring

Elder Yao Shengu tried his best and yelled: "don't worry about me, you take the holy girl and run away!"


The handsome man frowned.

"Yes Wu Xiaohuan nodded.


In a moment, she was like a dragonfly skimming on the water. She swept seven or eight meters at a time. She caught Wu Xiaoran, who was numb, and turned around to escape.Hum!

The handsome man snorted coldly: "the body of a hundred poisons is the prey I have kept for five years. How can you take it away?"

"Get down!"

He gave a loud drink.

All of a sudden, a violent, vast and terrifying pressure filled the air, instantly enveloping Wu Xiaohuan and Wu Xiaoran.


Wu Xiaohuan, who was walking like a flying horse, stumbled and fell forward. He fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Wu Xiaoran was all right, undamaged, and stood in the same place.

Because of excessive panic and fear, leading to the whole person dull.

This is the handsome man's intentional control!

Wu Xiaoran is the body of all kinds of poisons. He is very important to him and can't be hurt at all.


The handsome man glanced at Wu Xiaohuan and said with disdain: "a little dark force, a great warrior, a mole ant like thing, also wants to escape from under my nose."

"What a delusion!"


Elder Yao Shengu, seeing this scene, was angry and unwilling. Under the attack of anger, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were dim.

"Old man, are you not reconciled? Is it hopeless? "

The handsome man sneered: "don't worry, you won't despair for too long."

"Because I'm going to kill you now, to pay homage to Ah Fu!"

Let's go.

He squatted down slowly, grasped the gray hair of elder Yao Shengu with his left hand, and lifted his head up.

On the right hand, the inner strength is put out to form a sword blade.

"Don't No Wu Xiaohuan saw this scene and yelled.

She knows what a good-looking man is going to do.

So, I can't bear it. I'm angry.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of the invisible pressure.

"Old man, go to hell!" The handsome man snapped.

Then, the blade of his right hand, on the neck of elder yaoshengu, passed.


Suddenly, a string of blood, splashing out.

Er ~ Er ~ Er ~

elder Yao Shengu convulsed all over his body, and his blood splashed out from his neck.

"Old man!"

The handsome man grinned and showed his white and neat teeth. He was ferocious and bloodthirsty and said, "you are the master of the five-star master, and you have practiced the secret of longevity."

"Even if I cut your neck, you won't die for a while, unless your whole body's blood is drained."

"So enjoy the last few minutes!"

Sure enough, the elder of yaoshengu shimmered with green light from time to time, and filled with strong power of life.

Longevity formula works!

It's a pity that he's hurt too much. Even if it's the secret of longevity, it can't cure him. Even if it can't save his life, it can only delay his death.

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