
The elder of yaoshengu is in trouble.

The valley master has made it clear to the world that Wu Xiaoran has been canonized as a saint. If she is not a saint, does the medicine Valley want to make people laugh?

Besides, Wu Xiaoran was a rare body with all kinds of poisons. He was born to cultivate the secret of longevity.

The most important thing is that the remaining evils of the ten thousand poisons sect have become the climate and become powerful.

On the other hand, the valley of medicine is declining day by day. It's too short of top experts. It's all supported by the valley master alone. It's very likely that he can't stop the attack of the remaining evils of the ten thousand poison sect.

Therefore, for various reasons, he had to take Wu Xiaoran back to yaoshengu to become a saint.

However, with Jiang Hao, he didn't dare to come.

So, he was worried!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he thought of a good way.

Cough ~ ~

he coughed a few times and said, "Holy Saint, take a step

"I have something to say to you."

Jiang Hao frowned and said coldly, "old man, what tricks do you want to play?"

Elder Yao Shengu trembled and said, "Jiang Don't worry, master Jiang. I won't force the saint any more. "

"I just want to talk to her."

"What's that?" Wu Xiaoran asked.

Elder Yao Shengu glanced and said, "it's not convenient here. Please move."

"All right."

Wu Xiaoran pouted his little lips and walked to one side reluctantly.

Elder Yao Shengu, keep up.

"If you don't say anything, just say it." Wu Xiaoran frowned.

Elder Yao Shengu took a look at Jiang Hao and said, "saint, I know you like master Jiang, don't you?"


Suddenly, Wu Xiaoran blushed, lowered his head and said, "no, don't talk nonsense."

"I can't deceive you. I'm your eyes." The elder of yaoshengu is determined to be a Taoist.


Wu Xiaoran was more shy, her ears were red, and her pretty face was hot.


All of a sudden, the elder of the medicine God Valley had a serious face and even a serious voice.

"As you can see, master Jiang is highly cultivated and gifted. He can be called the dragon and Phoenix among the people. Even those world-famous children in the capital are not as good as him."

"Such peerless arrogance is destined to shine all over the world and become the legend of celebrities through the ages!"

"Therefore, it is also doomed that the woman who accompanies him must be the daughter of heaven."

"But, with your present conditions and qualifications, to be honest, you are not qualified to be with him."

Hearing this, Wu Xiaoran's face darkened, full of excitement and shyness, turned into depression and loss, and couldn't help drooping his head.

Although very unconvinced, very unwilling.

However, she has to admit that at this moment, she does not deserve to be the woman accompanying Jiang Hao.

Hoo ~ Hoo ~

suddenly, she took a few deep breaths, raised her head, her eyes were red, but pretended to be strong and said, "no qualification, no qualification. Anyway, I don't like him."

"I've always thought of him as a little brother, nothing else."

She deliberately pretended to be casual and indifferent.

However, her red eyes, clenched lips and choking tone betrayed her.

"Is it?"

Elder Yao Shengu, a faint smile.

"With master Jiang's talent and strength, he will only be more and more dazzling, more and more brilliant. In the end, he will be like a God sitting high in the sky."

"And you, only in the ordinary life, gradually quiet, slowly humble."

"The gap between you two will be bigger and bigger," he said

"In the future, you may not even be qualified to see him."

"Are you willing, saint?"

"Won't you regret it?"


Wu Xiaoran opened his mouth and was silent.

She wanted to say that she didn't regret it.

But, this sentence, how also cannot say.

Seeing this, the elder of yaoshengu tilted his mouth and continued: "saint, maybe you can still be willful and stubborn now."

"But ten years later, twenty years later, fifty years later?"

"At that time, every time you think about it, can you still be stubborn? Do you still not regret it? "


Wu Xiaoran was even more speechless when he heard the speech.


Elder Yao Shengu said with a smile, "I have a way to help you."

"My method can make you think more now. You don't need to be tangled and busy making decisions."

"At the same time, it can guarantee that if you regret it a few years later, you still have the qualification and the capital to start over and accompany Mr. Jiang.""What can I do?" Wu Xiaoran asked subconsciously.

As soon as the words came out, she was stunned.

Immediately, he covered his mouth and lowered his head with a red face.

But her ears are high and ready to listen.

Elder Yao Shengu said with a smile: "this method is You become the saint of the valley of medicine


Wu Xiaoran immediately raised his head and was ready to refuse.

However, elder Yao Shengu interrupted her.

"Saint, don't be too busy refusing. Listen to me patiently."

He said slowly: "saint, you are born with a hundred poisons. In terms of talent and potential, you are no inferior to master Jiang."

"The longevity formula of yaoshengu is very suitable for you."

"As long as you become the saint of the medicine God Valley, you can practice the secret of longevity. Within five years, you can achieve great success."

"At that time, no matter in status or strength, you will be as good as Mr. Jiang. You are the most suitable woman to accompany him."

"Don't you think it's a good way, saint?"

Wu Xiaoran was silent when he heard the speech.

Seeing this, the elder of yaoshengu took advantage of the heat to fight on the railway: "saint, go back to yaoshengu with me, and take the place of saint."

Wu Xiaoran did not refuse or agree.

She hesitated!

After a long time, she raised her head and said firmly, "elder, I'd like to go to the medicine valley with you!"

"Good, good..."

Suddenly, elder Yao Shengu laughed.

Cough ~ ~ cough ~ ~

the next second, his injury recurred and he coughed up blood.

Wu Xiaoran helped her and asked, "elder, are you ok?"

"No It's OK. "

Elder Yao Shengu said with a smile, "saint, please say goodbye to master Jiang. Then, let's go back to Yao Shengu."


Wu Xiaoran nodded.

Immediately, she took elder Yao Shengu to JiangHao and said, "Xiaojiang, I've decided to go to Yao Shengu with elder Yao to succeed as saint."


Jiang Hao was surprised when he heard the speech.

Shua ~

suddenly, a wisp of cold light burst out from his eyes, staring at elder Yao Shengu, and said in a cold voice: "old man, did you intimidate little sister ran?" Elder Yao Shengu shook his head and said: "no No, master Jiang, you have wronged me. "

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