"This year's champion is my pan family's!" The pan family leader is indifferent.

His voice is not big, but it reveals endless domineering.

The pan family is going to the top!

Domineering! Arrogant!


Yu's old man hummed coldly: "is the champion of your pan family? How ridiculous

Hey, hey

The owner of Luohan gate grinned and said sarcastically, "Pan family? What is it? Never heard of it at all

"Ten years ago, the pan family was very beautiful, but now it's different!"

"Times have changed. The pan family is out of date."

He said haughtily, "I'm in the competition. The champion is mine. The pan family is a hair."

His words are very impolite!

After all, as the champion of two martial arts conferences, even though the pan family in Lanyun city is very strong, he has left many myths and brilliant achievements, and he is not afraid at all.

This is his pride!

The pride of the strong!

The pride of the champion!

"Is it?"

Pan's master, not angry or annoyed, said with a faint smile: "there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is called overlord!"

"King arhat, you can only stay in my pan family for a few years and enjoy the scenery!"

"Now, the king of Pan family is back!"

"You Stand aside


The leader of the Luohan gate said in a cold voice: "what a big tone!"

"When there is no hero, a man becomes famous!"

"The four consecutive titles of the pan family can only take advantage of my youth and not yet rise to prominence."

"Now, I'm at the peak of my life. What Pan family, it's a fart!"

"With me, you can only fight for second place!"

These people, one by one crazy, one by one arrogant.

The martial arts conference has not started yet. The smell of gunpowder in the field is very strong and the atmosphere is tense.

Shen Murong saw this scene, the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc.

"Well, don't make any noise!"

He cheered coldly: "what's the use of quarreling? Who is strong and who is weak, speak with strength!"

"Shut up

The Lord of the Luohan gate turned his head, glared at him and scolded, "what qualifications do you have to interrupt when we talk?"


Suddenly, Shen Murong's face was gloomy, and his eyes were dark and cold.


He snorted coldly and said, "King arhat, what are you crazy about?"

"Don't think that if you won the second martial arts conference, you won't pay attention to everyone."

"Today, I'll leave it here."

"This time, the champion of martial arts conference, you can't get involved!"

When the leader of the Luohan gate heard the words, his eyes stood up, and his whole momentum was fierce, just like a beast that chooses people to eat.

"What did you say?" He snapped.

The corners of Shen Murong's mouth rose and he was not afraid. He said faintly: "I said that this martial arts meeting, you king arhat, will be knocked down and trampled on by people!"

"Son of a bitch!"

The leader of the Luohan sect was furious and said, "Shen Murong, what are you, little four-star master? You dare to jump in front of me."

"Believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it."

Shen Murong gave a faint smile.


When people saw this scene, they all frowned.

"Strange." Wu Dao Meng branch rest area, LU Hong frown road.

Lu Chan smell speech, quickly asked: "grandfather, what's so strange?"

"Shen Murong is very strange."

Lv Hong did not understand the way: "the strength of Shen family in Wutong city is generally weak, and Shen Murong, who is the first master of Shen family, is just a four star master."

"The Shen family is at the bottom of every martial arts conference."

"Shen Murong is also very cowardly. He can only bully the weak and be afraid of the tough. Every time he sees the king of arhat or the Yu family, he is afraid and submissive."

"But today, he is so rampant that he dares to argue with King arhat."

"What's more, it's very strange that the king of arhat was angry, but he was not afraid or flustered at all. On the contrary, he was very calm, as if he had no fear."

LU Hong frowned deeply.

He was full of doubts!

What is Shen Murong's trump card that makes him change his cowardice and become so arrogant?

Or does he have no cards at all, just a brain drain?

"Shen Murong, I remember you!"

The Lord of Luohan gate, with his eyes full of light, said coldly: "later, the martial arts meeting begins. I'll kill you!"


Shen Murong snorted coldly: "King arhan, originally, I just wanted to teach you a lesson.""Since you want to kill me, I'll kill you!"

Hearing this, LU Hong frowned again.

In any case, Shen Murong doesn't look like a brain puff.

Does he really have a big card?

At the thought of this, LU Hong was on guard.

"Old man Lu!"

All of a sudden, Shen Murong stared at him, his eyes were full of murders, and said harshly, "what about the one surnamed Jiang in your wudaomeng? Where is he? "

"I heard that he will participate in the competition, but he hasn't appeared yet. Are you afraid? Scared to pee? Hiding? "

"Shut up

LU Hong said coldly, "elder Jiang Hao is the bronze medal elder of our Wudao League. How can you slander him?"

"If you dare to slander me again, don't blame me for cutting off your other hand and making you a real loser!"

Shen Murong heard the words, his eyes burst out a wisp of blazing murder.

"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch

He growled at the bottom of his heart: "old LV Hong, little Jiang Hao bastard, I paid so much to advance the date of martial arts meeting."

"Just to kill you!"

"I remember all the enmities of arm breaking and son killing."

All of a sudden, he took a few deep breaths to suppress the boiling intention of killing.

Jiang Hao hasn't come yet and his enemies haven't arrived. We can't scare the snake with grass.

So he deliberately showed his disdain and said, "ha ha Elder Jiang Hao? Bullshit elder, I think he is scared to pee and dare not come. "


LU Hong said angrily, "shut your mouth. Elder Jiang Hao is just delayed. He will come right away!"

Shen Murong felt a touch of joy on his face when he heard the speech.

Jiang Hao will be here soon. It's great!

Suddenly, the pan family owner whispered: "this Shen Murong is so abnormal. He used to be like a dog, but today he is so arrogant."

"What does he depend on?"

Wutong looked at everyone in the rest area of Shen's home in Wutong city.

The next second, he locked in a man he had never met.

He was black and thin, and ugly.

However, his breath is very strong.

Obviously, he is a master!

"Is Shen Murong relying on him?" The pan family owner murmured.

"Shi Lao!"

All of a sudden, he bowed to a young old man beside him and said respectfully, "Shen Murong is so abnormal. He should have something to rely on." "How about that man?" He pointed to the black, thin and ugly man sitting behind Shen Murong and asked.

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