All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 16 The Storm is Coming

"What on earth is that?"

Zhou Qing lay on the grass for a while and finally recovered. Thinking of the tall black shadow in the miasma just now, he still felt a lingering fear.

"Is it a black bear, or..."

Zhou Qing looked back and saw that it was already dark when he ran down the mountain.

Under the faint moonlight, Black Wind Mountain looked even more gloomy.

He heard from the old hunters in the town that some black bears would walk upright in the fog and wave and say hello in the same way as people.

If you are not vigilant enough and are approached by a black bear, you will definitely not be able to escape in the mountains at the speed of a normal person.

Besides, before the bear eats people, it likes to play with people until they are half disabled, and then eat them alive when they have no strength to resist but are still conscious.

The cruelty is comparable to Lingchi!

A black bear that can survive in the miasma must have become a monster.

"I must pay attention to the time in the future and go down the mountain immediately in the evening."

Zhou Qing felt a little scared.

A few days ago, Aunt Liang mentioned that there were unclean things in the mountains of the next village at night. Although he remembered it at the time, he never thought that he would encounter it.

Sure enough, if you walk too much at night, you will easily encounter "ghosts".

"I wonder what is in the forest in the miasma?"

If the thing in the miasma today is a black bear that has become a spirit, it will be fine. If it is something more terrifying, it will be troublesome.

Fortunately, that thing seems to be unable to leave the range of the miasma, and it did not chase him when he ran down the mountain.


At this time, the green silk Gu also said that the things in the miasma are terrible, and it still needs to continue to grow.

"Don't worry, I will still take you to hunt during the day."

Zhou Qing responded.

The green silk Gu continues to grow and has the ability to deal with most poisonous insects alone. Now it basically does not need his help to catch poisonous insects.

Especially today, the green silk Gu has entered the mature stage and should become stronger.

"Just change to another area tomorrow."

Although there are dangers on the mountain, as long as he is careful and stays away from the miasma area, the risk is controllable.

After all, he can't just lie at home and have someone send him money, he must make money on his own.

Since there are dirty things in the miasma area on the leeward slope, let's go to the windward slope tomorrow.

At worst, let the green silk Gu go to the miasma area to hunt.

Zhou Qing pondered in his heart and picked up the snow rabbit in his hand.

Except for almost encountering dirty things, today's harvest is still very large.

"After selling this snow rabbit, there will be no problem with three meals a day this month."

Zhou Qing smiled.

Only by eating more meat can you grow strength.

"Wait, I will come back when I become stronger!" Zhou Qing took a last look at the mountain covered by miasma, and then strode towards the direction of the town.

"Puff!" The green silk Gu was also full of fighting spirit.

The next morning, Zhou Qing carried a basket on his back, carrying a snow rabbit, and came to Changle Lane in the center of the town.

Snow rabbit meat is very good for replenishing qi and blood, and can be used as medicine. It should have been sold to Dafeng Pharmacy.

However, considering the morality of Dafeng Pharmacy, he planned to go to Baiweilou to ask about the price first.

After all, snow rabbit meat is tender and delicious. Many rich people like to eat it and don’t care about the price.

Moreover, snow rabbits usually grow on the top of the mountain, which is covered by miasma. Snow rabbits are not afraid, but people are not.

It’s still early, but a group of mountain people have already gathered at the snack stand in front of Baiweilou.

Hunters, herbalists, woodcutters, tea farmers and other mountain people will get up early, eat a few oil cakes with a big bowl of sweet tofu brain, and the energy needed for physical work in the morning will be fully accumulated. After taking a breath, they will prepare to go up the mountain.

In the nearby villages and towns, every once in a while, mountain people will never return and disappear among the Ten Thousand Mountains.

They are like silkworms about to enter the fifth age, not eating much, waiting to spit out the last silk thread in their bodies.

After working hard all their lives, they only seek to feed their families and save enough for the summer and autumn taxes every year.

"My goodness! The snow rabbit in your hand is really fat!"

"Where did you catch it? I guess you have to go to the north slope of Black Wind Mountain?"

The mountain people were eating breakfast, and when they saw Zhou Qing carrying a snow rabbit, they immediately became excited.

Snow rabbits are the best mountain products, and they can be sold for three or four hundred coins at will, which is equivalent to the income of ordinary mountain people for several months.

"Brother is really skilled and daring. Recently, not many hunters dare to go to the north slope of Black Wind Mountain."

A dark-skinned man with a bow and arrow on his back, dressed like a hunter, sighed.

"Uncle, what's going on with the north slope of Black Wind Mountain recently?" Zhou Qing asked curiously.

"Anyway, just go to the north slope less often. As for which specific places you can't go to," the man shook his head.

Many hunters have spent several generations to figure out which areas are dangerous and which areas are safe and suitable for hunting, so they will not share them easily.

"Uncle, please forgive me." Zhou Qing realized that he had violated a taboo.

"It's okay, it's okay." The man smiled and said, not caring.

Zhou Qing nodded and entered Baiweilou under the envious eyes of the mountain people.

"Sixth Master, do you want a four and a half catty snow rabbit?" Zhou Qing put the snow rabbit tied with a rope on the counter.

The shopkeeper's surname is Ma. He is a little old man who looks quite shrewd. Because he is the sixth in the family, many people call him Ma Liu, and some people respectfully call him Sixth Master.

"Oh? Snow rabbit."

Ma Liu lifted the snow rabbit's ears, parted its hair and checked it. After confirming, he took out the scale to weigh it.

"It's a little more than four and a half catties. It's really good stuff. Five hundred and twenty coins. Brother, do you think it's feasible?"

Ma Liu looked at Zhou Qing and said politely.

"Okay, thank you." Zhou Qing cupped his fists and saluted.

The snow rabbit weighed more than four kilograms. He originally expected the price to be around 450 renminbi, but he was surprised that the horse was sold for 520 renminbi.

"Keep it, little brother." Ma Liu took out half a coin, and then counted twenty copper coins to Zhou Qing.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu." Zhou Qing put the money away.

"Brother, if you still have such good goods next time, you can send them over again. The price is absolutely fair." Ma Liu said with a smile on his face.

"Definitely." Zhou Qing clasped his fists.

After walking out of Baiwei Building, the mountain people at the food stall at the door were still talking about Black Wind Mountain.

Although there is no substantive content, for Zhou Qing, he can still filter out useful information.

After all, he had rarely been above the foothills of Black Wind Mountain before. If it weren't for the poison-avoiding ability of the Green Silk Gu, most people would have been in trouble long ago.

Zhou Qing found a seat on the edge, took out eight copper coins, bought four pancakes, ate them, and listened to the chat of the mountain people.

‘It seems that things are really not peaceful recently. ’

After eating the pancakes, Zhou Qing stood up, carried the basket and left.

There have been heavy floods along the Heishui River recently, and the Black Wind Mountains are not safe either.

This world is really unfriendly to ordinary people.

"I got so much money from selling snow rabbits this time, so I can grab three doses of body-building decoction to replenish my health."

Zhou Qing secretly thought that after picking the mulberry leaves, he would go to the drug store to grab three doses of medicine to replenish qi and blood.

Wei Hongyu said that he had to drink ten doses of medicine to replenish his energy and blood.

But with the Green Silk Gu around, I guess four or five doses would be enough.

Zhou Qing walked through the market, passed by a steamed bun shop, and bought four more large meat buns.

"You damn old man! I knew you would come again!"

When he passed by the corner of the street, he found three men in black shorts near the corner cursing.

One of the leaders was Zhang Cheng, Zhang Dahai’s second brother.

He and his two younger brothers surrounded a vegetable vendor.

"This street is guarded by our wild wolf gang. You are not allowed to set up stalls without paying!"

One of the men yelled and cursed.

‘Scum! ’ Zhou Qing frowned, feeling disgusted.

Suddenly, the man who was scolding reached out his hand, lifted the old woman who was sitting on the pony with her head down, and grabbed her collar tightly.

"Huh?" Zhou Qing paused.

"You old man, I think you are looking for a beating, so I will give you one today."

The man raised his hand to hit someone.

Suddenly, his wrist was tightly held by a hand that was not wide.

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