All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 180: Establish your authority!

Just as Zhou Qing was about to hurry up and improve his alchemy skills, he heard a rush of footsteps approaching the backyard quickly.


After a while, a blue voice sounded in the courtyard.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Qing shrank the Wooden King Cauldron that was amplified by the true energy, and his eyes were a little distracted.

He suddenly remembered that he had not replaced the alchemy furnace with a high-quality alchemy furnace until now, and had been using the Wooden King Cauldron instead of the alchemy furnace, which might also affect the progress of alchemy.

It's a pity that a high-quality alchemy furnace may not be cheaper than an ordinary first-level magic weapon.

Ordinary first-level magic weapons are not valuable items in the eyes of the big families in Nanli County, but a high-quality alchemy furnace is priceless and will be snapped up by the alchemists supported by these families as soon as it appears. Empty.

"Miss Qingqing wrote a letter saying that the Shenwei Camp has arrived in the Qilian Mountains, and a small-scale conflict may break out with the Wuxi barbarians in the near future. As the nominal general of the Shenwei Camp, the young master still needs to show up at this time. And this This kind of small-scale conflict is not very dangerous, and it is easy to achieve meritorious service and establish prestige in the military. "

Lanlan said respectfully.

"I understand, let's go now." Zhou Qing responded and put away the wooden king cauldron and medicinal materials.

"Sir, do you want Lanlan to help you change your clothes? I've brought the armor over." At this time, Lanlan in the courtyard asked in a low voice.

"Okay, come in." Zhou Qing opened the door and dispersed the strong smell of medicine in the room.

Lanlan was holding a black armor in both hands and walked into the room with difficulty.

With her assistance, Zhou Qing quickly put on the black scale armor.

"Miss Fourth specially selected this for the young master in the warehouse. It fits just right." Lan Lan came to Zhou Qing with the bronze mirror in her arms and couldn't help but look him up and down.

"Yeah." Zhou Qing nodded.

Wearing a black armor, he looked much more mature, with a bit more of a cold temperament.

Zhou Qing gently touched the armor on his body, feeling a warm feeling through his fingertips. It is said that this armor is made from the scales of an alien beast called the Black Scale Beast. Although it is not a magic weapon, it has good defensive capabilities. It is extremely powerful and can resist some damage from the true energy. It can be called a magical weapon when used to deal with the Wuxi barbarians.

"If paired with inner armor made of ice silk, the defensive power should be comparable to a first-level defensive magic weapon." Zhou Qing said in her heart.

Although the last Ice Silkworm Gu had been used by him to refine the second-level Ice Evil Gu, he still had the body of an entire Ice Soul Spider, and the blood essence and blood of the Ice Soul Spider that he had used before was only a drop in the bucket.

He still kept a lot of the earliest golden silkworm Gu worms in the fake persimmon forest in Heifeng Mountain. Before coming this time, he planned to cultivate some more ice silkworm Gu worms, so he brought tens of thousands of them from the fake persimmon forest. A golden silkworm Gu insect came over.

Although the golden silkworm Gu still needs to evolve into a double-winged golden silkworm Gu before it can be cultivated into an ice silkworm Gu, Zhou Qing can greatly shorten this process with his peak silkworm raising skills.

After all, the second-level Ice Evil Gu should be used as a trump card, while the Ice Silkworm Gu can be used as a regular means.

If thousands of ice silkworm Gu worms could be cultivated, it would be enough to deal with ordinary blood-changing realms.

Moreover, the Qilian Mountains stretch endlessly, and the Black Wind Mountain in front of it is just a small hill, not worth mentioning at all. There is an endless supply of poisonous insects here to feed the golden silkworm Gu worms, and 10,000 is not the limit at all.

"Sir." Seeing that Zhou Qing was in a daze, Lan Lan whispered and handed over the mask.

"Yes." Zhou Qing came to his senses and put on the mask. Only his hands and eyes were exposed, and his whole body suddenly exuded a fierce aura.

After putting on the black scale armor, Zhou Qing moved his body and found that the black scale armor fit the body very well, and the joints were well designed and did not affect his movements.

"Sir, the war horse is ready and is right outside the door." Lanlan said respectfully.

"You did a good job." Zhou Qing smiled faintly, turned and left the backyard and came to the gate.

I saw a warrior wearing black armor standing at the door, holding two reins in his hands, and behind him were two horses also wearing black armor.

The two war horses were larger than ordinary horses. They exuded a certain kind of ferocity. Their eyes were strange red, and they looked like they had the blood of some kind of alien beast.

However, the war horse on the right is taller, always ready to move, and seems to go crazy at any time.

"Han Fei, Centurion of Shenwei Battalion, has met the General." The black-armored warrior saluted respectfully.

"Han Fei? Are you from the Han family?" Zhou Qing couldn't help but smile when he heard the other party's name.

"This subordinate is from a branch of the Han family, and is the concubine of the fifth family." Han Fei explained, handing the reins of the horse on his right to Zhou Qing.

"My lord, please mount your horse."

"Yeah." Zhou Qing glanced at the restless war horse on the right, raised his eyebrows, and came to Han Fei's left hand side.

"I'll ride this one." Zhou Qingfei got on the horse and then stretched out his hand to pull the reins.

"This" Han Fei said hesitantly, holding on to the reins without letting go for a while.

"What? Is there something wrong with the horse on the right?" Zhou Qing looked at the restless horse on the right and his tone dropped slightly.

"My lord, you are joking." Han Fei let go of the reins, came to the horse on the right, and got on the horse.

The law.

As soon as Han Fei mounted the horse, the horse on the right raised its upper body and struggled hard, as if going crazy, trying to throw Han Fei down.

"Damn it!" Han Fei clamped his legs around the horse's abdomen and grasped the reins with both hands, trying to suppress the horse. However, he found that under his suppression, the horse became more and more crazy, and even spun wildly in the gate, like a crazy bullfight. generally.

The next moment, the war horse suddenly lost control and ran towards the street.

"Get out of the way!" Han Fei was shocked when he saw the war horse running wildly into the crowd. He shouted loudly. At the same time, he hit the horse's head with his fist, trying to subdue it, but it had the opposite effect. The war horse actually roared like a beast. Spray faster into the crowd.


At this time, a young woman holding a girl was knocked to the ground by the frightened crowd. Seeing the crazy war horse leaping high and about to trample her to death with its forelimbs, the young woman looked desperate and turned around to protect the child tightly. , I want to bear this huge force with my back.

"Beast!" Seeing that someone was about to die, Han Fei was so frightened that he drew out the sword from his waist and was about to kill the horse. Suddenly, he heard a cold snort coming from his ears, and his mind was suddenly shocked.

The next moment, he seemed to hear a faint sound of thunder coming from his ears.


Accompanied by a dull explosion, the war horse leaped high and stopped in a strange posture. Its two forelimbs were blocked by a wide palm. The key is that the horse's hoof did not step on the palm, but was one foot apart. The distance was resisted by an invisible force, and the air rippled like substantial ripples.

"Well done!"

"Good work!"

"So powerful!"

Seeing that the young woman and girl who were about to be trampled to pulp were saved by the black-armored warrior with one hand, the passers-by who had originally fled suddenly burst into cheers. Some knowledgeable warriors were even more excited when they saw the black-armored warrior resisting the power of the horse's hoof. I couldn't help but applaud.


Zhou Qing pushed with his right hand, and the war horse's body shook. It fell on its back and hit the bluestone of the street heavily. As for Han Fei, before he was about to be pinned down by the war horse, he flew back and squatted on his butt. On the steps of the shop.

Zhou Qing's eyes were filled with coldness, and he glanced at the embarrassed Han Fei, then came to the young woman and helped her up.

"Sister, you were frightened. I have offended you so much. I hope I can forgive you."

The young woman was still frightened, and her face was full of fear. The girl in her arms looked at Zhou Qing and burst into tears. She didn't know whether she was frightened by the war horse or his armor.

Seeing this, Zhou Qing took off his visor and helmet and smiled apologetically, "Little girl, big brother didn't mean it. Can you forgive me?"

With that said, Zhou Qing took out a beautifully shaped wooden box from the leather bag Gu and handed it over, "I also have a box of hazelnut cakes here. Can I pay it to you?"

The girl looked at the smiling Zhou Qing and the fragrant and slightly warm hazelnut cakes in the box. She immediately stopped crying and licked her index finger.

"Sister, I have offended you so much. You accepted this money as compensation for your clothes."

Zhou Qing stuffed the girl with hazelnut cakes, then took out a few pieces of broken silver from his arms and stuffed them into the young woman's hands.

"Sir, I can't take this money." The young woman's face turned red and she quickly refused, but she couldn't break free from Zhou Qing's hand and could only take the money.

"Everyone, I am Zhou Qing, the commander of the Shenwei Battalion. Today, my troops are going crazy and have offended many people. Now I have a mission and must leave the city immediately. Everyone's losses today will be borne by me. You can go to my house. , ask the maid to compensate according to the price."

Zhou Qing touched his arms and found that there was no broken silver anymore. He looked at the fruits and vegetables scattered on the ground and several collapsed stalls. He knew that the life of the people at the bottom was not easy, so he spoke loudly to everyone.

"Commander of the Shenwei Camp! You are so young!"

"You are so young, but you have such a level of cultivation?!"

The warriors passing by in the crowd looked shocked. Even the traffickers and lackeys knew what the Shenwei Camp meant in Nanli County.

It is precisely because of the existence of Shenwei Camp that the security of Nanli County can be so good.

Even if a common man has a problem in the city, the Shenwei Battalion will investigate it to the end.

They fought against the Wuxi barbarians outside to protect peace, and maintained the security of Nanli County inside. The Shenwei Camp had a very high reputation in the entire Nanli County.

The reason is that Shenwei Camp has strict military discipline, and everyone who enters the camp must abide by the military regulations set by Han Wending.

Not only that, the ban on people from the Shenwei Camp in Nanli County was even more detailed.

It is said that Captain Han Wending came from a humble background and worked his way up step by step from the lowest level, so he is well aware of the sufferings of the people at the bottom.

Except for Nanli County City, there is no city guard with such strict military discipline as Nanli County City in any of the surrounding big cities.

Therefore, when faced with Zhou Qing's initiative to compensate, most people expressed their understanding.

"Thank you for your understanding. I'll take my leave."

Zhou Qing bowed his hands to everyone, and immediately came to the side of the crazy war horse. Faced with the terrifying aura emanating from Zhou Qing's body, the war horse's crazy eyes suddenly became clearer.

"This subordinate deserves to die!" Han Fei knelt on one knee and lowered his head deeply.

"Get up." Zhou Qing spoke calmly and came to the front of the war horse. The frantic war horse also lowered its head that was raised high and crawled.

Zhou Qing sat on the horse, the horse stood up, he pulled the reins, and rushed out of the city gate.

Seeing this, Han Fei quickly mounted another war horse and followed.

After leaving the city, Han Fei chased Zhou Qing and explained: "My lord, this matter is actually that several centurions in the camp are dissatisfied with you, so they specially found an untamed warhorse to embarrass you. I just..."

"Just what? Have you ever thought about the warhorse getting out of control? What if I can't control it and cause a death?" Zhou Qing pulled the reins and stopped.

It seems that his sudden airborne landing blocked the promotion path of many centurions, so he tripped him before entering the camp.

"I deserve to die!" Han Fei lowered his head quickly.

"You really deserve to die." Zhou Qing's tone was cold.

"My lord, spare my life!" Han Fei was so scared that he got off the horse and knelt on the ground.

"Those centurions."

"I am not interested in who they are. They are just in the Bone Refining Realm. They can't make a big difference here. As for you, for the sake of Han Shishu and Qingqing, I will spare you this time."

Zhou Qing's tone was calm, without any ripples.

Although the centurions were all warriors in the Bone Refining Realm, he had no interest in causing trouble for them now.

"Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir!" Han Fei thanked him repeatedly. Just by the fact that Zhou Qing used his strength to control the mad warhorse, he knew that his strength was first-class in the Bone Refining Realm. Although it was a bit too much to be a lieutenant general, just looking at his age, it was only a matter of time before he became a lieutenant general. And from Zhou Qing's tone, I'm afraid he didn't use his full strength just now.

Thinking of this, Han Fei couldn't help but regret that he shouldn't have followed the instructions of those centurions for some benefits and taken on this dirty job, which offended the lieutenant general with a promising future.

The main reason was that the news that Zhou Qing saved Han Qingqing and Lu Yan from the barbarian Gu Master was not spread in the camp.

Otherwise, even if Han Fei and those centurions had ten guts, they would not dare to cause trouble for Zhou Qing.

After all, the only Bone Refining Realm martial artist who could survive a second-level Gu Master in the entire Nanli County was the eldest son of the Su family.

It seemed that I had to inform those captains of the matter as soon as possible and find a way to make amends to Zhou Qing, otherwise who knew if he would really not pursue the matter afterwards.

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