All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 53 Purple Fire Flying Ants! Weird Young Man!

Black Wind Mountain, northern slope.

Halfway up the mountain.

Zhou Qing stood in front of a depression surrounded by dead trees and weeds.

The depression is surrounded by the trunks of more than a dozen large trees. In the soft mud at the edge, dense purple fire ants can be seen, each one as big as a grain of rice.


Zhou Qing looked intently at the sound, which was like a fine humming sound produced by mosquitoes flying.

I saw hundreds of purple fire ants with wings on their backs flying out of the rotten and hollow tree trunks ahead.

Zhou Qing pricked his fingertip with a needle, squeezed out a drop of blood, and waved it away.

"Buzz buzz!"

Hundreds of purple fire flying ants gathered in a swarm and flew towards the blood bead, eating it completely in mid-air.

Some of the purple fire flying ants that did not receive blood became ferocious and attacked the same kind around them.

The plier-like mouthparts bite the head and abdomen of the same species.

In an instant, a massacre among the same kind broke out.

In just ten breaths, more than half of the hundreds of purple fire flying ants were killed or injured.

Those that survived were mostly the larger ones.

Of course, there was also a big purple fire flying ant that was besieged by many, and finally became furious on the spot.

After the battle, the purple fire flying ants that were still able to move began to devour their own kind. Those who died or were injured all had the same fate.

Although less than thirty of the hundreds of purple fire flying ants are left in the end, the remaining ones will be stronger than before.

In this way, the purple fire flying ants screened from generation to generation will have the potential to become Gu insects.

"come over."

Zhou Qing waved to the remaining purple fire flying ants.

More than thirty purple fire flying ants actually flew to his side.



Most of the purple fire flying ants were relatively calm, waiting for orders. A few purple fire flying ants attacked him, but he slapped them to death.

"go back!"

Zhou Qing ordered again, and these purple fire flying ants flew back into the rotting hollow tree trunk.

“My obedience is much better than before, but I still can’t be absolutely obedient.”

Zhou Qing thought to himself.

It takes almost half a month for a purple fire ant to grow from an egg to an adult ant.

Half a month ago, he moved the queen of purple fire ants to this depression, which is more suitable for breeding, and fed the queen with his own blood and mutated golden silkworms.

A few of the newly born purple fire ants have wings.

Not only that, these purple fire flying ants with wings are more vicious, and will attack their own kind when Zhou Qing provides food.

After devouring the same kind, the growth rate of these purple fire flying ants increased significantly, and they basically reached adulthood in about seven days.

After that, Zhou Qing fed all the strongest batch of purple fire flying ants to the queen.

The number of purple fire flying ants increases greatly due to the newly laid ant eggs by the queen ant.

The hundreds of purple fire flying ants just now are already the second batch of adults.

There are still thousands of purple fire ants that are underage and have not yet mastered the ability to fly.

Under the control of the queen ant and the deterrence of Erqing, those purple fire flying ants that matured early did not attack their kind in the growth stage.

"It's enough to control purple fire ants in the short term."

These purple fire flying ants were more ferocious than Zhou Qing expected.

As generations continue to reproduce, the queen ant may not be able to control it.

Once the number exceeds 10,000, reaches tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, it will become even more difficult to control.

But that's for later.

Zhou Qing took out a leather bag from his arms. This was the trophy obtained from Lin Qiu. There were two in total.

I don’t know what kind of leather it is made of, and it can store poisonous insects.

A palm-sized leather bag can hold thousands of purple fire ants.

It's very simple to use, just throw it out like Lin Qiu did, and it will open by itself in mid-air.

When the time comes, the purple fire ants inside will naturally attack the nearest person.

"It will be almost done in half a month."

Zhou Qing looked at the purple fire ants in the depression, and then looked up at the setting sun setting in the west.

[Skill: Blue Water Kung Fu]

[Progress: First level (602/1000)]

[Effect: The true energy of clear water, strong internal strength and external strength]

In half a month, Zhou Qing's Bishui Gong has made rapid progress.

The third qi-blood cloud has completely solidified.

According to this progress, Bishui Gong will be able to enter the second level before the blood replenishing powder is used up.

In other words, the level of internal martial arts cultivation will be comparable to that of a warrior in the second level of external martial arts.

Even if the Blue Water Kung Fu can only be considered as a third-rate internal skill, once you reach the second level, it will definitely be better than a Skin Refining Realm warrior.

"Sure enough, if the qualifications are slightly better and the resources can keep up, the early cultivation speed cannot be slower."

Zhou Qing secretly said.

He only used less than ten taels of the fifty taels of silver he had on him.

There are still two hundred taels of silver notes under the silkworm room floor tiles, so there is no shortage of resources for short-term cultivation.

"Go to Jiuquan next month and see if we can deal with that big python."

Zhou Qing patted his muscular arm.

His living standard has soared, and he has been practicing martial arts for several months. Unknowingly, his body has become much stronger.

No longer as dark and thin as before.

Zhou Qing picked up the basket and went down the mountain.

"Barbecue! Lamb on bamboo skewers!"

“Freshly baked roast duck, don’t miss it if you pass by!”

"Selling fire crystal persimmons! Freshly ripe fire crystal persimmons!"

"Hey~ Isn't this Ah Qing from Xin'an Lane! Come in and be happy!"

When Zhou Qing returned to town, it was getting dark, but the night market had just started.

Heishan Town is a large town in the nearby area with a large population and a relatively safe living environment. The wealthy families naturally need a rich nightlife.

On both sides of the main road, barbecue stalls are grilling meat in the open air, and the aroma is fragrant.

When Zhou Qing passed by the brothel, the girls at the door shouted in sweet voices.

A bold girl even lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing her dazzlingly white thighs.

Zhou Qing just glanced at it, then lowered his head and quickened his pace.

Sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones, and martial artists should avoid indulging in women.

"Oh~ Brother Jun is shy!"

"Come in quickly! Sister will give you a big red envelope~!"

Zhou Qing turned a deaf ear to these decadent sounds and came to the end of the main road.



Two shrill screams suddenly sounded.

Zhou Qing turned his head and saw a fat middle-aged man running out of a coffin shop in the alley. It was Zheng Yuan, the owner of the coffin shop.

He covered his bleeding shoulder with horror and ran towards Zhou Qing.

The next moment, a thin young man chased out of the coffin shop.

Under the bright moonlight and lanterns, his face was blue-gray, his mouth was full of blood, and he was chewing something.

Zhou Qing's face changed and he retreated quickly.


Zheng Yuan just ran out of the alley and fell in front of Zhou Qing.

"Ah Qing, save me!"

Zhou Qing paused and the belt on the basket behind him slipped.

Bang! Bang!

When the basket fell to the ground, Zhou Qing had already rushed out, his palm swelled rapidly, and slapped the young man's chest continuously.

However, the stiff touch in his palm was very strange.

Thump thump thump!

The young man was beaten back several steps by his continuous palm strikes, and soon rushed forward with his teeth and claws bared.

Zhou Qing's face changed, and he flew up and kicked the young man with all his strength, knocking him down.

Although he had never practiced kicking, this kick was enough to make a normal person's chest concave.

However, the young man just paused for a moment and got up again.

Zheng Yuan took advantage of this gap and ran to the inn opposite, shouting at Zhou Qing.

"Ah Qing! Run!"

The noise attracted people who were watching the excitement.

Several warriors who were eating in the inn also ran out.

Zhou Qing saw that Zheng Yuan was saved, and he had no intention of fighting again.

As he retreated, two teenagers in training clothes came up to him from the left and right.

Bang! Bang!

Under the punches and kicks, the young man kept retreating, but he seemed to have no pain. He stood up again and again, and roared like a beast.

"What the hell?!"

The crowd watching the excitement changed color.

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