All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 91 The Seventh Master of the Golden Blade Village

"How could this happen? Didn't it say that the energy and blood clouds can only be condensed before breaking through the meat refining realm?"

Zhou Qing looked at the seventh dark cloud symbol on his arm and was puzzled.

The amount of qi and blood clouds affects the speed of body training after the warrior breaks through to the meat refining realm, as well as the difficulty of muscle refining.

The higher the root bone of a warrior, the more energy and blood clouds can be condensed in theory.

The more Qi and blood you have, the more you will improve after breaking through the realm.

With Zhou Qing's bones, condensing six qi and blood clouds is the theoretical limit.

Of course, if he grinds slowly or waits for other opportunities, he can hope to condense the seventh qi and blood cloud.

However, the purpose of condensing Qi and blood Yunxia is mainly to speed up the speed of meat refining and muscle refining, and to increase the chance of breaking through the bone refining realm.

If too much time is wasted in condensing qi and blood Yunxia, ​​and the meat refining and tendon refining are delayed, then the gains outweigh the losses.

According to Wei Sheng, he also had a high-quality bone and could only condense six qi and blood clouds, but it still did not delay him from breaking through to the meat refining realm and eventually became a great martial artist in the blood exchange realm.

As long as the number of qi and blood clouds exceeds four, it will not be a significant hindrance when refining meat and changing tendons.

Zhou Qing also took this into consideration before deciding to break through when condensing the six qi and blood clouds.

Unexpectedly, after he broke through to the meat refining realm, he could continue to condense the seventh qi and blood cloud.

"Is it related to the perfection of Baiyun Palm Technique?"

[Occupation: Warrior]

[Skill: Baiyun Palm Technique]

[Progress: Perfect (800/800)]

Zhou Qing looked at the [Warrior] profession on the jade tablet.

It took less than two months after the Baiyun Palm practice reached the perfection stage, and the progress reached the upper limit of 800 points a few days ago.

However, Baiyun Palm Technique has not moved from the perfection stage to the next stage of "superior perfection".

If you want to make further breakthroughs, you probably need to understand the fundamental map of qi and blood.

Wei Sheng never imagined that with his strength, he could make such progress in cultivation, so he did not teach him the follow-up content of Baiyun Palm Technique when he left.

"Bishui Gong should not have the effect of improving root bones."

[Technique: Aoki Sutra]

[Progress: First Level (215/2000)]

After the Baiyun Palm Technique was perfected, the Qi and blood were further improved, and the Blue Water Technique broke through the third level, but it seemed that it could not ensure the improvement of the root bones, and then condensed the seventh cloud of Qi and blood.

The Aoki Sutra is still too early to break through the second level, and it has not yet produced the effect of improving the root bones.

However, Bishui Qi can blend with Aoki Qi and transform into each other.

Although there is no change in the progress bar, it can indeed transform the Bishui Qi into the Aoki Qi.

"Perhaps the third level of the Blue Water Technique can, through the transformation of true energy, exert the effect of the second level of the Green Wood Sutra."

Zhou Qing guessed in his mind.

Regardless, the result is good.

You just need to continue practicing and you will be able to verify it.

If this is the case, then the focus of cultivation will be clear.

[Occupation: Silkworm farmer]

[Technique: Sericulture and mulberry harvesting]

[Progress: Superb (1/800)]

"Speaking of which, my skills as a sericulture farmer have become extremely flexible since my skills in raising sericulture and picking mulberries have reached a state of perfection."

The long knife in Zhou Qing's hand was like an arm, and he flipped it flexibly with his fingers, holding the knife in a dazzling way.

"It's not clear whether the root bones have improved, but my progress in practicing palm skills and sword skills has indeed improved significantly."

"These silkworms still need to be raised!" Zhou Qing plans to wait until spring to continue raising silkworms.

Jiulian Mountain to the east of the county is safer than Huanglong Mountain, and is more than ten times larger than Heifeng Mountain, which is enough for him to cultivate various mutant species.

In the past few months, I have been concentrating on training and improving my strength first.

"We still have to find a way to make money." Zhou Qing touched the shriveled money bag in his arms and sighed.

The reason why his cultivation progress is getting faster and faster is that in addition to the powerful special effects brought by the improvement of various skills, the most important thing is the money he spends like water.

Last time I went to the black market to sell snake skin, I had four hundred taels of silver left, and I spent half a month on it.

Just one Qi-Consolidating Pill costs two hundred taels of silver.

If there was no way out, and alchemy was extremely difficult to get started with, Zhou Qing would have wanted to join Baicao Hall to learn alchemy.

"It seems I can't keep the last two snake skins."

Without money, cultivation will slow down immediately.

Today is the first day of January, and there are still fourteen days until the full moon night of January 15th.

If you want to deal with Lin Tianzheng, you must make up your mind now and make preparations in advance.

Mainly because no news came back from Wei Sheng.

Mu Yuan's threat was like a sharp sword hanging above his head.

Although he may not notice Zhou Qing, an unknown person, this sense of crisis makes him feel urgent.

[Refining: Erqing]

[Progress: Mutation Evolution (756/800)]

"After absorbing seven bottles of blood jade gecko venom, Er Qing is just one step away from the final blow."

After waiting for so long, Erqing is finally about to complete his evolution.

If you want it to complete its evolution faster, you have to buy some high-quality poisonous water.

Different from Heishan Town, here in Ping'an County, big families will have a very complete search team.

Although these people cannot ignore most of the miasma like Zhou Qing, the teams of big families are usually led by strong men like Bone Refining Realm martial artists, who have the ability to hunt powerful beasts and spirits.

For Zhou Qing now, it is not very meaningful to go deep into the hinterland of Jiulian Mountain and Huanglong Mountain, because he can't beat powerful beasts and monsters, and even his life will be in danger.

Of course, this is only temporary.

"Grandma, I'm going out for a while." Zhou Qing returned to the backyard, said to grandma, and hurriedly left the house and went straight to the inner city.

Inner city.

Outside the South City Gate.

People come and go, and pedestrians enter and exit in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, there was a sound of commotion.


Accompanied by a loud shout, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and bloodstained clothes fled in a panic. He held a knife in one hand and rushed through the crowd.

Facing the pedestrians in front of him, he raised his hand and stabbed him.

A shrill wailing sound suddenly came from the crowd.

Seeing someone dare to commit murder in the street in the city, a passing warrior immediately took action.

However, he was not a match for the middle-aged man.

However, after a short delay, several officials in black uniforms and inspectors of the Demon Suppression Division in black flying bird uniforms rushed out of the city gate.

"Xue Zhong! Surrender! You can't run away!" A heroic female warrior with a long sword in hand walked out of the crowd. It was Yao Xuewei.

Xue Zhong sneered at the words and held an unconscious boy in his left arm.

The boy was four or five years old, with delicate features and delicate skin. He was dressed in a silk shirt, which showed that he was either rich or noble.

"Whoever follows me again! I will kill this kid! Let the Mou family be extinct!"

Xue Zhong shouted, and the long knife in his hand was placed on the boy's neck. The sharp long knife immediately left a blood mark on the boy's neck.

"Stop!" Yao Xuewei's pretty face changed slightly.

"Bitch! I will return this sword sooner or later!" Xue Zhong flew into the alley next to him.

"Chase!" Yao Xuewei ordered.

"Sir, do you really want to chase him?! The young master of the Mou family is in his hands!" An inspector stepped forward, his words full of scruples.

The young master of the Mou family has been the only one in four generations, and is the apple of the eye of the old lady of the Mou family.

Although the Mou family is not one of the five major families in Ping County, the old lady of the Mou family has a close personal relationship with the county lieutenant.

If the young master of the Mou family died here because of them, Yao Xuewei might be fine, but they would definitely be implicated.

"Do you really think Xue Zhong will let him go after he escapes?" Yao Xuewei raised her eyebrows.

She didn't expect that the seventh leader of the Golden Sword Village would dare to disguise himself and sneak into the inner city.

She didn't expect that the other party, a warrior in the tendon refining realm, could face her full-strength sword head-on without dying, but still had the strength to kill the guards of the Mou family and catch the young master of the Mou family passing by.

Everyone changed their colors.

Seeing that the others hesitated, Yao Xuewei took the lead in chasing.

At least one of Xue Zhong and the young master of the Mou family had to stay.

If anyone wants to take the blame, then she should do it.

"Bitch! You have a dog nose! You can actually see through my disguise!"

Xue Zhong's eyes were full of resentment, and he gritted his teeth and galloped in the alley.

He headed west, heading to Jiulianfang, which was closest to the West Gate of the Outer City.

The sword wound on his chest was so deep that the bone was visible, but he was a tendon-refining warrior, and he could control the muscles and fascia in his chest and abdomen to contract the wound and reduce bleeding, so this injury was not fatal.

However, Yao Xuewei's Taiyi sword was extremely sharp, and the Gengjin sword energy remaining in the wound made him sweat coldly.

Although Xue Zhong was running and applying external and internal hemostatic drugs, he still couldn't stop the bleeding completely.

If he didn't deal with it quickly, he would die of excessive blood loss in less than half an hour.

As long as he got out of the West Gate and rode a fast horse, he would be fine.

After crossing the alley in front of him, a fork appeared in front of Xue Zhong. After a little hesitation, he plunged into the narrow alley on the left and chose to take a shortcut.

"Almost there!"

Looking at the tower not far away, Xue Zhong's face showed joy.

Just when he was about to rush out of the narrow alley.

Something changed suddenly.

A young man in cloth clothes and a long sword on his waist appeared at the entrance of the alley.

He held a bun in one hand and a wine jar in the other, eating buns and drinking at the same time, feeling very comfortable.

Facing the sudden appearance of Xue Zhong, the young man was stunned for a moment and stepped back subconsciously.

However, Xue Zhong's movements were faster.

"Get out of here!!!"

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