125. figure making

Square- Square- Square-

I made the shape of the face using re-cooked clay and used tools to lay the foundation for the eyes, nose and mouth.

It was still literally a lump of clay that could only distinguish the position of the eyes, nose and mouth, but considering that Song Jae-ik was working on a figure for the first time, it was a really ridiculous situation.

Even if it was a little slow, it was going well.

(Is it correct to write it here? Hmm. I’ll write roughly.)

I digested my talent, but I didn’t know where the numerous tools in front of me were used. I just use whatever tools I can get my hands on that look suitable for shaping the shape I want to make.

(I mean the writer. Is this really your first time doing it? Your hands are really fast?)

(I’m not. I said it’s my first time, so I’m saying it’s my first time. Just shut up and watch.)

And the figure team employees put their work in their hands and were focusing their attention on Jaeik’s work.

However, the more I looked at Jaeik’s work, the more I literally burst into surprise.

In particular, it was not common to plant details.

(Ugh, how do you move your hands so fast over there? Are you able?)

(Aside from that, it’s completely different from how we use the tools we know?)

(That’s right. I’m just writing it, but why does it feel like the face is getting completed? The frame has already been set.)

Before I knew it, what was just a lump of clay had become a head and was becoming a human form.

I haven’t put my hair on yet, so even if I’m bald, everything is in order.

(Turn it off. This is not normal.)

When the shape of the face was roughly drawn, Jaeik straightened his bent back and screamed.

How long has it been since you focused on one place in a long time?

(Are you done already?)

(Oh, it’s not over. I’m going to do just this much for today. If it’s a figure team, I’ll have to do my own work first. Is it okay if I leave it here for a while and come and work on it whenever I have free time?)

(Ugh, no problem! It doesn’t matter!)

(Oh! Thank you. This is not a normal thing. I’m not looking at anything, but I’m trying to put on what comes to mind. I hesitate for no reason. I’ll move on.)

Jaeik went back to his seat, even humming a song, feeling good that he had encountered something new for the first time in a while.

Of course, after Jaeik passed away, the figure team was busy looking at the works Jaeik made.

It took only a few hours, but the most basic shape of the face was all completed.

Of course, the characteristics of the character I want to create are not implemented.

(So you mean I just made this out of what came to mind right now?)

(If you just listened to it, right? And to be honest, there are no reference materials.)

(It’s insane. Of course, it’s 3D modeling on a computer and making reference materials. Huh… Really.)

(Uh, shouldn’t I let you know next time you come?)

(No, really? We’re doing it our own way now, so what advice do we have? To be honest, looking at the perfection we’ve made so far, we’re not in a position to give advice or give it.)

It was the judgment that there was no need to aggravate the confusion.

You already know how to do it. To be honest, I was a little envious.

(I heard that you heard from the figure production team. Have you tried making figures?)

When he returned to his seat, Francis, who was working on coding, dragged a chair and said curiously.

(Yes. I did it for the first time and it was pretty fun.)

(I look forward to seeing what other works you will create.)

(Ah. It’s not even a work. I’m just trying it out. A kind of pastime?)

It was a real pastime to digest new talents.

In addition, it seems that it was a little easier than the digested talent, perhaps because it created synergy with talents such as prop production.

Of course, Francis, looking at Jaeik, was full of disbelief.

(And we have coordinated with Watpad. I hope we will contact you soon.)

(Oh. That’s good. It’s a short story.)

(What does it matter if a novel of that quality is a short story? Watpad said it was always sold beforehand. They said it was unfortunate that it was delayed to match the game announcement.)

(This is just the beginning. Now that we have the story line, we need to write the script. I think it was a good decision to delay the release of the novel. It will have a bigger impact when the game is finished and advertised.)

(That’s right. Ugh, really. It’s a pity that the author’s time at the company is only a week away.)

(Well, I’ll still listen to it whenever I have free time. I also have to work on the script.)

It’s a production period that may take several years. No wonder.

Wei Ying-

While talking with Francis for a long time, Jaeik’s cell phone vibrated rapidly.

(Director, what are you doing!)

– (It’s been a while! I got the mail! The revised version was better as expected. A manuscript that gets better and better. Every director will go crazy with envy!)

Spielberg, as always, answered the phone with a grin. Everything related to Jaeik is going well, so what’s not to like?

-(I’ve been looking at the script here and there, and the market response is good. There are quite a few places that will invest in it. The actors are quite interested. That means the script was well chosen.)

Besides, the biggest reason is, isn’t everything Jae-Ik taking on fun? Drama, movie, this time it’s a game.

What kind of person would want to show something in a variety of ways like this? I usually try not to deviate too far from my field.

Thanks to that, Spielberg was also gaining a lot of vitality in his old age.

(Is that so? Anyway, I’m in Poland and I think I’ll be able to move to the States next week or so. I think I’ll have to do some script work here.)

– (Oh, but that’s why. Did that game company have no intention of collaborating with a director?)

(Yes? Are you serious?)

– (Of course, I didn’t participate in the production of Medal of Honor. And there are things I want to try.)

(Do you want to try?)

-(Directing the game.)

Spielberg has always been interested in making a connection between a game’s storytelling and play. There were also firm standards.

Personally, I didn’t prefer to put short cutscenes between plays to explain the story.

After that cutscene, when you play the game again, you forget all the previous videos and focus on shooting.

Moreover, he believed that the game and film industries were becoming a mutually influencing relationship.

– (I have a lot of interest in the game industry and there are many things I haven’t done yet. In particular, directing games and directing movies are similar to some extent. Even if it’s not an official participation.)

(Hmm. Let me ask you one more time.)

Jaeik turned his head and conveyed Spielberg’s words to Francis, who was looking at him with eyes the size of a crown.

(Are you sure you don’t need a film director to make a game? They say you want to participate part-time in game directing.)

(What is his name?)

He is a director related to Jae-Ik. It was clear that he was no ordinary person. Seeing them conversing in English, I wonder if they are on the Hollywood side.

(Steven Spielberg. Yes. That Spielberg director.)

Frances’ eyes, which were normally round, were crinkled to the point where she wondered if they could get bigger, and she mechanically nodded vigorously up and down.

That Steven Spielberg is interested in our game!

Spielberg hung up the phone and put on a satisfied expression. It’s a game this time I was also curious about what kind of outcome Song Jae-ik would produce.

(Hey Steve. I heard you’re working on something fun these days?)

When I hung up the phone and was working on the script again, the company’s casting executive came in and gave me a sales smile.

That smile was clearly the expression of an actor who had received a script from somewhere and had heard the actor say that he really wanted to play the role.

It is clear that the value of an actor’s name is not normal to the extent that he directly appears.

(Yes. It’s a very good piece. It’s also co-produced with Mflix. So who is it?)

Spielberg nodded as if he knew everything.

(Harrison Barnes. He’s good at acting. And Megan Rapinoe. They say he’s interested too.)

(Are stars with heavy hips contacting you like this first?)

(Ehehe. The director is the director. How can there be such a thing? Everyone is interested. Besides, the script isn’t just well-chosen… I heard that the original author participated as a screenwriter? It’s a mess right now, very.)

Spielberg raised an eyebrow.

(Tell me that you’re thinking about it. To be honest, the script isn’t complete.)

(What? That’s not the finished version?)

Not the finished version. Even if you just talked about the script on the phone right now, it’s a script that no one has seen yet.

The market reaction is already like this. What will it be like when the real final script comes out and filming begins?

Just imagining it made me feel thrilled.

He definitely had a hunch that perhaps a more commercially successful film than any other film he had made recently could be born.

Spielberg, who laughed at Francis’ answer, decided to visit the place once within a few days as if he liked it, and then head to America with Jaeik.

Jaeik, thinking that it must be because of his mood that he suddenly felt like things were getting bigger again, came down to the figure studio and continued working.

The work that I continued in my spare time had made a lot of progress, and now it had the shape of a perfect human face.

(The parts that require the most attention are the eyes and hairstyle. Especially with clay, hair can’t be made into strands like real ones, so it’s the hardest to give that look.)

(Hmm. Definitely yes, because I need to give the lumps individual textures.)

(These days, there are places that make real high-end figures using 3D printers and silicon. We still use the clay method.)

I used a sculpting knife to scrape off the character’s head one by one.

Dexter Linder is white and sports short hair. And even a long scar across the face.

Dexter Linder in the underworld was literally like a specimen of a veteran.

It wasn’t a finished figure yet, but it was full of regretful feelings.


I put the figure head I had just made in front of my eyes and thought about it over and over again. After the second digestion, it felt like I could finally see something.

It wasn’t just about making it pretty, it was about putting the person’s life into the face of the figure.

From that subtle expression to the texture of the skin, or even ornaments.

So if people see it, it’s ah at once. How does this character feel? So that you can realize what kind of character it is.

It’s because it’s much more valuable than a figure with a simple, smooth skin.

To do so, it was not simply a matter of rounding the face.

I drew a quick sketch on paper, recalling the shape of Dexter Linder I wanted to make in my head. The face, which took a long time, was almost completed, so I thought it wouldn’t take too much time for the rest.

When I finished the sketch, I scraped off the original shape of the face once again with a knife. A little more boldly than before.

The head was raised a little more boldly. He left a long scar across his nose. It’s still before painting, but I was planning to add more depth to the pupils.

(uh, uh…)

As Song Jae-ik’s hand movements suddenly became bolder and faster, the staff who were sneakily looking at Jae-ik’s sculptures focused their attention as if surprised. I think I want to be right.

But there was no hesitation in Jaeik’s hand movements. After two hours, the face of Dexter Linder that Jaeik had pictured and sketched in his head was literally completed.

(Phew- could you bake this for me?)

(Ah, yes! I will!)

At Jaeik’s request, the part leader went ahead and received the head, and then carefully started hardening the head. From the temperature control to the location, they are very meticulous.

However, in the meantime, Jaeik began to work on framing the body without a break.

The proportions of the head and body were very important. If the proportions are slightly out of proportion, you will laugh first rather than admiration when you see the figure.

Dexter Linder is also a very serious character, so would you use it?

A skeleton was held with wire, and clay for the body was overlaid on top of it. The costume was going to be added on top of the body anyway, but it couldn’t be wasted just because it was invisible.

And around the time that Jaeik started working on the figure, about a week had passed.

Jaeik smiled heartily as he looked at the figure he completed from one job to the other. I was full of pride because the figure came out perfectly as I thought.

Seeing the consistent reactions of the people around me, it was clear that a well-made figure was right for me.

It was because the part leader put figures in acrylic cabinets that Tala had found somewhere and was holding up a jar of shrines, and people onlookers were scrambling to take pictures.

And the photo hit the internet in less than a day.

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