140. from one to ten

Due to the development of science and technology and the advent of state-of-the-art digital editing equipment, post-production of films has become very important in recent films.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that almost every scene in a movie like Avatar, which is considered the best of all time, is completed through post-production.

Besides, post-production wasn’t all about CG. Sound work, which is one of the most important tasks, was also one of the tasks that took a long time.

Most of the blockbuster movie releases were delayed. When post-production is delayed.

The Underworld wasn’t as good as Avatar, but it was a film that required a lot of time in post-production.

Of course, Mflix had already recruited numerous companies and was carrying out the post-production of the behind the scenes bit by bit.

No matter how much money it costs, the sooner the movie is released, the more money you can make.

(When will post-production be finished?)

(Because the filming started and the post-production was going on almost simultaneously. Hmm. Long term, 4 months? 5 months?)

(Then it must be around the beginning of next year. Around March?)

(If all goes well, that’s what it will be, even with some margin.)

The shooting, which started in late summer and early fall, was looking at winter. The on-site shooting was over, and now only post-production was left.

(It’s appropriate. It’s March next year.)

Reed Hastings checked something and nodded as if he was okay.

(Are you planning on releasing it right away in March?)

(Yes. It will be released first in Korea and the United States, and will be released in other countries as soon as the script is translated in turn.)

(Huh? Yeah?)

Jae-ik asked back at the conversation that was momentarily out of focus. This was because Mflik usually publishes them simultaneously after translating them all into the language it serves.


Only then did Reed Hastings, who confirmed that the focus of the conversation was off, answered with a big smile.

Come to think of it, I forgot to say the most important thing.

(Haha. I forgot to tell you. This time it’s not an Mflix release. This time it’s a theater. The goal is to enter into theatrical screenings in earnest, starting with the Behind the Scenes world. Literally, the Behind the World is the vanguard of Mflix.)

(Really? In the theater?)

At that, Jake smiled broadly. Anyway, none of the works he has made have been screened in theaters.

No matter how big the OTT market is and the ripple effect is huge, isn’t there a romance of theater screenings?

A romance where hundreds of people watch a movie on a big screen and loud sound.

(Good. Very good. A theatrical release.)

(We are also very happy. It means that the author’s work is the first theatrical screening of Mflix.)


One of the most important judgments of Reed Hastings was that there was no problem at all even if a work like The Other World was released on Amplex after the theatrical screening.

The other side of the world was not simply a work to be seen once, or even a single movie.

If that’s not the case, Mflix can release it as a director’s cut, or there are plans to release an additional documentary.

(That’s good news. I’ll be talking to people I know on this side too.)

Reed Hastings’ face brightened as Spielberg smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

(Then we thank you.)

As it is Mflix’s first theatrical release, there were many obstacles and problems to overcome, but if Spielberg stepped forward and helped, wouldn’t many problems be solved?

(But never be relieved, because the real movie is just the beginning. How well the post-production works and how well the editing is done will determine the outcome.)

Jae Ik nodded his head in agreement. The filming and post-production work so far was literally like putting together puzzle pieces to complete the picture.

After collecting the pieces, isn’t it a way to put the pieces together to complete a wonderful picture?

Next was the actor. Detective’s actors were famous for having a lot of trouble.

(Uh. So. Basically, a multi-part appearance contract, efforts to continuously manage images while appearing in a movie, personality background investigations with the consent of the actors, mandatory participation in related product production, and even banning excessive self-assertion in the script.)

Detective’s casting executive stared at him with his mouth wide open as he agreed to enter the contract that Jaeik had brought with him.

(You mean put all of this in?)

(Of course. Didn’t you get tens of billions of dollars for one movie and couldn’t do one? I know that Babble is more strict and serious than this.)

(Even so…)

I wasn’t wrong though.

(That’s about medicine. There’s no ban on smoking, there’s no clause saying you have to come when we call even if you’re on the other side of the world, and there’s no clause banning you from appearing in a bubble movie. If you don’t want to do it, just don’t do it.)

As time goes on, it will be revealed who will lose.

(Until now, Detective hadn’t been too good at managing actors. So, when this kind of problem broke out, we couldn’t do anything about it and just received criticism from the fans.)

At those words, the executive pressed his temples as if his head was in pain.

That’s obviously not wrong. Besides, it’s honestly true. Whenever actors have an accident, isn’t it themselves and Detective who take care of it after all?

Besides, there was also the president’s policy of cooperation.

(It’s going to be hard to change right away. You’ll need to consult with your lawyers, but you’ll also need to check if it’s appropriate.)

(That’s of course. That’s why I brought it now. I have to prepare it in advance.)

Jaeik smiled and held out the contract he had drafted.

There was no problem at all. It’s a contract written after I’ve already taken a quick look at American law. In addition, by referring to Bable’s contract.

In the post-production, there was nothing for him to participate in. I’ll have to check the work in between, but that’s literally the level of checking.

Then, the most important thing was the detective’s work.

(Hmm. I used this setting like this. I didn’t think of it at all. I can’t believe it can be used in this way.)

(So. Rather, it seems to be a level we need to learn?)

(This is true. One real ability is outstanding.)

First production committee meeting. A production committee composed of Detective’s oldest story writers, O’Shea Jackson, and Detective’s experts in each field.

In fact, the production committee was an unusual method in the West. The one that made this production committee the most successful was Babel.

Since the power of writers was strong in the United States, excessive auteurism was being used as a means to not ruin the original work’s unique personality or work quality.

Is it some kind of collective intelligence? And, of course, the first meeting of the production committee was Jaeik’s dissection of Task Force V. Are there any setting errors or problems with the workmanship in this script? Is it possible to proceed with filming like this?

Naturally, in front of Jaeik’s readiness to prepare not only the script but also the storyboard, the production committee shouted “OK” after just one meeting.

(Task Force V is flawless. Perfect.)

(So. I think this film adaptation will be really cool.)

In other words, isn’t this a level that can’t be laid down?

While drawing a new worldview and storyline that fits the cinematic, the settings and details in it faithfully follow the original.

(This is true. It’s our first production committee meeting, but we don’t have much to do.)

(That’s right. It’s been a long time, but it’s certain. Detective’s understanding of the settings is definitely excellent. Even the ability to connect all those settings and the world view.)

(This is the part where you can see why they were recruited.)

How can these people compliment me like this in front of me? I’m too shy to say anything.

A compliment is not a compliment. How could he hold on when gold was sprinkled on his face openly?

(And the tea tastes great too.)

(You brew it yourself, right?)

As it was the first production committee, tea was served, and the gray-haired story writers finished the tea with satisfied faces.

Of course, I learned it through the tea ceremony skill, so it’s worth it.

(Then take a look at this too.)

Jaeik passed the bundle of papers he had been holding on to until late yesterday.


(This is the synopsis of Night Knights.)

(Synopsis for the second movie already?!)

what’s the second The script for Night Knights had already been written, and the synopsis for the third Commander A.L. was complete.

Of course, it doesn’t end there, but how to connect Black Phantom and Green Wizard and Detective’s Justice Alliance.

These were films that would serve as the base for future detective cinematics, so I was working on the basic script myself, but I thought it would be left to the screenwriters from now on.

As I said before, even if I do the final inspection.

(Hmm. Honestly, I was wondering how the task force and the Night Knights would be connected. This is real. It’s amazing.)

(That’s why. I thought it wouldn’t fit at all with the atmosphere, but it melts so easily.)

(It’s different, but it’s a connection point, right? Even so, isn’t it a bit disappointing to put everything into a film adaptation? There are too many villains floating in the air.)

As the people who quickly skimmed through the synopsis spat out one word at a time, Jaeik raised one corner of his mouth.

I think these people are mistaken now.

(Task Force V was not simply made with the film in mind when it was chosen as the first film.)

(Huh? Could it be?)

It was just one word, but OSHEY Jackson, who understood the words, recalled the drama of Detective in his head.

(Some people seem to have noticed. Yes. The arrangement was made with the drama in mind as well as the movie. Some villains will be moved to the drama and will appear as villains of the existing drama in production. As I said, we are not going to overthrow everything. I have to write what I write, because Detective’s drama is still going well.)

Among them, the drama called Constantine was receiving favorable reviews from viewers and showing good ratings.

Will the villains from the movie appear in the drama? And the movie connects with the Night Knights.

In addition, he would play a role in giving a new breather to the drama, which is gradually losing popularity. I heard a report that the number of people who watch the drama is dropping recently.

Detective had numerous alliances. From the Justice Alliance, a union of all good heroes, to the union of heroes with slightly mediocre abilities.

(What the hell is this?)

(Oh my God. If that happens. I understand enough. If you hold on to the movie and the drama at the same time.)

(Huh. Arrange this much. Isn’t it the kind of script that is sure of success then?)

(Of course, the work I do has never failed.)

Think about it. People who see the work of the new detective will see all these separately or as one big universe.

Naturally, everything has to be connected. From film to drama. And or something I will make in the future.

As the idea broke stereotypes and began to expand, the production committee also began to see that each character and dialogue in the script Jaeik had made was an arrangement.

Even the part that I didn’t understand a little, Jaeik’s arrangement melted.

There are no characters who die too much or characters who run amok. Everything from the story perfectly keeps its place.

(How far did you even think? I never thought of it this way.)

O’Shea Jackson’s astonishing question was heard. It’s been a while since I’ve been sitting here, but I’m drawing a picture this big.

Moreover, rather than growing from a small picture to a big picture, Song Jae-ik was drawing a big picture from the beginning.

That’s as long as it satisfies everyone sitting here.

In response to that question, Song Jae-ik raised one corner of his mouth as if it were natural. No matter what kind of person I am, I cannot do things carelessly.

(from soup to nuts. (Everything from one to ten.))

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