144. Behind the scenes: two doors (1)

The field of editing during filmmaking was an unknown world. Usually, we only see the finished video, so we only understand the scene and the message in the finished version.

In fact, I had never properly seen how the editor who actually edited the scene created it.

(It’s the first time I’ve done such cool editing.)

Spielberg rubbed his stiff eyes and removed his hand from the machine.

Editing was going very smoothly even though there was no spare footage, as is often said.

All of this was the power of the script and storyboard. I went into filming already in my head about how to shoot and edit the ending.

(As with dramas, editing is ultimately a messenger that conveys the story and thoughts of a movie most effectively to the audience, and I think it is another creative work born from experience.)

In addition, he continued to pass on his know-how to Jaeik.

The know-how taught by Spielberg was piled up in Jaeik’s mind, digested, and waiting to be released as a talent.

(There’s a reason why Alfred Hitchcock is considered one of the greatest film directors in the history of cinema.)

A hint of pride flashed across Spielberg’s face as he talked about Alfred Hitchcock.

(If you have time, it’s good to watch movies by famous directors once in a while. It may seem boring to young people. I mean.)

(That’s right. I’ll have to look for it when I have time.)

(Hitchcock, Jean-Luc Godard, Orson Welles, Stanley Kubrick, Jean Renoir, Akira Kurosawa, Charlie Chaplin. Modern cinema all developed from the past.)

The movie Vertigo, which uses the so-called vertigo filming technique made by Hitchcock, came out in 1959, but what can I say because it was still used in movies such as The Lord of the Rings, Life of Pi, and Bubble’s Guardians of the Galaxy that came out recently.

(Hmm. First of all, it would be better to go to the director’s cut.)

When the first round of editing was finished and the running time of the movie was checked, Spielberg scratched his head in embarrassment.

The movie itself had almost no cuts to cut, so I put it in as it was, and the running time was 230 minutes.

It was different in almost 4 hours, and it was definitely a time that was unreasonable to screen in a movie theater.

(Okay. I guess I’ll have to go for the release on Amplex. Something like the director’s cut. 230 minutes. I’d definitely recommend making a separate one to show in theaters.)

After completing the first round of editing, Spielberg stood up and pointed at Jaeik at his chair.

(You’ll do the secondary editing yourself. The editing that will go to the cinema.)


Instead of refusing or being humbled by Spielberg’s gesture, he carefully sat down and placed his hand on the machine.

The first edit has already been completed. Fit for film screenings here. And the time Mflix consulted with the distributors was up to 130 minutes.

It was never easy to have to take the story and scenes that I had in mind when filming the movie while exposing close to half of the scenes.

It was the power of editing that could turn into a completely new movie if done wrong.

Jaeik focused his eyes on the frozen screen and fell into trouble. What scenes should be cut and how should people connect them so that people can enjoy the movie and fully feel the message I had in mind?

(Call me when it’s finished. I think I’ll have to think about it. It won’t be easy.)

I thought maybe it would lead to quite a long worry. It was never easy to fit the 130-minute time in so many scenes.

Of course, it was a self-evident fact that Song Jae-ik would have developed a step further if the troubles were over.

“Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.”

Even after returning home, Jaeik pondered for several hours about editing the behind-the-scenes film, which he had not been able to touch easily.

Just like Spielberg said it wouldn’t be easy, it wasn’t really easy. In other words, it is the best editing on the line that does not damage the work. The whole movie played over and over again in my head.

Cut this part, cut that part.

But no answer came out.

But Jae-ik knew it, too. You must go through this process, and if you go through this process, you will definitely be able to fully digest your new talent.

“What are you so worried about?”

“I don’t know if you’ve heard of the pain of creation.”

“Stop whining and let’s watch a movie. Director Spielberg sent me an external hard drive. I heard you might need it now?”

On the outside of the external hard drive Kang Seok was shaking, it was written in neat handwriting on Gyeonchulji.

[Films by great directors]

And in the list of movies in the external hard drive connected to the TV, films by directors such as Alfred Hitchcock, Jean-Luc Godard, Martin Scorsese, Francis Coppola, Jean Renoir, John Ford, Woody Allen, etc., were arranged one after another.

Even Spielberg’s own films.

“Are these all old movies?”

“It’s not an old movie, it’s a masterpiece.”

Jaeik’s eyes lit up and he played number 000. Alfred Hitchcock’s movie Psycho.

The movie is probably the most famous scene among Koreans because of the scene in the bathroom.

Alfred Hitchcock’s name appeared on the screen along with a black and white screen that cannot be easily seen now.

I thought it was going to be a very long night.

[You didn’t eat lunch after all, did you?]

[I have to go into the office…]

Dialogues are clearly audible in clear picture quality. Jaeik quickly fell in love with the movie.

Didn’t Martin Scorsese say that Hitchcock’s films make you discover something new every time you watch them?

It seemed like a very fitting word. Obviously, I knew the general story of Psycho and Vertigo. Because these are very famous movies.

However, the masterpieces of the past, which he re-watched at the present stage, were bringing new perspectives and new learning to Jae-ik.

It was an amazing experience. It wasn’t just Hitchcock’s films. In every movie that Spielberg has put in.

belt ring-

And the morning of the third day after watching a movie while staying up all night.

[You have perfected your video editing talent. You will acquire additional talents only for the following talents.]

He raised one corner of his mouth at the welcome sound he hadn’t heard in a long time.

(Oh my God. Crazy. Crazy.)

Spielberg clicked his tongue after seeing the movie Jaeik made. It was just a week after I left the editing and sent the external hard drive.

Song Jae-ik finished his homework in 7 days. No, it’s not just finished, it’s perfect.

The 130-minute film created by Jaeik was really absorbing. Who would call this a mere entertainment fantasy movie?

The story continued smoothly, and at the same time, the attraction was never lost.

While working as a director for more than a few decades, how many movies have you seen that you have been so engrossed in?

As expected, Song Jae-ik was a genius, just as he thought. No, it was something more outstanding than just being evaluated with the word genius.

Words dare not explain.

(I wish it was released as it is. No, it’s perfect. It can’t be more perfect than this. To make a movie like this with limited cuts. You really…)

He smiled lightly at Spielberg’s praise.


(Crazy! What a movie!)

And Reid Hastings, Natalia Dyer, and distributors, who came out of the shock one step later than Spielberg, took a belated breath.

(Unconditionally quickly. I want to bet on the theater as soon as possible.)

(Oh my God, this is a movie! This is a movie that needs to be in theaters ASAP and for as long as possible!)

The attitude of distributors towards Reed Hastings changed.

It was only for theatrical distribution, but that didn’t matter. How can you stay still with a movie like that in front of you?

That would be a shirking of duty and, as someone in the film industry, incomprehensible.

(Could you adjust the 45-day holdback period a bit? This is a movie that will definitely be a hit if you hang it up!)

It’s a project that guarantees success. I thought there would be no such work in the world, but wouldn’t it be different if everyone gathered here had a common idea?

(Once the film is complete and the script is already being translated in each country, it can be done in a month or less if you go fast.)

At Natalia’s whisper, Reed Hastings quickly began to roll his head. Which decision is right for business?

What can bring the greatest benefit to Mflix and Jaeik?

Moreover, it was a condition that the contract had already been signed, and that after 45 days, it would be taken down from the theater and uploaded on Amplex.

Besides, I heard from Spielberg that a director’s cut had already been made.

(For now, I’ll take the first preview here. A private preview for fans.)


(And it would be nice to move it forward to the end of January or February instead of the previously planned March.)

Reed Hastings’ words brightened the faces of distributor officials. There are already a lot of threads to be solved in the distribution schedule and this part, but in a capitalist society, isn’t that a matter for money to decide?

(Writer? Would it be okay if I moved up the plan I was preparing?)

Reed Hastings, thinking about something for a while, asked Jaeik back.

distribution of the film? Or a private fan invite premiere?

Jae-Ik, who briefly touched his phone at the question, nodded his head with a brightened expression.

(They say it’s okay at the end of January. All preparations are over. They are preparing for promotion. Watpad is also said to be good.)

Why is Watpad, the publishing company, appearing here all of a sudden?

As the distribution company officials tilted their heads, they realized something and looked at Jaeik, who had a smile on his face.

(This is the second part of the world. If it is published simultaneously around the world, it will definitely help promote the movie, right?)

(It’s okay. In less than a year, the two volumes will be released simultaneously all over the world. If you publicize it like a movie, the synergy will definitely not be normal.)

(That’s good. I’ll say that to Watpad as well.)

What kind of repercussions will happen if the second part of the world and the movie come out at the same time?

Just imagining it was fun.

(I have to do it again.)


(I mean the director’s cut.)

After all the meetings, Jaeik also had a Detective schedule. Spielberg said with a smile on his face.

(Wasn’t that already done?)

(It’s already over. But, how can I stay still after watching that movie. I see a way to get better.)

Moreover, it is never easy to infuse an old director like himself with new vitality and a sense of well-being, but Song Jae-ik did it.

Now Spielberg had the inspiration that exploded after watching a movie created by Jae Ik continued to linger in his head.

I was full of desire to bring out this inspiration right away and spread it out.

(Call me when you’re done.)

Reed Hastings smiled lightly as Steven Spielberg exited the conference room after that.

A young man who makes a master move.

It must be really crazy, right? This is a man named Song Jae-ik.

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