160. test stage

After Jaeik had such an interview at the airport, when the notice of musical event reservation information appeared, the reaction was really explosive. It was to the point that even though they hadn’t won yet, there were people who would buy the ticket at several times the price.

even where you do it. It is undetermined how much the winner will be. People are just guessing that it will be the place where the second Seoul concert will be held.

And when a huge chartered plane from the United States arrived with musical actors, performance props, and devices, everyone’s attention was focused. Less than a week left until the first performance. Because the place they were going to was where the first performance would be held.

[The world behind the musical. The first stage where Song Jae-ik appears is the Olympic Gymnastics Stadium!]

[This Korean test stage performance was all privately funded? From rentals to labor costs. Song Jae-ik’s true fan love, who spent his own money to promote Korean performances.]

[A musical with a minimum capacity of 10,000 seats. What musical will be held at the gymnastics arena?]

As if they had been waiting, articles came pouring in through the company.

– No, it’s crazy. Is it all sabi?

– Official announcement M. He said that he actually pushed for this Korean performance with his own money.

– Look at the class. Are you crazy? This is fan love. Who plans a nationwide musical performance with their own money? To show that to the fans.

– Ha ha ha ha 10,000 seats. It’s crazy. seriously crazy look at the class

The reaction on the Internet was also very hot. Isn’t it literally fan service that transcends imagination?

– You should know the true love of Song Jae-ik. Same with that Ricky story a while ago.

– There’s one more. It was posted a while ago, and a writer on Nettopia boasted that he had received a handwritten letter from Song Jae-ik. After seeing the letter, he said that he writes fluently.

– really? Does it make sense to write a letter in one letter?

– It’s a fact. That writer’s previous work couldn’t even rank as the best. Now, I only posted around 10 episodes, but it has already risen to the top 20.

– What was written in the letter to write instead?

– Just advice. Advice on how to write and what to keep in mind.

– It’s crazy. It’s crazy. envy.

As Ahn Seong-hyun’s work overlapped, many people were tongue-tied at the recent appearance of Jae-ik.

It was because I was doing everything casually to the point where I wondered how I could do it this far.

(The sound is good enough.)

(Hmm. Certainly, it is a full-seat musical, which is not a theater dedicated to musicals, so there are some regrets, but we have to take that into consideration.)

As the movement lines and stage settings have been partially modified to fit the gymnastics arena, shouldn’t we inevitably take the unfortunate part into consideration and move on?

That regret can be solved by controlling the stage. For most of the movement, Jaeik can use the stage widely and do it well.

(Even thinking about that, I think it will be a great stage and musical. I saw the news. The reaction was no joke when you said you would be on stage yourself. I never imagined that you would be this popular in Korea.)

As soon as Harold stepped out of the arrival hall, he seemed genuinely startled by the camera that greeted them. It would have been the first time I had seen such a large welcome crowd.

(But it’s all thanks to you. That’s crazy. I heard that all the other shows are sold out. I’m worried.)

Harold wiped his face to ease his nervous expression. Anyway, even if it wasn’t on the Broadway stage, the fact that so many seats were sold out meant that there was a lot of interest in them.

At the same time, since this is not Broadway, it meant that the contents of the performance and things like that could be leaked to the outside world.

(There is a proverb in Korea. I can’t make soy sauce because I’m afraid of maggots. I have to do what I have to do.)

(Uhaha. That’s a wise answer.)

The actors on stage were busy moving around the stage diligently, learning their movements and adapting to the new venue. At the same time, there was a glimpse of anticipation and excitement that the real performance would begin. It was the same for Jake.

(By the way, I don’t know if you heard the news from the US.)

(News from the US? I’ve been hectic lately.)

(The story of Ricky. The release is just around the corner. I can say that 60% of content-related stories in the US are really about you. As soon as I open my eyes, from the test stage in Korea to the release of the story of Ricky, to Detective Comics in the world behind the scenes. You are. There hasn’t been a single day where the story hasn’t come out.)

He was busy with growing the company, but the United States seemed to be running more hectic than he thought. In the first place, I entrusted it to Kang-seok and asked him to report it later if it was not important.

At first glance, I remember saying that Ricky’s story would come out soon. That fact was important to Jaeik, but what happened after that was not important, so I just passed it over.

(Especially, the interest in Ricky’s story is very good. Already on the Internet, people who have read the novel in person are affirming that it is a novel that transcends the world behind it, so it’s not like that.)

The world behind it is also a novel that boasts popularity and syndrome that makes no sense. A better novel than that.

But if it was said that it all came from the fingertips of one person, who would easily believe that fact? That’s even in a situation where one work hasn’t been completed.

(Obviously, the Ricky story was well-chosen.)

(Kuh. The author himself says so confidently, but what can I do. I’m just waiting for it to come out. This time, I’m thinking of releasing Watpad differently from the rest of the world.)

Soon after, Harold raised the corner of his mouth as if he thought of something.

(How. How about Ricky’s story and musical contracts? With me.

(Oh, I’ll have to talk about that with Amplix first. I don’t know how popular the novel will be when it’s published yet.)

(That’s good! As long as we can preempt it. I promised. I’ll have to tell Natalia in advance. I have a strong sense of it. It will definitely succeed. This work and the story of Ricky. Unconditionally.)

Jaeik replied half as a joke, but Harold seemed to be serious.

It’s been a really crazy week. I met people I’d built a relationship with in person and handed out tickets, continued to practice for new stages, identified new problems, and even tinkered with musicals.

“Aren’t you nervous? Ooh, I’m going crazy.”

Backstage before the curtain opens. All the people preparing for today’s performance were busy doing their work in a state of super nervousness.

“The tension. Just do what you do.”

“Anyway, it’s a strong heart.”

It was said, but it wasn’t without tension at all. To be honest, the wig on my head, the makeup on my face, and the clothes I was wearing were all very awkward.

(It’s full. Everything is full.)

(Aww, I’m going crazy because I’m nervous. Can I do it well without making mistakes?)

In addition, some of the actors who glanced at the audience seats outside the stage also clucked their tongues when they saw that the stage was over full.

(Since you practiced like that for a while, you should be able to do well.)

When even the main actors couldn’t relieve the tension in the unfamiliar place of Korea and the audience of over 10,000 people, Jaeik looked around the actors and spoke slowly.

Jaeik’s voice was infinitely low and slower than usual, but strangely, I could feel trust and stability in his voice.

(Because this is one of the many stages that will be continued. If you want something ambiguous, look at me.)

It was nonsense. If something is ambiguous, look at yourself. It’s not like they’re going to do the dialogue instead. But strangely, should I say that I believe in that word?

It was a feeling of peace.

(Now, everything. Let’s do our best.)


The lights in the audience are turned off, the lights are turned off on the stage, and only a small fire behind the stage is turned on. There were over 10,000 spectators, but the atmosphere was extremely calm.

According to the staff’s autographs, the actors take their places on the stage according to the set scene.

And according to the sign, the lights turned on brightly and illuminated the actors.


It sounded like a particularly loud voice swallowing dry saliva. Because I was concentrating on the stage without being able to breathe properly.

Exactly, everyone who is looking at the stage right now is the same.

The middle of the first act of the musical, which started with Jaeik’s song, was over, but the audience tried not to take their eyes off the stage even for a second.

[This, this. I didn’t expect it at all.]

[Wake! This is reality!]

[Damn it…! Why the hell, why!]

The lines and songs of the actors continued without a break. And if I were to pick one person who stood out on this stage, it would be Song Jae-ik.

“Song Jae-ik…was that level? This is really… crazy.”

While the ensemble actors danced for a scene change, someone muttered quietly. As if representing everyone’s feelings.

Because he was literally dominating the stage. Every word of the acting and singing lines was focusing the attention of the audience.

Melting perfectly into the actors without being too dead nor too standout. It didn’t look normal though.

It was because he showed off his skills unsparingly on the stage where he sang alone. Should I say that the emergency adjustment is perfect? It is the rapid adjustment that even veterans find difficult.

And the highlight of the first act, the solo scene of Jaeik.

On the stage where the sound of the explosions has gone and the smoke is thick. Jaeik walked out slowly.

slowly with a piercing eye. Look at the audience once. slowly slowly. I sang and sang as I walked over to the half-broken piano.

The song that contains the sorrowful heart toward the person you love.

While walking to the piano like that, the song ends once.

Jaeik sat down in front of the piano and tapped the keys of the broken piano.

The sound of the piano came straight through the speaker through the microphone.

The act of announcing that it is literally a live performance.

Jaeik sat down at the piano and sang while tapping the keys. Perfect live performance and singing.

The performances and songs that were shown to convince the actors flowed from Jaeik’s fingertips through his mouth and filled the concert hall through the speakers.

(Even now, when I think of your face, I remember those warm days-)

It’s also much more polished, so it’s a more perfect look than then.

Intermission after the first act.


“it’s crazy. what just happened Is that really live?”

As soon as the stage was darkened, the lights in the seats were turned on, and breathing sounds came from the seats. I saw people who were so focused on the play that they finally let out their breath and buried themselves in their chairs.

Because the stage Jaeik showed at the end of Act 1 was a worthy stage.

Even though it was an intermission for a break, the audience couldn’t get up easily from the lingering lingering sound of Jaeik’s performance and song just before, and they just struggled to hold on to the end of the song that lingered in their ears.

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