Chapter 141


[Instant execution] did not apply to field boss monsters.

To be precise, it wasn’t that it didn’t apply, and they said they resisted.

[The Kurken of Despair resists the ‘mark’.]

The hologram you saw the last time you caught Kurken.

The reason could be inferred for several reasons.

First of all, since he is a field boss, if you let this type of ‘instant death’ skill be eaten too easily, the difficulty of the attack itself will go down.

In particular, [Summary Execution] is a difficult conditional skill that achieves almost two levels of efficiency in a 1:1 situation.

If the field boss does not have the ability to resist S-grade abnormal conditions, there is no choice but to be eaten.

As a result, it may be possible to have such an ability passively.

Or the natural resistance due to the level difference.

Whatever it was, it wasn’t very good news for Yoo Ju-yeon.

Leaving the easy path and not being able to use a single powerful skill would lead to a loss of power.

But he didn’t complain.

[Summary Execution] was a very useful skill even outside of battles with field bosses.

For other users, it is a good card that can be used almost as a lethal level.

Besides, it wasn’t like I couldn’t use it at all in the battle against the field boss.


When the sky vibrates as if it were going to explode and makes a sound, Yu Ju-yeon quickly casts [Instant Execution].

If a unicorn is ‘marked’, it resists and the ‘waiting for execution’ effect does not occur.

But it’s not just unicorns here.

When one of the nearby monsters was terrified, Juyeon Yu went into a ‘waiting for execution’ state.

At the same time, a protective film was formed.

A [Demon] fell from the sky.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwam!

The sound of the world being destroyed is deafening.

A different dimension from the lightning that has been pouring down so far, the dazzlingly thick lightning that blinds you just by looking at it rides the horn of the unicorn and pierces the target.

That’s not the end.

The [Devil’s Punishment] pouring over Yoo Ju-yeon’s head spreads through the floor, unable to hold back her anger.

Streams of lightning moving forward with the will to electrocute everything they touch.


I let out a sigh of relief as I imprison them with the [Wall of Distortion].

“It’s a really crazy skill.”

I was proud of predicting the skill itself and using [Instant Execution] at the right timing, but I couldn’t help but be astonished at the damage it did.

It wouldn’t be strange to say that the [Execution Waiting] effect is actually invincible.

I don’t know how much this is numerically because it’s 1,000% of magic power, but if the 70% damage reduction effect is added here, at least while the shield is maintained, I’ve never felt a sense of crisis.

But this time it was pierced.

was about to break through

“It’s possible that this could happen… … .”

I vividly remember the moment when the protective film that was protecting my body faded to the point where a drop of cold sweat flowed down my forehead.

What would have happened if I hadn’t responded?

By adding various buffs to the [Beast Set], could it have been safe even with SS level defense?

That’s why I couldn’t just watch it.

“If you use it one more time, you die.”

I didn’t think I would be able to use such a large skill consecutively, but I began to regret that the unicorn decided that the pattern itself was more passable than other field bosses.

You have to catch it fast.

Instead of having no annoying skills, the level 91 attack skill was powerful enough to overturn the raid game.

Pour all your skills.

Even with the [Time Deceleration] applied, the [Demonic Punishment] did not fall so quickly that it was invisible.

That’s only my second skill.

How about [Area Reinforcement]?

At most, the area is strengthened and a little bit of buff is obtained.

Swings a sword while using [Meteor Rain].

Until now, the sword was just used to show off against enemies with low stats, but seeing the deep wounds inflicted every time you wield it against a unicorn, you feel that your physical stats have risen considerably.

The attack power was high from the beginning, but it has risen to the level where it can be hit against monsters whose physical stats exceed 90.

Sooner than expected, the unicorn passed away.

“me… … Might be a bit strong.”

Enjoying a rough breath, I tightly gripped the handle of the resonating sword.


It feels like catching a B-class special field boss alone.

It’s not like I actually did it alone.

I even have crazy thoughts about whether it would be okay to challenge myself as a real solo next time.

When I turned my head like that, absurd eyes were looking at me.

“Isn’t it over yet?”

He waved his hand and responded to their gaze.

* * *

These days, some time has passed and the capture of the field boss has been settled, but the standard for obtaining the soul of the field boss is more difficult than expected.

At the most basic level, the field boss’s soul cannot be acquired at the level where rewards cannot be obtained in the field.

This is the first factor that the raid leader checks when forming a field boss raid party.

In the case of the special field, if the limit level is exceeded, you cannot even enter, so there is no problem.

Second, contribution.

Since it is the most ambiguous and abstract figure, nothing has been fully established yet for nearly 7 years.

Do your part to fill the minimum contribution.

It’s a very obvious statement, but in the element period that comes up as an example of not getting the most souls from field boss raids, users who go to get field boss souls literally risk their lives to fight.

It’s hard to risk your life and fight like everyone else, but if you don’t get a soul because you don’t contribute enough to everyone else, there won’t be anything unfair.

You have to do this one more time.

It wouldn’t be unfair if you literally took a so-called ‘walk’ for safety.

Anyway, that’s why everyone does their best to play their part in the battle with the field boss.

This also happens a few times in special field bosses, but it wasn’t a big problem.

Kaynel, Hybrid, Kurken.

There was not a single boss that could be fought casually.

But this unicorn was different.

The first thing that came to my mind when Lee Hye-seong saw the hologram that the field boss had died.

“already? Did you not do anything?”

Even though the hologram was a hologram claiming to have acquired a soul, the anxiety was based on instinctive common sense.

I haven’t done anything, but should I give you my soul?

Even if I did, wouldn’t it give me something with less effect?

Basic field boss souls have +1 stats, but special field boss souls often have various effects added, so it is possible to obtain them with the effects halved.

So, I hurriedly checked the spirit of the field boss, looking at Yoo Ju-yeon, who had done this nonsense first, in a daze.

[Mana recovery +3%]



good night.

It’s good, but something seems to be lacking.

If you think of it as the soul of a B-class special field boss, it feels like a screw is missing.

Considering that the comparison target of the sample is the most recently caught D-class special field boss Kurken, [all stats +2], [mana recovery +3%], [strength +2].

There is not a big difference.

No, rather [All stats +2] feels better.

Of course, the value of mana recovery is not something to compare with all stats.

“Did everyone get a soul?”

It was the same when I asked other users.

On the contrary, there were many users who gained less ability than that.

“… … .”

Everyone instinctively felt it.

It’s a lack of contribution.

And once again, his gaze turned to Yu Ju-yeon.

How much is full compensation?

“What is this! The soul didn’t come in!”

Seeing the Self-Defense Forces talking loudly in Japanese, they seemed to be in a similar situation.

Yoo Ju-yeon approaches and asks why you are so noisy.

When the interpreter translates, he tilts his head.

“What are they going to do by eating the soul anyway?”

The final cleaning followed with the sword.

* * *

Inside the neatly finished B-class special field.

Yoo Joo-yeon had to suffer from a barrage of questions from the raid members.

First, Kim Hye-ji asked.

“hey. starring. Surely you didn’t monopolize the contributions by yourself?”

“Did you do what I said?”

“… … uh. Everyone secretly poured their skills into the unicorn when they saw the Self-Defense Forces.”

“Sangwook hyung, I put a mana recovery buff on time slowdown. Suha put a lot of heels in it.”

When I asked, I was given all the soul options.

[Mana Recovery +5%]

[strength +5]

[Skill Damage +2%]

The problem was Lee Hye-seong and the rest of the raid.

“Never tell this to other people. We are being assassinated.”

Then he approached Lee Hye-seong and asked.

“Has the spirit entered?”

“… … yes. I did come in.”

“Mana recovery and strength increase, but I’m worried that everything has come in. The unicorn has a skill called Punishment, but since it was right, I saw that the shield was breached and I had no choice but to catch it with all my might… … .”

Lee Hye-sung’s expression relaxed a little after shedding it moderately.

“Are there only those two?”

“yes. 4% mana recovery and 4 strength. It went up like this.”

“phew. I’m 2 out of 3%. I think my contribution was definitely lacking.”


“… … no. It was unavoidable, so it’s okay.”

close to a natural disaster.

Who would have imagined

To catch the B-class special field boss alone.

If he had expected that even a little bit, Lee Hye-seong would have attacked the unicorn to fill his contribution instead of dealing with the Self-Defense Forces.

It would have been better to fill the contribution than the attack from the Self-Defense Forces.

Still, I avoided the case where the soul didn’t come in at all.

It’s enough to think that the MVP received a slightly bigger reward.

Besides, the reward starts now.

“The Self-Defense Forces. The outfit you’re wearing is amazing. Instead, I will give up ownership of these items.”

The eyes of the raid members who ate souls shone.

It was regrettable, and the items I had already obtained from the Lin Shaoling raid came to mind.

“Half of Japan’s treasures… … .”

Besides, it is already a self-defense force with a symbolic name.

Nearly half of all Japanese wealth is located here.

Yoo Joo-yeon, who contributed the most to that, gave up.

Wouldn’t it be possible to pack at least 2 S-class items?

The moment everyone’s attention was focused on that.

“Then keep watching.”

Yoo Joo-yeon headed for a unicorn that would be real.


The real reward of this special field belatedly by the members of the raid. The moment you recognized the most expensive reward and saw a unicorn.

The horns that were supposed to be on the head of the unicorn, which had been cut into several pieces, were missing.


And there is only a cat crying contentedly and a party for Yoo Joo-yeon who eagerly picks up fallen items and puts them in one place.

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