Chapter 144


The community has been saturated lately.

– Current status of fanatics activities

– Japanese B-class special field strategy?

-Partial disclosure of specifications for the Self-Defense Forces

– American clown’s house expansion under construction.

Originally, trivial stories were the main focus, but when a major incident occurs, it is a characteristic of the community to talk about the topic until the heat cools down for a while.

But lately, several incidents have already erupted in a row that could have been loud for at least a week.

The beginning was a revolt by fanatics.

Players wearing clown hats start killing indiscriminately.

And in the background, there is a quest of clown hat users who started to be called ‘fanatics’ by people.

Killing people makes you stronger.

I mean, this is something that can only be found in old fantasy novels.

In the martial arts area, abilities that could only be used by magicians appeared in reality.

You can easily become strong.

Unlike the existing method where you have to risk your life to fight monsters who are stronger than you and don’t fear death, you have to fight for a while to get a few skins, and then you have to fight for a long time to get a little stronger through leveling up. Killing them makes them noticeably stronger.

which one to choose

ethical consciousness.


Difficult at first, easy to rationalize.

In fact, when the news of the fanatics was heard, so many civilians were not harmed.

Even if the clown hat users did murder, the reason was that they mainly attacked criminals and notorious users.

But that period didn’t last long.

The zealots, who had gradually become accustomed to it, began to feel less and less remorse.

Countries that could not control it were already on the verge of collapsing in less than a month.

There are many things to say while watching such situations.

In the meantime, the Korean community can’t handle the news of the B-class special field attack.

– Where is the limit of the alternative Pyco Pass?

-When the enemy is a picopath. I don’t use fireball these days.

– Then what do you call it?

– There’s nothing to call. Nicedol. Suma. ex-jwa. etc.

Watching the story that started from F grade and eventually reached B grade, you can’t help but feel full.

In addition, Lee Hye-sung, who happened to be with them, also became a hot topic.

– Perhaps Lee Hye-seong was the one who benefited the most from being next to Yoo Joo-yeon.

-But isn’t Lee Hye-sung a user who deserves to be treated like this?

– I remember that it was quite SS-class and had very good unique characteristics.

-I said everything when I saw Daehan beat a level 40 supporter like that.

– How could such a person… … .

-Worry about who to worry about. The name of the attack group is Lee Hye-seong raid, and Lee Hye-sung has to live bowing down to Yu Ju-yeon for the rest of his life. The publicity effect obtained by following Yoo Joo-yeon would be greater than promoting by pouring tens of billions of won in Daehan. Besides, there is no one abroad who does not know Lee Hye-seong’s name anymore, right?

In any case, a large-scale incident broke out in a community that was buzzing with various topics.

-trot! Fanatics are gathering in Japan!

-All users wearing clown hats said they were going to Japan!

– Rumor has it that another high-level devil will emerge from the B-class special field!

It is no different from the total aggregate of rice cakes that are circulating in the community right now.

Different topics, but stories like magnets that eventually come together as one.

And at the center of it all stood Yoo Joo-yeon.

-Yoo Joo-yeon, no, Lee Hye-seong re-enters the raid 3 days later to destroy the B-class special field!

All eyes are focused on it.

Meanwhile, an unconfirmed piece of information began to spread rapidly through the community.

-The item obtained by killing the B-class special field boss this time is rat poison for the clown hat users? Someone saw it, and in Japan, some fanatics attacked Yu Ju-yeon’s family, and they said that 20 people were swept away by one Yu Ju-yeon.

-That’s right, it must be because you’re talking about it.

-N-n Most of them were green hats, and there was one blue hat too. It means that it is a party made up of users who are at least level 50 or higher. It’s not just words. There is also a video. Let’s see.

It was not very reliable information.

Yoo Joo-yeon was so strong, and Lee Hye-seong’s raid team also couldn’t see the light under it, but each individual was a user who never bowed down in Korea.

However, the reason the news spread was because of a video.

Even though it was taken from a distance, the overwhelming power that is clearly visible.

The moment you swing your sword. Nearly 20 players were cut in half and the fight ended.

A very bland slaughter.

If the video didn’t show the fanatics in clown hats rushing in first, it was so overwhelming that I wondered if Yoo Joo-yeon was killing the fanatics for no reason while walking down the street.

Besides, that’s not the end.

When they die, pure white light bursts from the bodies of the fanatics touched by the sword, and sparks fly as if cutting through the darkness.

-and. stylish.

-What kind of effect is that?

-Are you smart?

Cool effects that can be purchased in real games or through cash gave wings to this groundless rumor.

It was interesting information waiting for Yoo Joo-yeon’s mouth to open, full of curiosity for people.

For the clowns, it was a nightmare that signaled the beginning of hell.

* * *

“… … I hope it will.”

It was an accident.

Totally unexpected.

Who would have expected that he would encounter fanatics while going on a trip to a hot spring with a schedule to organize a B-level special field.

Fanatics must have come to know about it.

Besides, not all the members of the raid were gathered together, and Yu Ju-yeon was aiming for a time when the party was alone.

Even in sparsely populated hot springs.

It was early morning, so no one was around.

It is explicit.

He aimed well at the most vulnerable time.

But the problem was that the timing was good, but the target was not good.

“You shouldn’t have been aiming for me, you should have been aiming for Lee Hye-seong.”

The key main dealer of Lee Hye-sung’s raid is now Yu Ju-yeon.

It’s been a while since I became Yoo Joo-yeon, so there’s no one who doesn’t know about it.

From the time of Kainel, when I was a hybrid, I drove a wedge, and now I’m in a situation where I’m catching even a unicorn alone, but to send an assassin to such a main dealer.

I would rather do that if I poisoned the food I eat or took sleeping pills.

On the way, Twenty appears openly and draws a weapon.

“You touched someone you shouldn’t have touched.”

Of course, the position of fanatics is understandable.

The item that Juyeon Yoo has is the most valuable, so it is right to aim for it.

How many SS-class items have been revealed?

If you succeed, your life will change.

It wouldn’t be difficult to put your name on the ranking board overnight if you wore an SS-level item in your clown hat.

If that was allowed, Juyeon Yoo wouldn’t have been able to come up here in the first place.

As usual, he drew his sword and swung it.

The [Ghost Sword] alone was enough.

No matter what color the opponent’s clown hat was, or whether they were tall enough to come, I wasn’t afraid anymore.

Even Lin Shaoling was captured.

I swung my sword without thinking, and if I blocked it, I planned to relax my body a little as I blocked it.

“… … what.”

However, the fanatics were swept away by a single sword strike.

Yoo Joo-yeon did not expect such a result.

It was even more embarrassing because I didn’t attack with all my might.

No matter what the attack power is, no matter how strong it is.

What is this gorgeous effect?

“no. Demon race effects also apply to true fanatics?”

Only one thing has changed.

new item.

Even if you didn’t get it on purpose to deal with Kurnendo, it’s a preparation for conversion.

That also applies to users wearing clown hats.

I’m not sure yet, but there was no other way to explain this situation.

“… … What, what? What did I just see?”

The absurd thing was that the party members who were watching from the side were all the same.

“As expected, warrior… … .”

I swung the sword, but it was swept away like fallen leaves.

“Did you stage it?”

This kind of sound comes out, so it is possible to gauge the extent of the destructive power of the scene.

Yu Ju-yeon kindly explained the situation so that there would be no misunderstanding.

“The item obtained this time has 44% additional damage from demonic races, but with the imitation bracelet added, 66%. I wonder if this applies to users wearing clown hats?”

“… … .”

“I think that’s why this kind of firepower comes out. I guess I need to experiment a little more to be precise?”

“… … .”

Of course, that wasn’t a very convincing explanation.

“So, do you think that users who signed a contract with Kurnendo are also demons?”

“maybe… … ?”

It was good if it was true, or not.

Anyway, Kurnendo was a pretty good item even if it was used for a limited time, and it was useful enough even if demons like Kurnendo continued to come over in the future.

However, if the effect is applied only to users wearing Kurnendo’s hat, the value is multiplied several times.

“Crazy… … .”

“Does the users who contracted with the clown know? this terrible fact.”

Kim Sang-wook quietly prayed for the rest of the fanatics.

It was inevitable that fanatics from all over the world who were flocking to Japan were in a festive mood.

“The fanatics said they were happy that the buff would get bigger if the B-class special field disappeared.”

The special field is food for demons.

When it disappears and cracks in the dimension occur, demons can emerge from it.

If not, that power would permeate the clown’s hat and the buff effect from [Clown’s Friend] would increase.

As the special fields continue to disappear, the effect of buffs received by clown users is getting better little by little, but how much buff will be given if the B-class special field disappears.

Everyone was coming to Japan to enjoy the festival.

It is also easy to find prey for fanatics in chaotic Japan.

There are probably many clowns cheering for Yoo Joo-yeon.

Please destroy the special field as soon as possible to make it stronger.

That’s it.

You won’t know more than that.

The birth of a demon hunter who took an item that ate the increasingly powerful clown buff.

“okay. This is the right quest. Does it make sense to have them work without weapons to catch demons?”

Yoo Joo-yeon was satisfied.

Until I caught Lin Shaoling, I was thinking that it might be harder than I thought if there were more and more of these guys.

It was worth catching a unicorn.

Along with [Armed], the biggest harvest of this raid is [Demon Hunter].

“I’m going to make a flytrap this time and clean it up.”

A very good plan came to mind.

Evil bastards gathering in Japan.

A good plan to scavenge those in human disguise who are trying to become demons by feeding on their fellow human beings.

After a long time, I called Han Chan-joong.

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