Qin Xiu threw more than a dozen pieces of colorful mythical armor behind him at the speed of light, and it counts as much damage as it can block.

At the same time, he strode up to Bai Ji, and hugged her tightly in Bai Ji's surprised eyes.

He has to.

If it is too far away from Bai Ji, Qin Xiu's body will be thrown away by the huge impact force, and Bai Ji may still be injured by the killing wave.

Although Bai Ji is a rank nine powerhouse anyway, but sandwiched between two powerhouses whose total attributes have exceeded 100 million, Bai Ji's attributes of just over 50 million are as powerless as a child.

The light arrow of Mecha White Emperor arrived with thunder.


The huge impact directly tore through several pieces of armor.

Finally, it hit Qin Xiu hard on the back.

The two people were sent flying tens of meters before stopping.

At any rate, this arrow was blocked.

However, Qin Xiu was still seriously injured.

At least half of the ribs on his back were broken.


Qin Xiu spat out a mouthful of blood.

It splashed onto Bai Ji's fair face.

Bai Ji's face paled instantly.

She looked at the pale Qin Xiu, with rare concern on her face.

"Are you OK?"


Qin Xiu licked his lips, quietly waved the magic staff in his hand, and the healing light quickly enveloped his whole body.

He raised his head, only to find that the figure of the Mecha White Emperor struck again like a bolt of thunder.

Qin Xiu released a skill with difficulty.

"Dark Sky".

A black mask surrounds the fast wheel cover, and all vision is obscured by darkness.

【Dark Sky Curtain (SSS): Group interference, create a dark curtain within a range of 5000 meters, and everyone within the range will be shrouded in darkness】

This skill can only deceive people, and with the current strength of Mecha White Emperor, he will soon find a way to crack it.

Qin Xiu took the time to take out the forbidden spell he got at the auction.

【Dark Sneak Attack (SSS-level Forbidden Curse) Skill Effect: Release dark fog within a range of 1000 meters, and the caster can teleport infinitely in the fog. 】

After a few seconds, the system prompt will sound.

"Ding! You have mastered the SSS curse [Dark Sneak Attack."

There is still a little time, hurry up and heal!

With Bai Ji in his arms, Qin Xiu sneaked quietly in the dark mist, trying his best to distance himself from the mecha Baidi.

However, Mecha White Emperor was only troubled by the darkness for a few seconds.

On his back, a huge ball of light suddenly popped up, and a strong white light shot out from the ball of light, quickly dissolving the surrounding dark elements.

Soon, clusters of thick black fog were dispersed.

Qin Xiu and Bai Ji, who were a thousand meters away, were exposed again.

Fortunately, Qin Xiu's injuries have recovered by more than 70%, and he finally has the strength to fight back.

"I'll lead him to a distance in a while, and you sneak over there to save your father."

Qin Xiu quietly sent a voice transmission to Bai Ji.

Bai Ji silently nodded.

Unknowingly, this man he hated so much has become her reliance.

Now she looked at Qin Xiu with a lot of indescribable emotions.

Qin Xiu can't take care of these things now, this time the opponent is a rare and powerful enemy he has encountered since he came to this world.

It's not all because the opponent is too strong, the bigger reason is that all kinds of elements have been emptied here, Qin Xiukong has a whole set of skills but can't release them.

"Come and try this trick!"

Qin Xiu pointed his staff towards his feet, and a white spring was quickly formed.

"Sacred Spring of Light!!"

Heals one's own camp and causes huge damage to the enemy at the same time.

The milky white spring water flowed slowly, and streaks of white light instantly pierced the surrounding space.

These white lights are powerful gamma rays that are extremely penetrating.

Ordinary defenses can't intercept it at all.

Qin Xiu used this trick to save himself from danger many times.

The moment Mecha White Emperor saw the Holy Spring of Light, he quickly took out a round light shield as if he had expected it.

The light shield reveals colorful hues, blocking all gamma rays.

The Mecha White Emperor who was hiding behind the shield grinned loudly.

"Hahahaha! Qin Xiu! Didn't expect that!"

"Your big move is useless to me!!"

"Lighthouse Country has long developed a series of exclusive weapons for your skills, let me see what tricks you can do now!"

Qin Xiu was completely speechless.

This is a special light shield made of a rare alloy, specially made to intercept gamma rays.

The ability of my own body is almost completely eaten by the other party.

It seems that in order to target him, the Beacon Country has worked hard in private.

No wonder the lighthouse country launched all tentative attacks these days, even if it suffered a loss, it did not immediately retaliate.

It turned out that everything was premeditated.

Qin Xiu's injuries have been completely recovered after being treated by Guangming Shengquan.

His magic staff was lightly pointing towards the air, and the skill was released quickly.

Dark Sneak Attack!"

Within a kilometer, it was instantly covered by black mist.

It's a pity that the light ball behind Mecha White Emperor continuously emitted white light, and the surrounding darkness was soon dispelled again.

After the arrow shot just now, Mecha White Emperor is convinced that he can crush Qin Xiu in terms of combat power.

Now his self-confidence has reached its peak, and a contemptuous expression appeared on his face.

He simply stopped attacking and quietly enjoyed Qin Xiu's performance.

However, Qin Xiu no longer needed the cover of darkness.

Now within a range of 1000 meters, Qin Xiu can already teleport without cooling.

Qin Xiu put away his staff and took out a bunch of big swords from his backpack.

【Ordinary Iron Sword】

outstanding quality

All attributes: +1000

Use level: unlimited

Occupation: Unlimited

Weapon Wear: (100/0)

Weapon Effect: Made of fine iron, very hard

That's right, what Qin Xiu took out was the most common iron sword.

The novice area with one turn and two turns is almost necessary.

It's not that Qin Xiu doesn't want to use better weapons, there are a lot of colorful mythical weapons in his backpack.

He really can't use it. Weapons of higher quality have occupational restrictions.

Only the corresponding physics profession can use it.

No matter how strong Qin Xiu's attributes are, it can't change the fact that he is a mage.

Only these novice iron swords have no occupational restrictions.

"What the hell is wrong with Faden being forced to fight people hand to hand!"

Qin Xiu was completely speechless by himself.

He never dreamed that he, a shaman who would destroy the world, would one day kill people with a novice sword.

Qin Xiu had a sword in his hand, and all the other great swords were behind his back.

Next, it's real man time!

Hand to hand combat!.

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