Sure enough, as Qin Xiu expected, after a while, a lot of grain was put on the shelves again in the exchange.

The price of food this time has increased a lot compared to before, but Qin Xiu is not bad for this amethyst coin.

"Buy all!!"

The exchange was swiped again, and countless food pages were swept away again.

Qin Xiu transferred all the food he bought into the large backpacks he just bought.

10 million cubic meters of large space backpacks, more than 100 backpacks have been filled in this short period of time.

People in Zuta Kingdom have been eating these grains for 5 years.

There are more than 10 giant backpacks piled up even for agricultural tools.

Next, the speed of food shelves has slowed down significantly.

From time to time, a few people can squeeze out some. It seems that the grain has been bought almost.

Those who sold it before are even starting to regret it now, the price is too low.

A group of professional ranchers soon started pissing each other off.

"How much grain did you sell this time? I emptied all my stock!"

"It's the same with us. Just now, we were wondering if we could collect some grain from other farms, but when we asked, we found out that they had already sold out!"

"But this buyer's appetite is really big! I checked, and the food exchange is all out of stock! How many amethyst coins will it cost!"

"Shh! Don't guess! Maybe it's a secret operation by the high-level! I have a bad feeling that there will be a real war! Every time there is a war, food becomes scarce.

"No way! I knew we should stockpile some food ourselves!"

"Who says it's not! But this time the price offered by the buyer is too tempting! It's 50% higher than the normal price in the past, and he will buy it. Anyway, I can't help it!"

"It's true, once you get the money, are you afraid of running out of food? I'll see if I can go to other countries to collect some food back later."

At this time, the top leaders of the Beacon Country held an emergency meeting.

The leader was the head of the Beacon Country, and a group of influential business leaders also attended the meeting.

The expression on the face of the head of the Lighthouse country was extremely serious at this time.

He glanced across the conference room, saw that almost everyone had arrived, and coughed heavily.

"We have a meeting now!"

"Let's talk about today's situation first! There are three things in total!"

"First thing, the Black Dragon God of the Dragon Kingdom has just invaded my battleship island! But it has been expelled by the three generals.

"Second thing, the door of the trial was broken into! Without any approval or application, you broke in without permission!"

"The third thing is that the domestic grain was bought out in just half an hour!"

"Let's not talk about the first two, let's talk about the third!"

"Usually I don't care about what you do in private, but is it too much today?"

"Buy out the grain at the exchange! Now we only have less than a month's grain reserve left in the whole country! Is this trying to make my lighthouse country starve into famine!"

"Who did it, stand up for yourself! Take the initiative, and everyone won't be too ugly!"

There are more than a dozen bigwigs on the conference table, all of whom are well-known figures in the business world.

At this time, everyone became dumb one by one, you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

"What? It's all this time and no one has admitted it yet!??"

At this time, someone finally spoke up.

"Don't stare at me! I didn't do it! My main business is oil!"

"Not me either! Our family runs coal!"

"Could it not be done by our people?"

"After all, the profit of such things as food itself is not high, and we don't care about making it for us!"

"It's not my people, so you mean other countries?"

"Except for Wanjia of Dragon Kingdom who has the strength to buy out our Lighthouse Country's grain at one time, who else has such strength?"

"Maybe Wanjia did it! After all, the relationship between my Lighthouse Kingdom and Dragon Kingdom is so tense, and they might want to take the bottom line and cut off our way out!"

"Wanjia? Impossible, I haven't heard any news from my eyeliner in Longguo. That guy Wan Sicong has been running to Tianji Mountain for the past few days, and he has no time to do this at all!"

"If it's not Longguo Wanjia, who would it be?"

The head of the Beacon Country looked at the chaos below, and felt even more irritable.

However, all the people who have the ability to buy out the grain of the Lighthouse Exchange are already here, and everyone has their own sufficient evidence to prove that they did not do it themselves. Could it be that it is really the Dragon Kingdom?

0...seeking flowers...

His mind was once again in chaos...

On Qin Xiu's side, seeing that the timing was almost up, he decided to start with another type of product.

"What should I buy next?"

"Yes! Buy Energy!!"

After all, there are still many ordinary people in this world, and everyone cannot live without various energy sources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, which are things that people rely on in their lives.

Even if there are many powerful job changers in the world.

But it can't replace these most basic things.

Job changers may not need so much energy, but ordinary people do.


Without these sources of energy, the country would be paralyzed.

Just do it, Qin Xiu quickly opened the page of energy materials in the exchange.

Check them all, and buy them all.

The page of the exchange is refreshed quickly. Pages of energy materials have all become blank.

Qin Xiu's large backpack was quickly filled to the brim.

Before the merchants in the lighthouse country had time to recover from the food turmoil, a new storm suddenly swept through.

"Fack! What's going on! My 3 million cubic meters of oil have been bought out at once!"

"Who did this? It's too exaggerated. My 5 million tons of coal were bought without a catty left!"

"Could it be done by the person who just sold the grain? Can you see the buyer's information?"

"I can't see, the buyer is using anonymous payment!"

"This is a big profit! Come on, how much stock do we have left! Double the price and put it all on me!"

"Is it possible to do this? These hoarded energy sources have not been reported by the Bureau of Resources!"

"Whatever those people do! As long as you can earn money, I will send a few catties of amethyst coins to those moths in the Resource Bureau later, are you afraid that they won't buy it! Don't ink, hurry up!!"

Soon, driven by huge interests, a large number of new energies appeared on the exchange.

This time the sellers all raised their prices in unison.

"Increase the price? Just double it? Who are you scaring!"

Qin Xiu didn't even frown, just bought it all! Do it!.

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