All The People: Alternative Mages! Create A Country-Destroying Tsunami At The Beginning

Chapter 261 Another Accident Happened In The Lighthouse Country, And The Whole Country Suffered From

Qin Xiu didn't stay any longer, and stepped out in one step, leaving this old and bitter desert.

At the same time, within the territory of the Beacon Country, commotions suddenly occurred in the obstetrics and gynecology departments of major hospitals.

Thousands of pregnant women who had already reached their delivery date unexpectedly experienced dystocia at the same time.

The entire obstetrics and gynecology department has become a mess.

There were abuses from family members everywhere.

"What's going on in your hospital? Our child was fine yesterday, so why did he say he was gone today?

"You quack doctors! I'm going to sue you!"

Even those pregnant women who were not yet due to give birth also encountered mass abortions.

All dystocias and miscarriages have one thing in common.

That is, the adults are fine, without any injuries, and the children in the field suddenly disappear.

Walking is very quiet and very unpredictable.

Because the impact of the matter was too great, it quickly alarmed the top level of the Lighthouse country.

Not long after, the high priest of rank nine was even dispatched to make a diagnosis.

But the final result was that the reason could not be found out.

These children left around the same time.

It was as if recalled by some magical force.

In order to calm things down, the top management of the Beacon Country had no choice but to make up an excuse.

It is said that fortune tellers have calculated that today is a special day, and God will come to the world to find his believers on this day.

These children were all very lucky, and were sent to the city of God.

In addition, with the support of the top leaders of the Beacon Country, the hospital offered sky-high compensation.

This finally quelled some of the commotion.

It's just that some voices in the lighthouse country have begun to come out.

"Have you heard? A lot of things happened in Lighthouse today!"

"Of course I heard that, first, the Battleship Island was invaded, then the exchange was bought out, and the trial site was broken into, and now even the unborn children are gone without knowing it."

"Do you think this is man-made or is there something else hidden?"

"The possibility of being invaded by humans does not rule out the possibility of human beings, but a good child, who died before birth, cannot be caused by human beings.

"Could it be that the Lighthouse Country angered God and was punished by God? I heard that a black dragon suddenly appeared in the country a while ago. It's better for the high-level officials to discuss this matter.

"That's right! I've heard that too! It is said that the black dragon is a sealed ancient god and demon. It has always been the natural enemy of human beings. Why does the Lighthouse Congress take in this monster?"

"In my opinion, such a bunch of weird things happened today, and they are inseparable from the mysterious ancient gods and demons!"

"If the accident continues, I will go to the streets to protest!"

"I am coming too!!"

Office of the head of the Lighthouse State.

Today is a longer day than the past year.

Just now, there was a wave of fortune tellers, and another group of gold diggers who went to fight in the secret realm of Atlantis came.

It was hard to drive away these gold diggers, and now a bunch of high priests with nervous expressions came.

The champagne on the table of the head of the Beacon Country hadn't had time to be unsealed yet, and now it started to grow big again.

"I'm the head of the Beacon Country! I'm not the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department! Does this kind of thing have to go through me?! What do you want?!"

"Have you found out? What exactly caused the mass abortion?"

The high priest looked depressed, shook his head, and said hesitantly:

"I can't find out the reason, but I'm sure that these unborn children all left at the same time, as if they were affected by some kind of force."

The head of the Beacon Country was taken aback, remembering what the fortune teller had said before.

Tianji was disturbed for no reason, suspected to be influenced by that adult.

Now that the mass abortion of pregnant women across the country, could it be that adult's cat?

If so, then this matter is hard to explain!

After all, the identity of that adult is too special, and even he, the leader, cannot be mentioned at will.

Once ordinary people know of the existence of that lord, the Lighthouse Country will become a target of public criticism.

He thought about it, and finally decided to suppress this matter first.

"Okay, I see, you all go down."

"Don't spread this matter!"

The high priest led the people out of the head office with a look of surprise.

He didn't understand why the leader's attitude suddenly became much calmer.

Such a big matter, why didn't you continue to pursue it?

Could there be an inside story?

The turmoil in the Lighthouse Country was one wave after another, and everyone was almost overwhelmed.

He quickly forgot about Qin Xiu's invasion.

At this moment, Qin Xiu has successfully arrived at the third trial of Disha.

The view here is extremely poor, it seems to be a swamp.

The surroundings are filled with green mist.

Many figures slowly moved forward in the mist.

Strangely enough, these people all looked sickly.

Many were coughing, and many were covered with abscesses.

Everyone was groaning in pain while advancing.

The mist is poisonous!

Qin Xiu realized this immediately.

This smell is miasma! The source of all poisons!

This is "." "Trial of Illness", the Swamp of Ten Thousand Poisons!

Qin Xiu's natural talent can completely neutralize these viruses.

He looked at the people in front of him, and it turned out that they were reincarnations from the Lighthouse Kingdom again.


"Help to the end! Then I will help you!"

Qin Xiu's staff lightly touched the ground, and a stream of white spring water appeared instantly.

A large piece of holy light quickly spread, dispelling the surrounding green fog.

All the patients came back to life.

"Oh my god!! What's going on? My body doesn't hurt at all!"

(Good promise) "I seem to see God! God! Are you here to save me!"

"It doesn't seem like God, just now I saw that the person next to him was releasing his skills. 17

"That person looks familiar to me, I seem to have seen him somewhere, I remembered it! I met him in the Dragon Kingdom! He is the Black Dragon God of the Dragon Kingdom! How did he come here?"

Before these people could react, the voice in the sky appeared again.

[Reincarnation XXX of the Lighthouse Country used external force to cross the swamp of sickness and suffering, violated the law of reincarnation, and punished you to stay in the swamp forever [Eternal ban on reincarnation]

[The reincarnation XXX of the Lighthouse Country uses external force to cross the swamp of sickness and suffering, violates the law of reincarnation, and punishes you to stay in the swamp forever, and you will never enter reincarnation]

"Hahaha!! Got it!!"

"My friends from the Lighthouse Country, you don't need to thank me! I'm a good person!"

Qin Xiu took advantage of the chaos and ran out with a smirk on his face. .

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