Magic Stone, a new resource discovered after the Wolf Cavalry explored the mountain range.

This is also a characteristic resource in this game world, and it is also the most important resource of the early extraordinary civilization.

A transcendent civilization in the occult direction will call it a spirit stone, which can speed up cultivation.

Magical Powers will call him Magic Stone, which can help cast spells.

Because the color of the magic stone varies from white to purple because of the different purity, purple is the best.

This open-pit mineral can even partially replace low-level energy sources such as charcoal, and the efficiency of converting heat energy is unreasonably high.

According to the "Human Education Edition - Basic Resources of the Game World", magic stones are a hard currency in the game world, and NPC civilization can hardly live without it.

As for the technology of mining and refining this ore, it seems to be a technology on the technology tree.

However, it can be obtained very early, which shows that the technical difficulty is quite low. Becoming an extraordinary civilization can get quite a lot of benefits, which is a technology that the "gods" must have in the early stage.

With the development of the Star Tribe, the population of succubus has officially exceeded 600 people. Slave Goblins also reached the number of three hundred, and it didn't seem far from the four-digit mark of a thousand.

What makes Liu Jie even happier is that the P system seems to have evolved again.

You can preview most of the technologies of ancient times!

In addition to some technologies that are not compatible with civilization can not be displayed, such as beast people, or the technology of the peak civilization with hive thinking, the rest of the technology Liu Jie can check the location, pre-technology, research progress.

The most important point is that Liu Jie can choose the focus of scientific research!

In general, a civilization will make progress in the research and development of multiple technologies at the same time, and the magnitude of the progress depends on social research power, as well as recent events, and the calculation of social research power is quite complicated, especially for this kind of game that is realized to the extent of another world, population, education level, literacy rate, related policies, etc., which is a model that cannot be estimated with modern concepts.

At present, the technology that has been developed: "pottery, animal husbandry, irrigation, mining, copper alchemy, ancient textile technology"

The technology behind irrigation is calendar technology, the effect is to increase food production, for the first civilization in this region to develop this technology, as well as cultural bonus effect, the twenty-four solar terms of the other world belong to yes.

There are three branches behind mining, one is alchemy, the succubus civilization has been ordered, the second is bricklaying technology, Liu Jie estimates that after the point, there will be a chance to see the stone building, and the last branch is the primary magic energy mining technology.

Liu Jie focused his research on the last branch. After all, for fantasy, what boy didn't fantasize about being a great knight or an archmage when he was a child?

Liu Jie can't wait to see the scene of the little succubus rubbing the big fireball into each other!

Liu Jie looked at the sea for a while, and another social technology was pointed out: "foreign trade".

This game has two sets of tech trees, "General Technology" and "Social Technology". According to civilization 6, they are blue technology and purple social ideas.

Sociotechnology has been unlocked: "chiefdom, slavery, national ideas" and the newly unlocked "foreign trade".

Zoom in closer to the minimap, and you can already see the scene of the succubus forming the caravan going to trade with the elven tribe next door.

This technology can be pointed out so quickly, and the close relationship between the elf tribe and the star tribe has a lot to do with it.

By the way, the population of the elves of the star tribe of Rocco has grown to 150, and the technology has also pointed out a lot, although the development is not as good as Liu Jie, but it is also quite rapid.

It is a little interesting that although the elven tribe has pottery technology, they rarely make it themselves, and most of them are purchased from the succubus civilization.

On the one hand, it is related to the remoteness of raw materials, on the other hand, the pottery made by the elves themselves is not as durable and of high quality as that made by the demon civilization.

Perhaps this is the intelligence in the characteristics of the succubus race.

Although still thriving overall, a civilization with a population of less than a thousand is still too fragile.

Today is Saturday, and Liu Jie, who has been staring at the computer screen for a day, rubbed his eyes and raised his waist.

Since he got up in the morning, Liu Jie began to peep into the screen, although he didn't do much operation, but a strange magic firmly grabbed Liu Jie's attention, and he didn't eat lunch until the ringing of the mobile phone next to his ears pulled him back to reality.

Liu Jie looked at the contact: Niu Guan.

The "god" senior who was just added to the address book yesterday.

"Brother Niu, what's the matter."

"Xiao Liu, there were too many things yesterday, it was too hurried, I didn't have time to talk to you properly, today there is no time, let's have a meal, give you a crushing shock."

Liu Jie was overjoyed when he heard it. Niu Gu'an is a "god" at the level of Internet celebrities, and if he can get involved with this big guy, the benefits are unimaginable.

"Okay, okay."

"Okay, then dinner, we're in..." Liu

Jie thought it would be a high-end shop, but he didn't expect it to be just a small noodle shop on the side of the road.

"Come, whatever, I'll treat you."

Niu Guan looked atmospheric.

Liu Jie wanted to press Niu Gu'an's wallet further, but this menu was really not powerful.

Niu Gu'an spoke:

"I didn't scare you yesterday."

"It's okay, it's okay, the main thing is that people are careless, and they underestimate the enemy."

"Haha, at your age, you don't need to be humble if you have this skill."

Ended the politeness

, "Actually, as an experiencer of the incident, according to the rules, I still have to ask you a little question."

Liu Jie immediately sat down in good fashion and was silent.

Niu Guan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, this is not a formal occasion, I will ask a few questions casually."

"Okay, here we go. What was your situation at the time and why were you standing?

"I was then..." Liu Jie recited the lines that he had thought about many times in advance, explaining why he appeared in that position.

Niu Gu nodded after listening to it. There is nothing suspicious about this child's background, and the explanation is normal.

Then Niu Guan asked a few more irrelevant questions, and Liu Jie, who had been prepared, also answered well.

Although Niu Gu'an still had doubts about some details, he couldn't find any loopholes for Liu Jie's statement for a while, so he stopped entangled and pushed the topic to the most important thing:

"Well, in fact, I have another request to find you this time, the female assassin yesterday, she hopes to see you."

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