The god chat channel of the twelve districts was also lively at this time, and the core issue they discussed was the succubus tribe:

"The early boss of the novice area has appeared!!


"Didn't you watch Miss Roco's live broadcast yesterday?"

"I didn't watch it, she didn't speak live, there was no other operation except occasionally moving the screen, what was there to watch."

"But people show their faces and are still a big beauty! There are also three no attributes, I came directly a few times. "


"It's that succubus civilization with a population of more than three thousand."

"Thai pants are spicy!"

"No kidding, it's only the first few days, how can I brush this civilization in the novice area."

"The succubus civilization mainly has a large slave population, and it is estimated that there are sixty percent goblins."

"However, the succubus itself is not a civilization that can fight, how can it have the strength to plunder so many goblins."

"It is estimated that there is a technological advantage, and that succubus civilization seems to have popularized bronze."

"Who doesn't have bronze technology... Wait, you say it's already popular?! "

Bronze suit, yesterday's live broadcast was all dressed in bronze armor, and there were wolf cavalry."

"No kidding, what the hell is the Wolf Cavalry?"

"Literally, there are cavalry riding wolves in the succubus."

"Cast it, vote it, I'm ready to be run over by the succubus car."

"Upstairs, are you serious about crushing it?"


At this time, Lin Shao's face was blue, white and purple, and his face was very ugly.

There are two reasons, the first thing is that he was severely lectured by his father. He sends his subordinates to find out the true identity of "I am Yukino's dog", and his father accidentally learns about it.

So nineteen-year-old Lin Shao experienced a one-man kombat for a long time.

"Don't go to other gods who have nothing to do, hear no!"

This cowardly father. The thought of this made Lin Shaoqi's teeth itch.

The second thing is also very disgusting.

Why does Nima have a boss-level NPC civilization in the novice area where he is!!

This NPC civilization is likely to rob the gods of development space and reduce their development potential in the early stage.

It would be good if it was far away, but Lin Shao glanced at the public map and found that the birthplace of his civilization was separated from that ghostly demon civilization by a mountain range.

Lin Shao chose the vampire civilization, which is a civilization that is weak to explosive in the early stage, typical of the late civilization.

To give a number: Miss Roco's slow reproduction rate of the elven tribe already has 300 people, but at present, Lin Shao's vampire tribe is only worthy of a hundred people.

The probability of a hit from a shot by the men and women of the Blood Clan is low.

Only after the first and later stages began to infiltrate other civilizations, create dependents, and control undead technology, did it slowly become stronger.

Therefore, the early development is very important for their own civilization.

Although I heard that the warlike degree of the succubus civilization is relatively low, as long as it can lick it, it can live, but Lin Shao has always looked down on the NPC civilization, and he is still an inferior race succubus whose positive traits all grow on his face!

Or form a "demon coalition army".

Lin Shao's spirit flashed, and he felt more and more feasible.

There are still quite a few little brothers bought with money around them, the rat-man tribe, the dwarf tribe that still lives in the cave, the human tribe, and when they are developing, it should not be a problem to put together a force of five thousand people, and Roco, who rebelled her and backstabbed a wave of succubus civilization.

In this way, the advantage lies with me.

Lin Shao's face finally showed a smile again...

The exam week was coming, Liu Jie did not dare to empty a class, took a day's classes, until almost ten o'clock in the evening, Liu Jie dragged his tired body back to the dormitory.

After climbing into bed, turning on the computer, and seeing the colorful little succubus, Liu Jie's mood finally relaxed.

But this time, it seems that there is a different change on the map!

First, the Star Tribe finally developed a second gathering point:

"The population of the stronghold at the mountain range has exceeded 200 to the village level, and it can be named."

Your name is: ____

"Since it is mainly mining, then it is called "Forging Knife Village".

Liu Jie quickly filled in the name.

"You name the main city _____"

and the name of the regime is the Star Tribe, then the name is "Star City".

There is also a difference, there are other races gathered around the Knife Forge Village.

A group of black leather elves did not know what direction to get out of the map, and now they have reached the vicinity of the Forge Man Village.

The succubus, who was busy, was startled when he saw this group of uninvited guests, and an exclamation mark appeared on the top of his head.

This is, desert elves??

Desert elves, darker skin, compared to Liu Jie's neighbor forest elves, also more figure... Ahem, in short, more fabric is needed.

"How did our neighbors turn blackskin!"

A blacksmith succubus pops up a dialog box.

"- Your faction has encountered exiled refugees who want to join the Star Horde."

There were two or three hundred people, and more importantly, they brought camels and some salons from the desert.

Sharon lives in the desert and moves slowly, but has a strong load-bearing capacity.

For the succubus civilization that has not yet found the cow, this thing in the salon is indeed a gift in the snow.

Not only is farming needed, but also pulling goods, and now with a second stronghold, the "Forging Knife Village", civilization's requirements for transportation capacity have greatly increased.

But accepting them is not without risk.

Most importantly, they have their own beliefs.

Unlike the fragmented primitive belief in goblins, they also seem to believe in an NPC god, the God of Sand.

Whether the addition of multiple faiths will have an impact on the faith of the tribe is indeed a question to consider.

In this case, Liu Jie lowered the divine revelation again

: Liu Jie quickly tapped on the keyboard:

"For believers in the God of Sand, it is required that they must give up their faith in order to join the tribe."

Survive and faith, and see how they choose.

Liu Jie did not want to engage in polytheistic beliefs, to be precise, freedom of belief under the rules is what Liu Jie pursues.

But this is in the early stage, hundreds of people of other faiths joined, and it is doubtful whether society can have this ability to digest.

"Everything is as you wish, Mother."

Liu Jie suddenly heard a female voice as pleasant as a yellow warbler in his mind.

Wait, Alice spoke to me directly?!

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