Then, Lin Yun's mind moved, and the virtual panel appeared again.

Click on the Power tab.

[Faction Name]: Huai

Village [Level]: Lv.MAX (can be upgraded

) [Village Chief]: Lin Yun

[Deputy Village Chief]: None (three people can be appointed)

[Vassal Force

]: None [Population]: 7439 people [

Public Buildings]: Village Hall, Blacksmith Shop, Dan Shop, Tailor Shop...

[Permanent Skills]: One key to return to the city, one key to return

When he saw the end, Lin Yun's eyes lit up and clicked on the introduction of these two skills.

[One-click return to the city: an exclusive skill for villagers in god-level villages, using this skill, you need to stay in place for ten seconds, and after ten seconds, you will be teleported back to the new stone house. ] 【

Hint: If attacked or moved, the skill fails; The village chief can use one key to return to the city twice a day, and ordinary villagers can use one key to return to the city once a day; The number of one-click returns to the city is related to the level of influence, and upgrading the village can increase the number of one-click returns to the city. And

with one click, you can return to the location where you returned to the city before!

These two skills, although they don't have any combat effectiveness bonuses, are very useful!

It is extremely beneficial both for the individual and for the village as a whole.

Personally, if you are injured in the process of brushing monsters and need to rest, you can go back to the city directly to rest, and after returning to your peak state, you can return with one click, saving a lot of time and greatly improving the efficiency of brushing monsters.

And if the village encounters any danger, or if there is a major event that needs to gather everyone, the villagers can also return to the city in the first time.

Later, Lin Yun opened the village hall.

[The village hall is the most important building in the village and the most core building, please be sure to protect your village hall, if the village hall is destroyed, your village will also be destroyed. 【Reminder

: The village hall is only completely open to the village chief alone, and ordinary villagers can only use part of the functions of the village hall.

Lin Yun's expression was a little more solemn.

Be sure to protect your village hall, otherwise, all your previous efforts will be in vain, and this will also affect his strength.

After all, the energy points that the villagers fed back to him were still very considerable, and they were endless.

I took a look at the function of the village hall.

Among them are various deputy positions, there is the Junior Resource Mall, these are open to all villagers, and there are village treasuries, village arrays, which are only open to him.

Village array, this is one of the benefits of building a village.

With the protection of the large array, the village will become safer, and it will be more conducive for the village to withstand the attack of the beast tide in two days.

As for the village treasury, this one is very interesting.

Every time villagers buy items in the Resource Mall, the village gets 1% of the revenue, and these profits will appear in the village treasury.

Perhaps, at the beginning, the 1% income is very small, but when the village continues to grow and develop, the villagers will become more and more, the strength will become stronger and stronger, and at the same time, this resource mall will also be upgraded.

When the village of Huai develops to a certain point, this 1% gain will be a very terrifying amount.

However, this income is also limited, that is, it cannot be deliberately brushed, as for this malicious standard, the final interpretation is in the hands of Heaven's Dao.

And with the strength of the Heavenly Dao, it has always been impossible for people to exploit loopholes in this regard.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun opened other public buildings.

A moment later, a bright smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

All right.

He admits that he still underestimated the income of the village treasury.

Because these public buildings such as blacksmith shops and danpu will also bring a steady stream of income to the village treasury, and this income is no longer only 1% of the village treasury, but 1%-10%.

However, this 1%-10% is not an additional income, but needs to be taken out of the villagers, to put it bluntly, and the tax on the blue star, is a concept.

That's understandable.

After all, those deputy jobs in the village hall are only some of the most basic deputy jobs, such as mining, logging, medicine gathering, etc., which are all related to raw materials.

The deputy positions of blacksmiths and alchemists are for raw material processing.

The benefits between the two are not a concept at all.

Of course, there is also a limit to the number of blacksmiths and alchemists.

For example, there are only fifty places in the current Danpu, and these fifty people will learn elementary alchemy in the Danpu, so that they can start refining elixirs, and the same is true for public buildings such as blacksmith shops and tailor shops.

And the right to decide these places is also in the hands of him, the village chief.

After a brief understanding, Lin Yun exited the power column and opened his own attribute panel.

[Name]: Lin Yun

[Level]: Level 12 (540,000/600,000

) [Heavenly Duty]: Level 1 Guardian (0/

100) [Prestige]: 118

[Strength]: 3053 (+500) (Armor Breaking +50%) [Agility]: 3056 (+100) [Physique]: 3012 (+150) [



3541 (+30)

[Talent]: Infinite Plunder (SSS Level), Fire True Meaning (B Level), Water True Meaning (B Level), Wood Oath (C Level), Earth Oath (C Level), Agility Transcendence (C Level), Visual Transcendence (C Level), Power Madness (D Level), Olfactory Madness (D Level).

[Skills]: Flaming Pure Yang (Grade B), Tornado Rain Strike (Grade B), Wood Sea Strike (Grade C), Flying Sand Walking Stone (Grade C), Shrinking into Inches (Grade C), Eye of True Vision (Grade C), Light of Purification (Guardian Exclusive).

[Combat power]: 25 levels (comprehensively evaluated by various basic indexes.) Free

assignment of attribute points: 5050.

Ha ha.

All four dimensions break 3000!

The level has also been raised from 11 to 12, and it will soon be possible to reach level 13!

There are also 5050 freely assigned attribute points!

There are 900 for faction battles, 1500 for god-level villages, and 2500 for villagers to feed back, and the remaining 150 are given by rising to level 12.

Strength, agility and physique, each item is increased by 1300, and the remaining 1150 attribute points are added to energy.

With this wave of happy extra points, the combat power soared to the 27th order!


It's so cool!

Feeling the power in his body that was more powerful than before, Lin Yun laughed heartily.

Of course, that's not the end of it.

Killed nearly four hundred golden fierce beasts, and has not plundered yet.

When you get a high-level talent, and then plunder the second-level talent, it will be automatically converted into attribute points.

Therefore, Lin Yun began to plunder from ordinary ferocious beasts.

Each beast plundered three times.

Without any accidents, after nine plunders, Lin Yun

obtained a gold C-level talent, the Golden Oath, and at the same time, he also obtained a corresponding C-level gold talent skill: Golden Rainbow Guanri.

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