[District announcement: No. 5673 novice village, officially established simple village, village name: Lingfeng, as the first simple village in the district, the name is exclusive to the whole district, in the future, any novice village in District 1 shall not be named after this. ] 【

District-wide announcement:...】【District-wide announcement:...】Not

to mention that in the regional chat channel, some novice villages are congratulating, and some novice villages are envious and jealous.

Wang Feng here, after building his own village, he sent a message to Lin Yun.

"Boss, the village is built, all the villagers get 20 attribute points, I, the village chief, get 50, and there is a bronze prize pool lottery opportunity, because it is the first simple village in this district, the attribute points are doubled, I here, I also get the level feedback of 20 villagers, each person has 3 attribute points, a total of 60 attribute points." However, I couldn't find how to join the village of Huai and become a vassal village of the village of Huai. Seeing

the message sent by Wang Feng, Lin Yun nodded secretly.

The first village to be established, different levels of village chiefs, the rewards are also different.

Compared with the wolf warrior of the dragon war, Wang Feng's Lingfeng Village undoubtedly got a lot of benefits.

In this way, it can also be inferred that the reward of the first ordinary village should be 50 attribute points for the villagers, 100 attribute points for the village chief, and the village chief gets an additional silver prize pool lottery opportunity, and the attribute points are doubled.

In terms of feedback, the attribute points of villagers' feedback are the same in these three levels of villages, and the gap is in this number.

The king-level village is 100 people, and the recommended village is 20 people, then this ordinary village should be 50 people.

Lin Yun: "What has changed in your village?" What is the village level? What are the upgrade conditions?

Wang Feng: "Everyone's novice stone house is no longer so dilapidated, it is much cleaner and tidy, the recovery speed of physical strength and energy has doubled, and the recovery speed is 1.5 times in the sleep state; there is an additional village array, the village upgrade is level 1, and the village upgrade requires 500 units of stone, 200 units of wood, and 1 piece of flame spirit crystal." Seeing

the message sent by Wang Feng, Lin Yun smiled.

There is only one more village array, and the restoration effect of the stone house has been slightly improved.

Simple village, it's really simple.

Think about it again, after he fought with the dragon, after establishing the village, he didn't care about the recovery speed of the stone house.

Because, there are so many things waiting for them to understand and study.

It was only when he was idle that he noticed that the recovery speed of the stone house was increased, 5 times in the non-sleep state, and 7 times in the sleep state.

And Wang Feng just established the village, he noticed it, and can only say that the fewer functions, the faster and more detailed the understanding.

As for the conditions for upgrading this village, in his eyes, there is no difficulty at all.

However, for Wang Feng's Lingfeng Village, it is still very challenging.

The Flame Spirit Crystal is in the depths of the Flame Spirit vein, and there, it is the place where the fire system ferocious beasts are the densest, and it is also the range of activities of king-level ferocious beasts.

Without defeating a king-level ferocious beast, it is not ordinary to get a piece of flame spirit crystal.

And that wood and stone, without learning the basic deputy position, collected will also be greatly reduced.

Open the vassal villages section in the action panel.

Before, it was empty.

And now, open it again, there are two more lines of information in it.

Wolf Warrior Village (developable).

Lingfeng Village (developable).

Lin Yun would not simply think that in the entire Blue Star Realm, except for his Huai Village, there were only two villages, Wolf Warrior Village and Lingfeng Village.

It can only be said that the current development of vassal villages cannot cross regions and is limited to their own regions.

Point on the development behind Lingfeng Village.

【Do you develop Lingfeng Village as your affiliated village?】 [

Yes] [No]

Click on 'Yes'.

[An invitation has been sent to the other party.] 【

Wang Feng, the head of Lingfeng Village, has accepted your invitation, and Lingfeng Village has officially become a subsidiary village of Huai Village. 】

【Congratulations, successfully develop Lingfeng Village as your affiliated village, as the first force in the Blue Star Realm to have a vassal village, all villagers in Huai Village will be rewarded with 100 attribute points, and the village chief will be rewarded with 200 attribute points. 【

Congratulations, get 5 reputation rewards.】 【

Congratulations, get the Golden Prize Pool Draw Chance once. 【

Unlock Public Building: Faction Warehouse.】 】

【As the head of Huai Village, you have absolute and absolute control over the vassal village to which you belong, you can appoint and remove the head of Lingfeng Branch Village in Huai Village, and you can choose to open a public building to Lingfeng Branch Village in Huai Village. 】

【As the head of Huai Village, when your vassal village level increases, you will be rewarded richly, please dedicate yourself to improving the strength of the subordinate village. Haha


Another 200 attribute points arrived, and everyone also got 100 attribute points, and the overall strength has improved!

The feeling of being the first to eat crab, it's so good.

Look again at the virtual panel in front of you.

In the column of vassal forces, some changes have also taken place.

[Vassal forces]: Lingfeng Village branch (1/10); (developable).

Collecting five vassal villages can meet the upgrade conditions, and these 10 should be the upper limit.


Sophora Village chat channel.

[Announcement: Lingfeng Village has become a vassal village of Huai Village, and all villagers will be rewarded with 100 attribute points. 】

【Announcement: Lingfeng Village became a vassal village of Huai Village, and the Lingfeng Village chat channel was automatically merged into the Huai Village Chat Channel. 【Announcement

: Lingfeng Village became a vassal village of Huai Village, and the Lingfeng Village Trading Channel was automatically merged into the Huai Village Trading Channel.

"Ah! The boss has taken Lingfeng Village as a vassal village! Another 100 attribute points in hand! Refreshing! "

Shared chat and trading channels? Ah, welcome the brothers and sisters of Lingfeng Village! "

Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

"Brothers and sisters of Lingfeng Village, welcome to join our big family!"

"Welcome brothers and sisters of Lingfeng Village, we are going to fight side by side again!"


this moment, the people of Huai Village all warmly welcomed the joining of Lingfeng Village.

"Thank you for your warm welcome, in the future, we in Lingfeng Village Weihuai Village will take the lead, if there is something wrong, I hope you will correct it." Lingfeng branch, Wang Feng.

Unlike the villagers in Huai Village, in the chat channel, in front of Wang Feng's name, there is an additional prefix, the Lingfeng branch.

"Brother Wang Feng, the family does not speak two words, you are too polite, everyone works together to build our home in this heavenly battlefield." Su Boyang.

"Boyang is right, everyone work together! Speaking of which, we also want to thank you for joining, and 100 attribute points are in hand, brother Wang Feng, what about your side? "Liu Yong.

"Haha, we also have 100 attribute points on our side." Lingfeng branch, Wang Feng.

"100 attribute points! Plus the 300 attribute points from the previous Faction War! These four hundred attribute points are added up, it can really be described as a salted fish turnover.

"Yes, there's also a 1% experience bonus!! Mom doesn't have to worry about my experience anymore!! "

Haha, brothers of Lingfeng, where is this, everything has just begun, in the future, your life will be better and better."

"Yes, joining Huai Village, we have completely turned over!

[Announcement: Village Chief Lin Yun opened the village hall to the Lingfeng branch.

"Village Hall??? Is this a benefit for god-level villages?

"Ah, so excited! Those of us in simple villages can also enjoy the treatment of god-level villages?!! Thank you Boss Lin Yun!!

"Thank you, Boss Lin Yun!!

"My God!! The village hall is also too cool, right!! There is even a primary resource mall! Feel so happy! "

The surprise came too suddenly!!"

When the villagers were excited, the three deputy village chiefs and Li Jie of Huai Village had already added Wang Feng's friends and chatted with Wang Feng about some matters that needed attention.

Everything is going on in order.

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