Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, another sound of footsteps came from the portal on the enchantment, interrupting Lin Yun's musings.

Shaking his head, Lin Yun pressed down the doubts in his heart.

The time he descended to the battlefield of the heavens was too short, and it was imperative to do everything possible to make himself stronger.

He believes that as he continues to get stronger, these doubts will eventually be solved.

Gathering his thoughts, Lin Yun launched an infinite plunder towards the corpse in front of him.

[Unlimited plunder success! ] Congratulations on your C-level talent: Agility Transcendence. [

The same talent has been detected and is fusing...] Hearing

the voice of Heavenly Dao, Lin Yun's face showed a touch of surprise and expectation.

Although the information detected by the Eye of True Vision did not mention Gao Ping's talent and talent skills, in the exchange just now, Gao Ping suddenly disappeared and appeared behind him again, using the C-level talent skill that he was very familiar with.

Perhaps, for those who do not understand this skill, it is inevitable to panic, but his agility talent has long been upgraded to C level, and awakened the skill of shrinking into inches, and he has also used shrinking into inches many times, and he already knows this skill very well.

Shrinking into inches, it seems to suddenly disappear, and then appear out of thin air, but in fact, there are traces to follow.

The release of any skill is generated by energy, and you only need to capture the energy fluctuation of that moment to know the location of the other party.

This is also why he can accurately grab the tip of Gao Ping's gun and kill Gao Ping.

And Gao Ping's skill of shrinking into inches means that Gao Ping's talent is exactly the C-level talent agility and transcendence.

It's just that he is not sure if Gao Ping has other talents.

At this moment, Lin Yun was undoubtedly happy to hear that he had snatched the agility transcendence from Gao Ping.

I hope that this time the talent fusion will be successful!

【Integration successful! Congratulations on getting the B-level Agility Talent: Speed True Meaning.

】【Awaken the B-level talent speed true meaning, your C-level talent skill shrinks into inches, and automatically evolves into a B-level talent skill: instantaneous movement. 【

Teleportation: When the speed is increased to 10 times, you will touch a trace of space power, after using this skill, you can reach anywhere within a kilometer in an instant. 】


Speed is increased by 10 times, which is the true meaning of speed.

I never thought that this speed really had something to do with space!


It's so cool!

Within a kilometer, in an instant.

Compared to the fifty meters that shrunk to an inch, this is simply a heaven and an underground.

Another powerful combat skill in hand.

A B-level speed true meaning, coupled with C-level power transcendence, even if he does not use any skills, just relying on these two powerful combat talents, his combat power will reach an extremely terrifying point.

This feeling of constantly getting stronger is really cool.

Turn around.

His gaze once again looked at the portal on the enchantment.

Lin Yun's face was full of expectation.

Someone else is coming to send talent and experience, by the way, and guardian values!

At this moment, Lin Yun only hoped that there would be not too few people in this enchantment.

Under Lin Yun's fiery gaze, a figure walked out of the portal.

Like the man named Gao Ping, this man is also a typical eastern face, the same pale, the same eyes with madness and killing intent, armor and weapons are also black, lingering with a faint black fog, slightly different, this man is using a knife.

Immediately afterwards, two more people came out, one was a young man with a sword in his twenties, and the other was a woman with a fan in his thirties.

Although the woman's face was extremely pale, it could still be seen from the delicate facial features that this was a natural beauty billet.

It's a pity that no matter how good the skin is, it will not help after all, and it will be invaded by that evil force and become an evil demon.

True eyes look over.

[Evil]: Zhao Xuan (contaminated)

[Level]: 12 [

Talent]: ???


[Combat power assessment]: 20 levels.

[Burst rate]; 20%。

[Origin]; The former advent was invaded by the power of demons and lost his mind.

【Tips】; Evil demons and guardians are mortal enemies, and killing demons can get rich experience and rewards.

This is the information of the middle-aged man, whether it is combat power or rank, it is the same as that Gao Ping, and then look at the young man, the same.

Finally, Lin Yun looked at the woman.

[Evil Demon]: Gu Li (Fallen Species)

[Level]: 14 [

Talent]: ???


[Combat power assessment]: 23 levels.

[Burst rate]; 25%。

[Origin]; The former advent was invaded by the power of demons and lost his mind.

【Tips】; Evil demons and guardians are mortal enemies, and killing demons can get rich experience and rewards.

Fallen species.

It's a small notch up compared to being polluted.

And this woman called Gu Li, whether it is level or combat power, is also higher, it can be said that she is a small BOSS.

Level 14 is the same as his level, in terms of combat power, he is level 29, and this Gu Li is level 23, which is a full sixth-order combat power difference.

This is not to say that level 14 has a low combat power of level 23, on the contrary, it is a high combat power.

1 liter 2, you can get four-dimensional attribute points and free attribute points, 5 points each; 2 liters 3 is 10 points each, and in turn, when it reaches level 10, it is 45 points each.

And 10 liters 11, this increase climbs to 100 points, and then later, it is 50 points increments.

In other words, from level 1 to level 14, the attribute point reward you can get is 4625 points, even if the woman's initial four dimensions are good, count 125, that is, 4750.

The attribute points corresponding to the 23rd order combat power are in the range of 7000+ to 8500.

The extra two or three thousand attribute points are difficult for the vast majority of people to do.

That is, he, with unlimited plunder, Qiankun Creation Ding, and Devouring the Sky, these three shortcuts to obtain attribute points, the combat power will soar so quickly and so powerfully.

When Lin Yun observed these three people, these three people were also observing Lin Yun.

Strength is respected, these three people, led by this woman named Gu Li.

In the next second.

Gu Li actually showed a faint smile towards Lin Yun.

In this smile, with that confidence.

No wonder, this person named Lin Yun can kill Gao Ping, and there is actually a level 14.

However, with the same level 14, there is also a big gap in combat power, and with her combat power, in level 14, at least it is at the upstream level.

She firmly believes that this Lin Yun is by no means her opponent.

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