Sophora Village chat channel.

"Groove! You guys look at the Resource Mall! It's starting again!

"Wow! And really! It was five pieces of third- and fourth-order equipment before! Eleven more pieces of equipment followed! Except for two pieces of the second order! The rest are three or four orders! Now, there are six more! Ugh, seven pieces!

"My God! Could it be that the boss got something like a treasure map and found a treasure?!! "

Aaaaah! I only hate that my spirit stones are not enough now! Fierce beasts, come more fiercely!

"Boss Li Jie, can our transaction begin?" Xiaomei couldn't wait a little anymore.

"Yes, trading is the fastest way to earn spirit stones!" Boss Liu Yong, work harder! "




more and more good equipment in the resource mall, the villagers in Huai Village also couldn't contain their excitement, and while doing their best to brush monsters, they also looked forward to the opening of the transaction.

Li Jie did not let everyone wait too long, and soon, he spoke in the chat channel.

"Okay, the general trading framework, I have already decided, but before this, I want to say one thing, the boss said before, for our friends, we can't just talk about interests, we still have to help."

Wolf Warrior Village and Lingfeng Branch no longer need our help.

That is, there are also nine friends from the novice village who need help.

I have already contacted the leaders of these nine novice villages, asking them to collect the corpses of fierce beasts, spirit grass spirit plants, and various ores through their respective trading channels, and then trade them to us through the time-space trading channel, we help them sell, and then trade spirit stones to them.

This trading volume is a bit large, and I am also responsible for the trading affairs here, so I need nine people to assist me and connect with these nine novice villages.

Of course, you can't let everyone work for nothing, and you are paid to do this.

Also, I hope that these nine people are preferably people who have business experience and like business from the bottom of their hearts.

As long as there are people, there will be transactions, and my idea is to form a chamber of commerce from now on and plunder resources from the outside world for use in my locust village!

Interested friends, chat with me privately. "Li Jie.

"Next, there is the specific price of the item.

Any three pieces of newbie equipment = 1 Spirit Stone; Tier 1 equipment = 5 Spirit Stones; Tier 2 equipment = 10 Spirit Stones; Tier 3 equipment = 20 Spirit Stones....

1st order spirit grass spirit plant = 1 lower grade spirit stone; 2nd order spirit grass spirit plant = 5 lower grade spirit stones; 3rd order spirit grass spirit plant = 10 lower grade spirit stones; 4th Rank Spirit Grass Spirit Planting = 20 Spirit Stones....

Level 1 Ferocious Beast Corpse *30 = Level 2 Ferocious Beast Corpse * 20 = Level 3 Ferocious Beast Corpse * 10 = Level 4 Ferocious Beast Corpse *5 = Level 5 Ferocious Beast Corpse * 1 = 1 Lower Spirit Stone....

Li Jie.

"Groove! I can only say that Li Jie is awesome!

"It's not just! The equipment, ferocious beast corpses, and spirit grass spirit plants were all calculated in total, and this profit reached five times!

"A box of cigarettes for a spirit grass spirit plant!" Doesn't this mean that the value of a box of cigarettes is 1 spirit stone! In the resource mall, a cigarette is only 1 spirit stone! Haha, little brother please!

"The value of a jug of wine is also 10 spirit stones!" Ha ha!

"And Happy Water! When the happy water after five days of absence is put in front of me again, I want to see how many people can resist this temptation!

"Brothers, I've already purchased happy water and alcohol in large quantities!"

"You are stupid, those who can enjoy these things are a minority after all! Spirit stones are the most sought-after! Although trading directly with spirit stones does not bring as much income as tobacco and alcohol, the shipping speed is definitely much faster, and overall it is cost-effective to use spirit stones to trade!

"Makes sense, the Chrono Trading Channel is going!"


With nearly 20,000 people from the Huai Village headquarters, the Lingfeng branch and the Wolf Warrior Village, pouring into the Spacetime Trading Channel, a crazy and brutal storm of resource plunder began.

Regional chat channels.

"Oh, buy Ka! Lower Grade Spirit Stone?!! Can increase XP by 100?!! I just got a third-order spirit grass spirit plant! Changed to 10 Spirit Stones! 1000 experience! I upgraded! Ha ha!

"What?!! There is even something that directly increases experience points?!! "

Ah! Almighty Lord! Have you finally heard your believers' most devout prayers?!! Sent my dearest happy water!

"Unbelievable! In this cruel world, you can even see Hamburg again! It was definitely the happiest moment I've had in five days!


! Haven't you discovered that the people who trade these items are all the hateful Dragon Countrymen?!! Huai Village, Huai Village Lingfeng Branch, Wolf Warrior Village! I can guarantee that they must be robbing! When you buy their things, you are the enemy!! "Novice Village No. 1894, Ito Hirotake.

With extreme anger, after sending this message, Ito Hirotake suddenly heard a violent coughing sound.

What happened to Yamamoto-sama?

Ito Hirotake turned his head in worry and looked at Yamamoto Seventy-three.

When he saw Yamamoto Seventy-Three in a violent cough, the jug of wine he held in his hand, Ito Hirutake was like being struck by lightning!

"Yaga, why is this wine so strong! Compared to the sake of our Great Sakura Empire, it's rubbish! Stopping Yamamoto Seventy-Three from coughing, Yu Guang scanned Ito Hirotake's expression, pointed to the wine jug held in his right hand, and shouted angrily.

"Lord Yamamoto, you are right, how can the treacherous Dragon Kingdom people take out good things and trade them?" Ito Hirotake said with an ugly face.

"Yo Sai, Ito-kun, your consciousness is very good, and there is no waste of the empire's cultivation of you." Yamamoto Seventy-Three looked straight and said in a loud voice.

After speaking, as if sensing something, Yamamoto Seventy-Three chuckled.

"Yamamoto-sama, what's wrong?" Ito Hirotake asked with concern.

Yamamoto Seventy-Three waved his hand, signaling that he was fine.

"Lord Yamamoto, I want to tell the people of the empire that they must not fall into the trap of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, and their transactions are definitely harboring evil intentions!" Ito Hirotake said in a deep voice.

Yamamoto Seventy-Three nodded in approval, and then, turned away, looking into the distance.

Yamamoto-sama must be thinking about how to let the empire rise in these heavenly battlefields.

Ito Hirotake glanced at Yamamoto Seventy-Three with admiration, and then, opened the chat channel, and gave orders.

What he didn't notice was that just as he was giving orders, Yamamoto-sama, whom he admired, carried him on his back and took a sip of the wine in the jug.

A look of enjoyment flashed on his face.

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