Looking at the spirit grass and spirit plant in front of him, the smile on Lin Yun's face became even brighter.

Two fifth-order spirit grass spirit plants, 4 fourth-order spirit grass spirit plants, 37 third-order spirit grass spirit plants, and 116 second-order spirit grass spirit plants.

Of the two fifth-order spirit grass spirit plants, one of them was drawn by him in the last round, and the other was traded to him by Su Boyang before the start of the camp battle.

And the remaining spirit grass spirit plants, part of which Wang Feng traded to him, and part of which he purchased in the resource mall before.

Unlimited plunder goes.

[Unlimited plunder success! ] Get Star Spirit Grass Essence. 】

【Successfully consume Star Spirit Grass Essence, get 20 strength, 20 agility, 20 physique, and 40 energy. Hearing

the voice of Heavenly Dao, a smile of surprise appeared on Lin Yun's face.

The fifth-order spirit grass spirit plant essence was enough to add 100 attribute points! Especially this energy, directly added 40.

It seems that this spirit grass spirit plant, from the fourth order to the fifth order, is a qualitative leap, from 45 attribute points, directly climbing to 100 attribute points.

Go on.

The second fifth-order spirit grass spirit plant is the same as 100 attribute points, but strength, agility and physique, relatively high, 30 items, energy 10.

Go on.

After a lot of work.

Four fourth-order spirit grass spirit plants contributed 220 attribute points to Lin Yun.

37 third-order spirit grass spirit plants contributed 1110 attribute points to Lin Yun.

116 second-order spirit grass spirit plants contributed 1160 attribute points to Lin Yun.

Open the Properties panel.

[Name]: Lin Yun (to be assessed) (assessment countdown 4 days, 19 hours, 47 minutes and 51 seconds).

[Realm]: Xuan-level.

[Level]: Level 21 (840,000/3 million).

[Vocation]: Level 5 Guardian (1950/8000).

[Prestige]: 263.

【Power】: 12500 (+5000) Force True Meaning (Class B).

[Agility]: 12430 (+500) Space True Meaning (Grade B).

【Constitution】: 12420 (+600) Body Mystery (Grade A).

【Energy】: 12364(+30) Visual transcendence (C grade), auditory transcendence (C grade), olfactory madness (B grade), taste enhancement (F level).

[Talent]: Unlimited Plunder (SSS level), Battle Mystery (A level)....

[Skills]: Physical Mastery (Grade B), Leapfrog Challenge (Grade A), Dark Cage (Grade A)... Purifying Light (Guardian Exclusive).

[Combat power]: 34 levels (comprehensively evaluated by various basic indexes.) Free

assignment of attribute points: 16340.

Giving and rewarding are directly proportional!

A wave of crazy killing, full of level 11 ferocious beasts in seven villages, made his spirit feel tired, and at the same time, the harvest was also very rich.

When he completed the first-stage task test of the god-level village and distributed all the attribute points obtained, his four dimensions all broke 10,000.

And now, all four dimensions have reached 12000+!

Among them, there are 3 consecutive upgrades, giving 6800.

18 liters 19, each item is 500.

19 liters 20, each item is 550.

And 20 liters 21, each item is 650, on the previous basis, 100 is added.

The rest is the 2690 brought to him by this wave of spirit grass spirit plants!

The combat power has also been increased from 33 to 34!

Looking at the 16,000+ freely distributed attribute points, Lin Yun's face had already blossomed with joy.

Among them, there are 1700 given by the level upgrade, 3000 given by the first town of the Blue Star Realm, 2500 feedback from 500 level 5 villagers, 870 feedback from level 10 villagers, and the remaining more than 8,000 is the credit of swallowing the sky!

For every level 11 ferocious beast swallowed by Devouring Heaven, he could get two free distribution points here.

It doesn't seem like much, but with this wave of crazy killing, after the amount is accumulated, it is very impressive.

The pleasant extra point begins!

Each of the four dimensions added 4,000, and the extra 340 was added to the energy.

And with this wave of points, Lin Yun's combat power also soared from 34th order to 36th order!

From level 30 to level 33, each increase in combat power requires 5,000 basic attribute points.

And from 34 to 36 ranks, each time the combat power is upgraded, 7,000 basic attribute points are required, which is also what Lin Yun found in the process of adding points.

Lin Yun did not stop his steps to become stronger.

After adding points, it was time to use spirit stones.

3765 Spirit Stone.

Lin Yun exchanged 3,000 Middle-Grade Spirit Stones for 30 Upper-Grade Spirit Stones.

1 Shangpin Spirit Stone is 1 million experience.

Three upper spirit stones went down.

[Level]: 22 (840,000/3.5 million).

By level 20, the experience required to upgrade is no longer the same as before, adding 200,000 at a time, but becoming 500,000!

This wave of upgrades, 4 dimensions each plus 750 attribute points, and 750 free distribution points.

Seeing that the combat power was still stuck at the 36th step, Lin Yun's eyebrows raised slightly.

On the basis of the 36th-order combat power, there are 8054 more attribute points, but he has not been upgraded!

It seems that 36 steps up to 37 steps, another step up!

It should be the same as the case of 33 to 34, and add 2000 to the original level, that is, 9000.

After a little contemplation, Lin Yun chose to continue.

Three more top-grade spirit stones.

[Level]: 23 (340,000/4 million).

And with this upgrade, the combat power has finally increased to the 37th level!

Go on.

Four top-grade spirit stones, increased to 24 (340,000/4.5 million).

Go on.

Five top-grade spirit stones, increased to 25 (840,000/5 million).

Battle power increased from 37 to 38!

Go on.

Five top-grade spirit stones, increased to 26 (840,000/5.5 million).

Go on.

Another five top-grade spirit stones, raised to 27 (340,000/6 million).

Battle power increased from 38 to 39!

Exchanged another top-grade spirit stone, and then, with these last six upper-grade spirit stones, the level was raised to 28 (340,000/6.5 million).

The level soared from 21 to 28, accumulating 7350 freely allocated attribute points.

In this process, six more Huaixiang townspeople rose to level 10, which is another 60 attribute points.

7410 freely distributes points, evenly distributed to four dimensions.

When he saw that the combat power was still stuck at the 39th step, Lin Yun sighed lightly.

Do the math.

His current four dimensions have exceeded the minimum standard of 39th-order combat power by a full 14,000+, and he has not even risen!

Obviously, from 39th-order combat power to 40th-order combat power, it is another big threshold.

It's really harder and harder the further you go.

If Lin Yun's emotion at this time was heard by others, he would definitely scold.

After all, it was only the fifth day, and Lin Yun's combat power had increased to the 39th level!

And looking at the entire Blue Star Realm, the basic combat power of most people is not even half as tall as Lin Yun, not half of the four dimensions, but half of the pure 39!

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