Navigate the space.

When Lin Yun showed his figure again, the person had already arrived at the edge of a lush forest.

Behind him, there is an endless grassland.

This grassland is the area where the level 11 ferocious beasts are distributed, and the closer you get to this forest, the fewer the number of level 11 ferocious beasts.

In this area, about a kilometer away from this forest, there wasn't even a level 11 ferocious beast.

In such a large area, there is not a single level 11 ferocious beast, it is obvious that this is the junction of the level 11 ferocious beast area and the level 12 ferocious beast area.

At the junction of this ferocious beast area, it is impossible to touch low-level ferocious beasts.


At this moment, in the forest ahead, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

Looking towards the place where the voice came from, a giant wolf with a height of five meters appeared about 100 meters ahead, as if sensing that he was not easy to mess with, and did not rush forward, but stopped in place, roaring at the same time, looking at him with vigilance.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun's eyebrows raised slightly.

Not to mention the combat power of this giant wolf, this spirituality alone is far more than the five king-level fierce beasts in the 11-level fierce beast group.




Immediately afterwards, a series of sharp wolf howls sounded from various places in the forest ahead.

The wolf howl came and went.

In the midst of this wolf howl, a giant wolf appeared in Lin Yun's line of sight.

At a glance, there are thirty or forty of them, and the number is constantly increasing.

Stand where you are.

Lin Yun did not rush to make a move, but looked at these giant wolves with interest.

True eyes look over.

[Fierce Beast]: Green Wolf (Ordinary)

[Level]: Level 12 [Combat Power Assessment]: Level 22 [Talent]:

Speed Madness (D Level), Power

Madness (D Level), Visual Enhancement (D Level).

[Explosion rate]: 5% [Origin]:

The wolf clan is one of the top races of the demon clan, and the green wolf clan is a weaker branch of the wolf clan, and the green wolf in the Falling Moon Forest was banished here by the patriarch of the green wolf because of his mistakes.

A level 12 ordinary ferocious beast actually has a level 22 combat power!

And three more talents!

Although they are all D-level, the two very used combat talents, speed madness and power madness, together, their effect is by no means a simple 1+1, which Lin Yun has a deep experience.

Compared with the level 11 fierce beast, it is more than a star and a half, just say that the combat power of this green wolf is not comparable to the level 11 golden king-level fierce beast.

And if this group of green wolves gathers together, it is the earth-shaking sacred cow, and it can only retreat.

What surprised Lin Yun even more was that unlike the previous ferocious beast, this level 12 ferocious beast actually had a origin.

The Wolf Clan, the top race of the demon clan.

The Green Wolf Clan, one of the weaker branches.

The Falling Moon Forest should refer to the forest in front of you.

These green wolves are banished, that is to say, the green wolves in this Falling Moon Forest, at best, are only a small part of the strength of the green wolf clan.

This is another important message.

It's just that I don't know if this green wolf clan is one of the local forces.

While Lin Yun was pondering, the number of green wolves in the forest in front climbed to more than seventy, among which, a giant wolf that was obviously larger than other green wolves stood at the front.

[Fierce Beast]: Green Wolf (Elite)

[Level]: Level 13

[Combat Power Assessment]: Level 25 [Talent]:

Speed Madness (C Level), Power Madness (D Level), Visual Enhancement (D Level).

[Explosion rate]: 10% [Origin]:

The wolf clan is one of the top races of the demon clan, and the green wolf clan is a weaker branch of the wolf clan, and the green wolf in the Falling Moon Forest was banished here by the patriarch of the green wolf because of his mistakes.

Seeing this information, Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is it so sloppy?

The names are all the same, except that they are no longer ordinary green wolves, but elite green wolves.

Of course, what surprised Lin Yun was not the problem of the name, the name was just a code name, it didn't matter.

The level of this elite green wolf turned out to be level 13!

That said, his previous guess was wrong.

Outside the level 11 ferocious beast area, it is not just a simple level 12 ferocious beast area, but a mixture of various high-level ferocious beasts.

At this moment, Lin Yun had an understanding that this was the true face of this world.

As for the previous level 1-11 ferocious beast area, at best, it can only be regarded as an adaptation process given by the Heavenly Dao to the advent.


In the sky-shaking wolf roar, the elite green wolf in the front rushed towards Lin Yun.

Other ordinary green wolves also rushed towards Lin Yun at this moment.

As the wolves ran wildly, the earth seemed to tremble.

That momentum gives people a feeling that they can tear everything apart.

100 meters away, instantaneous.

The huge body of the elite green wolf cut a graceful curve in the air, and the wolf claws glowing with cold light grabbed Lin Yun.

Looking at the Terrans in front of him who seemed to be taken by their momentum and stood there, the elite green wolf seemed to see the scene of this Terran about to be torn apart by himself, and a touch of madness appeared in those huge eyes.

In the next second, the pupils of the elite giant wolf contracted violently.

In his gaze, a fist appeared in front of him at an unknown time.

Instinctively, the elite wolf wants to dodge.

However, how could Lin Yun give it this opportunity, under the absolute strength gap, the so-called speed of the elite giant wolf was like a snail in his eyes.


In the sound of shattering like a mirror, the consciousness of the elite giant wolf was completely annihilated.

[Successfully kill the level 13 elite green wolf and gain +5000 experience.] 【

Experience increased by 65%, an additional 3250 experience will be obtained.】 】

【Successfully kill the level 13 elite green wolf, and burst the golden prize pool lottery once.】 【Tip

: Successfully kill the level 13 elite green wolf, complete the first kill achievement, and get 3 reputation. The

elite giant wolf was killed in an instant, making the ordinary green wolf in the wild running body slightly sluggish, however, in the state of running at full speed, how can it be said that it can be stopped, and for a while, the wolves became chaotic.

And Lin Yun here, after killing the elite giant wolf, did not hesitate at all, his figure shot out and killed into the wolves, and at this time, the prompt of the Heavenly Dao had just sounded.

The wolf is bloodthirsty and a creature with a vengeance.

But this does not mean that wolves will make senseless sacrifices when facing an enemy that cannot be resisted, at least, this is the case with this group of spiritual green wolves that Lin Yun encountered.

Seeing Lin Yun like entering a no-man's land, harvesting madly, in a burst of sharp wolf whistles, the wolves fled in all directions.

If it was an ordinary time, Lin Yun would naturally not let go of these experienced babies.

In front of Lin Yun's speed, everything was in vain.

However, just after killing more than forty green wolves, as if sensing something, Lin Yun stopped, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

And the reason why Lin Yun stopped was that Heavenly Dao had released the task again!

[Kill the level 13 elite green wolf and trigger the exclusive mission of god-level town: contract beast.] 】

【Mission description: After passing the first stage test, your forces have embarked on a path of rapid development and growth! 】 For the forces that aspire to dominate the world, they need to gather all the forces as much as possible for their own use! The contract beast is the best companion, and the contract beast will fight the world with you, helping you to achieve meritorious deeds and achieve unearthly feats. 】

【Mission reminder 1: Since the god-level village you are in has been upgraded to a god-level town, and you kill the first level 11 or more ferocious beast, the exclusive mission of the god-level town will be automatically triggered! 】

【Mission reminder 2: In the Falling Moon Forest, Qiyun Mountain Range, Qingyuan Forest and Baimo Plain, there are four banished small groups, namely the Wolf Clan, the Tiger Clan, the Leopard Clan, and the Ox Clan, and the kings who conquer these four small ethnic groups are willing to sign a contract with you! 【

Task reminder 3: There are two ways to sign a contract, one is to persuade them, get their approval, and you will automatically sign an equal contract; One is to defeat them and conquer them completely, and you will automatically sign a master-servant contract. 【

Mission Reminder 4: The minimum requirement of the mission, sign a contract with the king of one of the small ethnic groups; The mission time is 48 hours; The higher the degree of mission completion, the greater the mission reward. 【

Mission Reminder 5: During the mission, if the fierce beast you kill becomes a contract beast of your faction, it will automatically revive after the mission. 【

Mission Reminder 6: During the mission, your contract beast cannot participate in any battles. 】

【Mission reminder: The Green Wolf King, the Golden Tiger King, the Blood Leopard King and the Mangniu King all have wisdom that is not weaker than humans, and are important figures in their respective races, and they are protected by strong people around them; When the mission starts, they will be prompted to see where you are with each other, and at the end of the mission, if they do not become your contract beasts, they will have the right to return to the clan! During the mission, they can't leave the Falling Moon Forest! Be prepared! 】Exclusive

mission again!

The difference is that this time, it is an exclusive mission for god-level towns.

Compared with the first exclusive mission, this exclusive mission, it seems that the requirements given by Heavenly Dao are much more relaxed.

The first is the mission time, which is two days.

The second is the task requirements, you only need to sign a contract with one of the kings, even if you complete the task.

But the more so, the more it made Lin Yun vigilant.

For the nature of the Heavenly Dao, Lin Yun can also be regarded as having a certain understanding.

It is impossible for Heavenly Dao to show mercy for no reason.

Behind this seemingly superior condition is a skyrocketing difficulty of the task!

How many ferocious beasts there are in each race, no one knows, and the combat power is also unknown, but it can be seen from the combat power of this ordinary and elite fierce beast.

Moreover, the kings of these four races actually have the wisdom of normal human beings.

There is no wisdom, these are two completely different concepts.

Wise beings know how to make trade-offs and also know how to warm up groups.

Perhaps they are proud in their bones to become kings, but this pride is also relative.

If they find that they cannot guarantee their invincibility just by relying on their own strength, they are very likely to unite.

What's more, there are still strong people protecting these four kings!


These two words determine that the combat power of these strong people is stronger than these kings.

And this is also part of the difficulty of the task.

As for the two ways to sign the contract, Lin Yun directly ignored the first way.

At the end of the mission, if they do not become contract beasts, they will have the right to return to the race, which, coupled with normal human intelligence, is doomed, and it is difficult to convince the other party.

Of course, Lin Yun did not consider this way.

Without this fifth hint, he would still have some scruples, after all, if he killed all the ferocious beasts, even if he became a contract beast in Huaixiang Town, it would be meaningless.

Now, just four words: it's done.

"Heavenly Dao, contract beast and war pet, what's the difference?" After a little contemplation, Lin Yun asked.

[Tip: War pets are owned by individuals, contract beasts are owned by forces, when your forces sign a contract with a race, they will be connected by luck, and members of your faction can choose fierce beasts to become contract beasts in the contract group; In battle, those who own contract beasts can borrow the power of contract beasts against enemies!

When he heard the last, a bright light appeared in Lin Yun's eyes.

It was even able to borrow the power of the contract beast!

So strong to say!

There may be some limitations in this, but it can be used as a hole card.

And in ordinary times, the contract beast is also a good helper and help.

No wonder Heavenly Dao would say that contract beasts are the best companions!

Indeed it is.

The stronger the contract beast, the greater the help to the owner.

Moreover, it is very beneficial to the whole force.

The mind moved.

A virtual map appeared in front of Lin Yun.

In the middle is Huai Township, which is bounded by the Falling Moon Forest to the west, the Qingyuan Forest to the east, the Qiyun Mountain Range to the north, and the Baimo Plain to the south.

These four areas are pitch black, only the approximate range and name, the area is very large, in terms of span, roughly equivalent to the level 8-11 ferocious beast area.

In addition to this, there are five points of light.

There are two points of light, both in the Falling Moon Forest area, one is the white point of light representing Lin Yun, in the most edge of the Falling Moon Forest, and the other represents the cyan point of light of the Green Wolf King, which is deep in the Falling Moon Forest.

Green Wolf King, that's it.

With an indifferent smile, an infinite plunder struck.

[Unlimited plunder success! ] Get 10 power.

Devouring the sky appears, complete the swallowing.

[You get 1 free assignment of attribute points.] 】


When he plundered the last elite green wolf, Lin Yun got 12 points of agility.

And the feedback from Devouring Heaven became 2 freely assigned attribute points.

This made Lin Yun happy.

It seems that it is necessary to let the Devouring Sky Devour High-level Ferocious Beast as much as possible.

After a little thought, Lin Yun took a step forward and walked towards the place where the Green Wolf King was.

In order to avoid scaring the grass and snakes, Lin Yun did not rush by shuttling through space, but Lin Yun's own speed was also extremely fast.

With only one step, in an instant, the person was already fifty meters away.


Deep in the Falling Moon Forest, in a magnificent hall.

At the very front, there was a handsome young man, and at this moment, the young man's face was filled with a smile of surprise.

"Hahaha, King Ben can finally leave this ghost place!"

In the huge palace, the excited voice of young people echoed.

And in addition to the youth, there are more than ten werewolves in the palace.

They are called werewolves because, unlike this young man, they are all wolf heads.

One of them, the werewolf standing beside the young man with a slight bow, opened his mouth and asked, "Wang, what do you mean, the assessment has begun?" The

young man suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "Five years! Five whole years! King Ben is trapped in this wild land where birds don't! He has long been annoyed with those three guys, and King Ben doesn't even bother to deal with them anymore!

Now, finally waiting for the Advent! It won't be long before King Ben will be able to take you out of here!"

"Congratulations to the king, who will return to the tribe, and at that time, there will be a sensation in the family to welcome the return of the king." The werewolf beside the young man said respectfully.

"Hmph, it's true that the clan sensation is true, but my good brothers are just going to fidget." The young man snorted coldly.

"Those few who are afraid of the king's bloodline naturally do not want the king to return to the ancestral land, but with the patriarch here, they can't turn over any storms."

"Well, the old man is still very good to me." The corners of the young man's mouth rose slightly: "Hey, this advent named Lin Yun actually came towards us, which is a bit interesting."

King Ben is in a good mood today, and he didn't want to calculate with you, but well, since you are bent on death, King Ben will fulfill you today!

"King, this Advent must have something to rely on, most likely not just him, should we make more preparations?" The werewolf asked respectfully.

"Qingfeng, you are good anywhere, but sometimes you are too cautious." The young man pouted and said, "I naturally thought that he was not alone!" However, I have already received some information from the Heavenly Dao about the Adventists, this is only the fifth day of their arrival, even if they are strong, they will never be our opponents.

"The fifth day? In this way, it seems that I am too cautious, the realm of the king has reached the middle of the Xuan realm, plus fifteen strong people in the early stage of the Xuan realm, killing them is easy.

"Let's go, kill this Advent named Lin Yun, and their assessment will fail!" At that time, we won't need to be stuck here anymore!

Amid the excitement, the young man strode towards the outside of the hall.

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