Walk slowly ahead.

A white light flashed.

[Unlimited plunder success, obtain B-level talent: Earth True Meaning. ] 】

【Due to your awakening of the true meaning of B-level Talent Earth, the Oath of C-Grade Talent Earth is covered. 】

【Congratulations, gathering the B-grade talent Gold True Meaning, Wood True Meaning, Water True Meaning, Fire True Meaning, Earth True Meaning, the five series of talents are automatically fused...】Hearing the

prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao, Lin Yun was overjoyed.

Finally got this last earth true meaning!

The five talents of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are fused!

At this moment, Lin Yun's heart jumped to his throat.

Five B-level talents fused!

Will you get a stronger B-level talent or A-level talent!

Heavenly Dao did not make Lin Yun wait for a long time.

In just two seconds, the voice of the Heavenly Dao sounded again.

[The fusion of five series of talents is successful! ] Congratulations on getting the A-level talent: the Five Elements Mystery! 】


A-level talent!

The Five Elements of Mystery!

Earn big!

At this moment, Lin Yun only felt that he was surrounded by endless ecstasy.

Five Elements Talent!

This is definitely one of the top talents, even comparable to the talent of time and space.

Thinking of his spatial talent, it was just B-grade, so perverted, Lin Yun became more and more excited.

[Since you get the A-level talent five elements, automatically awaken the A-level talent skill: five elements are born together. 】

【Since you get the A-level talent Five Elements Mysteries, automatically awaken the A-level talent skill: Five Elements Together.】 】

【Five Elements Mutual Birth: Using the principle of five elements of mutual birth, after performing this skill, it can form a strong defense, non-proficient in the five elements, it takes several times the brute force to break, this skill is extremely energy-consuming, please use it with caution. 】

【Five Elements Restraint: Using the principle of Five Elements Restraint, after performing this skill, it can form great damage, this skill is divided into two series of restraint, three series of restraint, four series of restraint, five series of restraint, each additional series, damage doubled, energy consumption is also doubled, please use with caution.

】【Since you awaken the A-level talent skill Five Elements and Five Elements, the other five series of skills are automatically covered, and you can use any series of skills independently. Strong


Strong and invincible!

This was Lin Yun's most intuitive thought.

The five elements live together, the ultimate defense.

The five elements are combined, the ultimate attack.

Both offensive and defensive!

It is worthy of the A-level talent of the five elements!

Just as Lin Yun was ecstatic, the voice of Heavenly Dao sounded again.

[Since you have obtained the A-level talent Five Elements Mysteries, you have obtained the honorific title: Five Elements Master (Yellow Level). 】

【Five Element Master (Yellow Level): The affinity of the five elements between heaven and earth is multiplied, it is easier to understand the five elements of heaven and earth, and the power of the five element skills is +200%. 】

【You are the first powerhouse among the advents of the Blue Star Realm to obtain the honorary number, and the reward is 10,000 attribute points freely distributed! 】 50 prestige! Exclusive Legends prize pool draw once. 】

【You are the first strong person among the advents of the Blue Star Realm to obtain the honorific number, and you have the right to be notified by the whole world, is it a global notice? 】

【Tip: The global announcement can enhance your prestige, and will also make you hostile by countless strong people, please choose carefully. 】The

controller of the five elements!

The power of the five-element skill is increased by 200% overall!

This is undoubtedly a joy for Lin Yun!

At this moment, Lin Yun couldn't help but think of what Qingtian and Qingfeng called him before, the space controller.

It turns out that this is not just a casual title, but a kind of honorific title.

And this honorific title will also have substantial benefits.

Lin Yun, who was surprised, was completely stunned when he heard the last two messages of the last Heavenly Dao.

Global announcement!

The impact of these simple four words on Lin Yun was more violent than when he obtained these five elements and a series of benefits, countless times more violent.

After a brief period of shock, Lin Yun's breathing became rapid, and his eyes were even more fiery.

If the previous establishment of a god-level village was the name of Huai Village spread throughout the world, then this time, it would be his Lin Yun's name that spread throughout the world.

Once he chooses to spread the word to the whole realm, then his Lin Yun's name will be known to all the advents of the Blue Star Realm.

This is undoubtedly the rhythm of putting him on the fire and roasting, in the future, he will become a thorn in the eyes and flesh of countless strong people, invisibly, he will have many more opponents, moreover, the enemy is secret.

However, at this time, Lin Yun did not hesitate at all.

No matter how many enemies come, no matter how difficult the road ahead, he is not afraid.

Some things, after all, have to be done, and must be done.

"Global announcement!"

As Lin Yun's firm voice fell, the prompt of the Heavenly Dao sounded in the ears of every advent.

[Global notice: Lin Yun, the mayor of Huaixiang Town in the first region, awakened the A-level talent of the five elements and obtained the honorific title: the controller of the five elements; The Five Elements Master has a natural restraint on the Five Element Talent! 【

Global Notice:...】【Global Notice:...】Three

announcements in succession.

At this moment, Lin Yun's great name spread throughout every region where the Blue Star Advent was located.

[Tip: Since you are the first to choose the Honorable Champion of the Global Announcement, your reputation increases by 100. At the

same time.

In Lin Yun's ears, another prompt appeared.

However, at this time, Lin Yun seemed to have not heard this prompt, and his deep eyes looked at the sky in the distance.

That angular face, with it, is full of expectation.

"If the words Huaixiang are not enough to make you think of me, then this time, you should think of me, maybe you are not sure, but after all, there is a little more hope and expectation." Lin Yun whispered, "Dad, mom, wait for me, I will definitely find you." "

Parents' grace is heavier than the mountain and greater than the sky.

From beginning to end, Lin Yun did not forget, let alone dare to forget, his parents' kindness to him.

If there is anyone in this world whose love has no reservations about him from beginning to end, then only his parents.

He played hard to improve his strength, and he did not dare to stop on the way to become stronger, all for this one goal, that is, to find them in the cruel world.

For him, nothing is more important than finding them.

And now, he is closer to this step.

He firmly believes that when Huaixiang and Lin Yun are combined, they will definitely give them greater hope.

This hope will sustain them until he finds them.

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