Be at the center of this vision.

Watching the endless flow of energy pouring into the Qiankun Creation Ding, feeling that the breath of Qiankun Creation Ding was getting stronger little by little, a touch of surprise appeared on Lin Yun's face.

Obviously, after a short silence, the Tianxin flower finally played its role.

As the owner of Qiankun Creation Ding, Lin Yun could clearly feel that some subtle changes were also taking place as the aura of Qiankun Creation Ding continued to become stronger.

He can't say exactly what the change is, but he can also say that this change is beyond his comprehension.

Now, all he can do is wait and see.

In the next second.

The cyan glare that fell from between the firmaments directly ignored the restrictions of the house and fell on the Qiankun Creation Ding.

At this moment, Qiankun Creation Ding moved again.

In the violent tremor, Qiankun Creation Ding quickly became larger, and in just an instant, it changed from the size of a palm to the height of one person.

The cyan gas that had originally lingered in the ding suddenly flowed out and filled the hall of the town mayor's mansion.

The cyan gas flowed in an esoteric trajectory, and the energy surging from all directions and the blue light that fell from the sky were sucked into it.

At this moment, Lin Yun's face showed a touch of consternation.

[Get 100 freely assigned attribute points.] 【

Get 100 free allocation attribute points.】 【

Get 100 free allocation attribute points.】 】


The prompts of the Heavenly Dao kept ringing in my ears.

This attribute point came too suddenly, and it was so frequent, that Lin Yun was a little confused.

By the time Lin Yun came to his senses, he had already obtained tens of thousands of freely distributed attribute points!


That's an exaggeration!

In just three seconds, I got tens of thousands of attribute points!

Just when Lin Yun was shocked, the cyan gas that originally flowed in the hall suddenly turned around and came straight towards Lin Yun.

This sudden change made Lin Yun's face change, but he did not dodge or take any countermeasures, just stood there, unmoving.

This aberration was caused by Qiankun Creation Ding, and he is the master of Qiankun Creation Ding.

He didn't believe that Qiankun Creation Ding would harm him, and if Qiankun Creation Ding wanted to harm him, there were too many opportunities.

In contrast, he was more willing to believe that Qiankun was helping him.

The mysterious cyan gas went straight into Lin Yun's body, and after circulating in Lin Yun's body for a week, it flowed out again, did not enter the Qiankun Creation Ding, and then flowed out, entering Lin Yun's body again, and repeatedly.

And along with this flow, the prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao has also undergone some changes.

[Get a hint of the mysteries of creation.]

When he heard this voice, Lin Yun's face was full of ecstasy.

Although there is no free allocation of attribute points, compared with the creation of the mysteries, these attribute points are not worth mentioning!

Qiankun made a Ding!

Creation of the Mystery!

At this moment, Lin Yun finally understood why Qiankun Creation Ding could still contain spirit grass spirit plants even if it was in a closed state, allowing it to upgrade to the next level!

Because it contains the power of creation!

[Get a hint of the mysteries of creation.] 【

Get a hint of the meaning of creation.】 】


A hundred prompts meant that Lin Yun had obtained a hundred threads of creation mysteries.

[You have obtained a hundred silks of creation meaning, automatically synthesize one inch of creation meaning.]

And at this time, Lin Yun didn't seem to hear the prompt of the Heavenly Dao, and his eyes were shining as he looked at Qiankun Creation Ding.

After circulating a hundred times, the cyan gas no longer came out after entering the Qiankun Creation Ding.

At this moment, Lin Yun could clearly feel that the connection between himself and Qiankun Creation Ding was more than dozens of times stronger than before.

If before, he only initially controlled Qiankun Creation Ding, then now, he can skillfully control this magic weapon, and he can also drive this magic weapon against the enemy!

The mind moved.

Qiankun Creation Ding turned into the size of a palm again, and flew into Lin Yun's palm.

The cyan gas circulating in the Qiankun Creation Ding could no longer block his sight.

His line of sight could easily pass through the cyan gas and see the scene inside the Qiankun Creation Ding.

Inside Xiaoding, it was pitch black, only in the most central place, there was a faint blue light.

Where the blue light shines, there are tiny dots of various colors that are not visible.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun smiled.

Qiankun Creation Ding is still in the blockade, and those black areas represent the banned places.

Take out ten spirit grass spirit plants from the resource mall.

As soon as these ten spirit grass spirit plants appeared, a suction force appeared in the Qiankun Creation Ding, sucking these ten spirit grass spirit plants into it.

Originally, Lin Yun was also needed to put these spirit grass spirit plants into it, but now, he can control Qiankun Creation Ding to absorb these spirit grass spirit plants into it, and his efficiency has been greatly improved.

If you look closely, you will find that with these ten spirit grass spirit plants entering the Qiankun Creation Ding, there are ten more small dots in the place that is illuminated by the blue light.

Place Xiaoding on the table again.

In the next second, something wonderful happened.

I saw that Lin Yun's body was rapidly getting smaller and did not enter the Qiankun Creation Ding.

Qiankun creates Dingnei.

Lin Yun landed lightly on the ground.

The blue sky is desolate.

Now, where Lin Yun was located, the place where the faint blue light he had seen before shone in.

It seems that the small Qiankun created the Ding, and the inside became a world of its own.

Without looking with the naked eye, Lin Yun knew that this piece of heaven and earth was a hundred miles big.

A hundred miles away, it was pitch black.

In a hundred miles of heaven and earth, except for this most central area, where there is a little life, the other areas are all desolate, without the slightest vitality.

And the spirit grass and spiritual plants that he put into the Qiankun Creation Ding were planted in this vibrant central area, and the energy that belonged to creation lingered in this area.

Although these energies are very weak, these spirit grass spiritual plants are still undergoing transformation.

The energy of creation helped these spirit grasses and spiritual plants to transform, and these spirit grasses and spiritual plants brought life to this desolate world.

This vitality can nourish this world.

It can be said that it is a perfect cycle and complementarity.

In addition, in this area, there are many spirit grasses and spiritual plants that have just grown from the earth.

Seeing these spirit grass spirit plants, a bright smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

These spirit grass spirit plants that are still in the growth stage are not the original existence of this heaven and earth, but the spirit grass spirit plants left by the previous spirit grass spirit plant.

Cut leeks.

At this moment, these three words appeared in Lin Yun's mind.

"It seems that in the future, we will collect as many spirit grasses and spiritual plants as possible."

As he said to himself, without seeing Lin Yun make any movement, his body flew up directly.

Stand in the air.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand, pointed his index finger to the distant sky, and said loudly: "Sun."

As Lin Yun's voice fell, in the sky, a round of sun suddenly appeared.


The words fell, and another crescent moon appeared.

"It's just a pity that everything is illusory." Looking at the scene of the sun and moon in the same sky, Lin Yun sighed softly.

As the master of Qiankun Creation, he is the absolute master of this heaven and earth.

It's just that everything is based on reality.

And now, this world has just been revitalized, and there is still a long way to go before becoming a world.

There is still a long way to go.

However, no matter how difficult it is, Lin Yun will not give up.

It is about the ascension of his creation mysteries.

The inches of creation mysteries he obtained came from this piece of heaven and earth, and with the continuous expansion of this heaven and earth, there will be more and more creation mysteries here, and in this process, he can understand more and more creation mysteries.

At the same time, the process of expanding this small world is also the process of breaking the ban.

The pitch-black world a hundred miles away was the pitch-black area he had seen from the outside before.

In the process of the development and growth of this small world, the power of heaven and earth is also slowly increasing, and as the lord of heaven and earth, the more he can mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

Under the many benefits, he would not allow this small world to slowly improve like this.

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