With a wave of his palm, he struck an infinite plunder towards the corpse of Captain Skeleton .

[Unlimited plunder success, get B-level talent: soul true meaning. ] 【

Detecting that you already have the same type of talent, the talent is automatically fused...】Hearing the

prompt sound of Heaven's Dao, Lin Yun's face couldn't help but show a touch of surprise and expectation.

[Talent fusion is successful, congratulations on getting A-level talent: soul mysteries. 】

【Due to the A-level talent soul mysteries, further tap the potential in the divine soul.

As the voice of the Heavenly Dao fell, in the depths of Lin Yun's divine soul, that mysterious energy emerged again.

At this moment, the soul fire shook violently, inhaling all this energy into it.

With this influx of esoteric energy, the soul fire grew at a speed visible to the flesh.


The color of the soul fire also evolved from the previous white to blue.

And in this evolution, faintly, Lin Yun saw something deeper.

This is about the meaning and mystery of the soul.

Immersed in it, Lin Yun only felt that his brain was unprecedentedly ethereal, and some problems that he couldn't figure out or even think of in the past were solved at this moment.

And his understanding of the soul is increasing little by little.

This metamorphosis comes and goes quickly.

The whole process lasted about three seconds.

The mind looks inward.

Looking at the light blue soul fire floating in the depths of the Mud Pill Palace, a smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

At this moment, he had an intuition that if he took a step further, the soul fire would be able to leave the Mud Pill Palace to face the enemy.

And from this step, he only needs to plunder the true meaning of the soul and fuse successfully.

Subsequently, Lin Yun continued to plunder.

Although they are all skeleton warriors, the levels are also different, and each level of skeleton warriors can be plundered three times.

After some plunder, although he did not get any more talent, he also increased a few attribute points.

No matter how small a fly leg is, it is meat.

Next, it was the turn to swallow the sky.

After a round of swallowing, nearly a thousand attribute points were added.

Just as Lin Yun was about to go deeper, the earth trembled slightly.

Coming so soon?

Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly and looked into the distance.

In the eye.

A skeleton powerhouse who was five meters tall strode towards this side.

Every time that big foot fell, it made the earth tremble.

[Evil Demon]: Skeleton Brigade Captain (Inferior Evil Demon)

[Level]: 26

[Combat Power Assessment]: 50th Order

[Realm]: Late Xuan Realm [

Talent]: ???


[Origin]: The evil demon from hell, the former skeleton warrior, suffered heavy losses in the great war of the heavens a thousand years ago, the origin was almost annihilated, sleeping for nearly a thousand years, with a weak origin fire, absorbing the demon qi and dead qi of the dead land, waking up from a deep sleep five days ago, still in a weak period.

【Tip】: Evil demons and guardians are mortal enemies, and killing evil demons can get rich experience and rewards.

Level 26 Skeleton Captain!

The 50th-order combat power can reach the late stage of the Xuan Realm!

Compared to the previous skeleton captain, it is more than a star and a half!

Of course, a skeleton of this level still can't enter Lin Yun's eyes.

With Lin Yun's current combat power of up to 54 levels, coupled with the blessings of many talent skills, as long as he is not a strong person in the realm, Lin Yun is not afraid.

What made Lin Yun a little depressed was that the strength of this skeleton captain had reached the late stage of the Xuan Realm, and he was still a low-grade demon.

Could it be that the grade division of these demons is not based on strength?

There is also another possibility, that is, the demons under the realm are all inferior demons.

Knock knock!

There was another sound of hurried and dull footsteps.

Follow the sound.

Two more skeleton powerhouses appeared.

Among them, there is a skeleton powerhouse who is slightly taller.

Still a skeleton captain, still a low-class demon.

The difference is that the level has reached level 28, and the combat power also has level 53.

One 53rd order, two 50th order.

This is the strength of the three skeleton powerhouses.

Just as Lin Yun was observing these three skeleton powerhouses, these three skeleton powerhouses stopped about a hundred meters away from Lin Yun, staring at Lin Yun coldly, in those eyes, in addition to that cold killing intent, there were some doubts.

Within this radius, there is only this human being, so what about their people?

If they hadn't been able to feel that there were still some energy fluctuations in the air and some traces of fighting, they wouldn't even think that there had been a battle here.

But since there has been a battle, even if their people are invincible, they were killed by this human in such a short time, but what about the corpse remains?

They didn't think too much about it, because, compared to these doubts, the magic knife in the hand of this human and the strange little beast standing on the shoulders of this human were the focus of their attention.

"Damn it! This magic knife actually appeared again? The 50th-order skeleton captain who was first noticed by Lin Yun said coldly.

In the cold voice, there was anger, killing intent, and a little fear.

"No, this is not that magic knife, if it is really that magic knife, we will not have a chance to stand here and talk!" The skeleton captain of the 52nd order said in a deep voice: "It should be an imitation, these despicable humans always like to make these bells and whistles to confuse us."

"But this little beast, faintly, I always feel, where have I seen it?"

"After all, our memory is too broken, we can't remember many things, but it doesn't matter, we will leave this little beast today, and when we recover our memory, we will always know its origin."

"Yes, there is an imitation of the magic knife, although it is an imitation, it also makes me feel uncomfortable for a while, leaving it in the hands of humans is a scourge after all."

Standing there, hearing the words of these three skeleton captains, as if he was already a fish on the board, a playful smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

Lin Yun did not rush to interrupt the chat of the three skeleton captains.

After all, the time he had been in this heavenly battlefield was too short and he knew very little.

From these chats, you can also get some useful information.

In the battlefield of the heavens, there was a magic knife that left an extremely deep impression on the people of the Skeleton Clan, and even their memories were extremely incomplete, but they could still remember the magic knife.

The dry bone knife is an imitation of this magic knife, and it is likely to be from the handwriting of Heavenly Dao.

After all, these advents are the handiwork of the Heavenly Dao.

Their mortal enemy is the devil.

To some extent, it can also be said that the mortal enemies of the Heavenly Dao are these demons.

Just an imitation, so strong, moreover, can grow, then, the real dry bone knife?

I'm afraid that looking at the heavens and realms, they are all top-notch divine weapons.

Although Lin Yun was not in a hurry, however, the three skeleton captains took the lead in moving.


I saw that the skeleton captain of the 52nd rank of combat power drank loudly, and the three skeleton powerhouses, carrying the bone knife in their hands, rushed towards Lin Yun.

After this short period of time, Lin Yun also had some understanding of the Skeleton Clan.

In addition to their talent in soul, these skeleton powerhouses are also very good in strength and defense.

High attack and high defense, tenacious vitality, can be said to be an undead Xiaoqiang, a natural fighter.

It's just that in front of him, these advantages are of no use at all.

Just the dry bone knife can complete these skeleton powerhouses.

Seeing these three skeleton captains rushing towards him, Lin Yun held a dry bone knife and greeted him.

The battle broke out instantly.

This is a battle in which numbers and strength are unequal.

And in the face of absolute strength, the superiority in numbers is very pale.


It was very easy, and Lin Yun solved the three skeleton captains.

[Kill a level 26 skeleton captain and gain 1.7 million experience.] 【

Experience bonus...

】【Kill the level 26 skeleton captain and get 4000 guardian points.】 】

【Kill the level 26 skeleton captain and burst a legendary prize pool lottery.】 】

【Kill the level 26 skeleton captain and get 1.7 million experience.】 【

Experience bonus...

】【Kill the level 26 skeleton captain and get 4000 guardian points.】 】

【Kill the level 26 skeleton captain and burst a legendary prize pool lottery.】 】

【Kill the level 28 skeleton captain and get 2.1 million experience.】 【

Experience bonus...

】【Kill the level 28 skeleton captain and get 5000 guardian points.】 】

【Kill the level 28 skeleton captain and burst a legendary prize pool lottery.】 【

Your level has been increased to level 36.】 【

Your strength attribute increases by 2800 points.】 【



Upgraded again.

Thinking about the upgrade speed of his previous sweep of the level 11 ferocious beast areas of the novice village, Lin Yun was a burst of emotion.

Escalation should be like this, simple, direct, fast and violent.

Moreover, this explosion rate is also very amazing.

Three bursts in a row.

Kill demons and get great rewards.

This is the truest portrayal of this sentence.

In comparison, the promotion of this vocation is somewhat slow.

It's still level 9.


However, it is not far from reaching level 10.

Unlimited plunder goes.

[Unlimited plunder success, get 50 physique. ] 】

【Unlimited plunder success, get 50 power.】 The

two level 26 skeleton captains failed to plunder their talents.

However, 100 attribute points is not bad.

As the monster's level climbs, the attribute points that can be plundered are also constantly increasing, especially after level 20, each level of the monster is increased, and the attribute points that can be plundered are also increased by 5 points on the original basis.

It's a pity that each monster of the same level and type can only be plundered three times, otherwise, it will make a lot of money.

Converge your thoughts.

Lin Yun struck another infinite plunder at the skeleton captain whose level and combat power were significantly higher.

[Unlimited plunder success, get B-level talent: the true meaning of power. ] 【

Detected that you already have the same talent, the talent is automatically fused...】

Good luck, actually plundered the true meaning of power.

For the true meaning of power, Lin Yun is naturally no stranger.

Those skeleton warriors and skeleton captains, although they also have talent in strength, but they have not yet reached the B level.

Even the other two skeleton captains are C-level strength talents, on the contrary, their physique talent has reached B-level, but Lin Yun already has a higher level of physical mysteries, so he only plundered attribute points.

And only this skeleton captain with the highest combat power has three B-level talents at the same time.

B-level soul true meaning, B-level body true meaning, B-level force true meaning, in addition, there is a low-level talent in speed.

This was detected by Lin Yun in a short exchange, and it was unknown whether there were other talents.

After all, the time to fight is too short.

And the true meaning of being able to plunder the most useful force from it, in fact, is already a small outbreak of character.

Burst again.

Xu is Lin Yun's prayer has played a role, or maybe killing the evil demon will get the favor of the Heavenly Dao.

Heavenly Dao's next voice caused Lin Yun to fall into continuous ecstasy.

[Successfully fused and obtained A-level talent: The Mystery of Force.] 】

【The Mystery of Force: It can help you comprehend the meaning of the law of power, which allows you to more perfectly exert the meaning of physical strength, and the basic strength is strengthened by 20 times. 】

【Get the mystery of A-level talent power, automatically awaken A-level talent skill: force doppelganger.] 】

【Detected that your strength talent and physique talent have been promoted to A level, speed talent has mutated, the B-level space you now have is not weaker than the A-level talent speed mysteries, and the special B-level skill physical proficient has been promoted to A level. 【It

is detected that you have both A-level skill physical mastery, A-level talent soul mysteries and divine sense, and A-level special skill physical mastery automatically evolves into A-level hidden skill: comprehensive mastery.] 【

Comprehensive Mastery (Level A): Basic Strength +10000, Agility +10000, Physique +10000, Basic Energy +10000, Your four-dimensional talents and skills are fully enhanced. Sometimes

, surprises come so suddenly that they are beyond your imagination and expectations.

For Lin Yun, talent can be fused successfully and get the mystery of power, which is already perfect.

And it turns out that getting this mystery of power is only part of it.

Just like the physical talent was upgraded to A level, the mysteries of force also gave him a very useful skill, the force doppelganger.

If the flesh and gas doppelganger is defensive, then this force doppelganger is more focused on attack.

70,000+ strength, nearly 200,000 four-dimensional, just to say this basic combat power, it has reached the 45th level!

Speaking of this comprehensive mastery, this is a complete bonus.

The four-dimensional alone has increased by 40,000 points, and the four-dimensional talents and skills have been comprehensively enhanced.

The doppelganger of the body and the doppelganger of the force are naturally among them.

There are also spatial blades, divine consciousness, soul fire, etc., which have also been enhanced.

It is no exaggeration to say that this hidden skill has greatly improved his comprehensive combat power.

At this moment, Lin Yun couldn't help but think of a sentence.

Surprises, always reserved for those who are prepared.

The conditions required to fully master this hidden A-level skill are actually very demanding.

A-level physical mastery, A-level soul mysteries, divine consciousness.

Either way, it's not something you can get casually.

And if you want to get surprise, then you need to do everything you can to improve yourself and arm yourself before the surprise comes.

Lin Yun was not in a hurry to cohesion.

With his essence, the force doppelganger can't help much.

Instead of condensing the doppelganger now and letting him rush back to Huaixiang Township, it is better to wait until he returns to Huaixiang Township and then condense.

Open the Properties panel.

The combat power has also climbed from the 54th order before departure to the 55th order, adding the free allocation points to the four dimensions, although the combat power has not been improved, but on the basis of the 55th order, there have been 50,000 more attribute points, and the distance from the 56th order is only the last 5,000 points.

Raising his head and looking at the depths of the dead place, a hint of anticipation appeared on Lin Yun's face.

This time, although it was not a long time to come here, the harvest had exceeded his expectations.

And ahead, what surprises await him?

With this expectation, Lin Yun took a step forward and strode forward.

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