Then, Lin Yun frowned slightly and fell into deep thought.

Do you want to make the announcement of the heavens and realms?

The advantage of the announcement is that it can get a lot of prestige, and the corresponding one will be regarded as a thorn in the eye by countless people, and even the ancient plate realm where he is located will be targeted and hostile.

His understanding of the heavens and realms was still limited to the fact that the Skeleton General said that the ancient plate realm was a weak realm.

Where there are people, there are fights.

The Ancient Pan Realm is not only a member of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, but naturally there are also worlds that are hostile to the Ancient Pan Realm.

A weak person is destined to not be able to withstand too many storms.

Whether he wants it or not, coming to a weak world is an established fact and a factor that he must consider to make this choice.

Although this announcement is only among the advents of the heavens and realms, when the seven-day novice protection period ends, the adventists will gradually contact the local forces, which means that it is only a matter of time before the local forces know the news.

Not to mention other worlds.

Speaking of the ancient pan world alone.

If he chooses to spread the word to the heavens and realms, it will inevitably cause more people's dissatisfaction and hostility, after all, no one will want to be in danger, and no one will want to watch a force rise that may take their place!

And this should also be the reason why other advents did not choose to spread through the heavens and realms.

Compared with the local forces, the Advent is too weak after all, at this stage, with the Advent, the most important thing is low-key development, some unnecessary troubles, can be avoided.

Reputation is good, but with this wave of rewards, his reputation has soared to 1400+, and in a short period of time, there is no demand for this.

If there were other substantial benefits, he might think about it again, but prestige alone was not enough for him to take the risk.

Therefore, after some contemplation, Lin Yun decisively gave up the qualification of this person who passed on the advent of the heavens and realms.

Go on.

With the promotion of the Spatial True Intention to the Spatial Mysteries, the Void Stone Essence was refined and absorbed again, and the speed was greatly improved compared to before.

About five minutes later, Lin Yun opened his eyes again, touched his mouth, and said with a hesitant expression: "The number of this empty stone is too small after all, if there are hundreds or thousands, it would be good."

As he spoke, Lin Yun's gaze looked in the direction of the Dead Place.

In the depths of that dead land, there must be more empty stones.

It's a pity that his current strength is still weaker after all, and the challenge of crossing the step has also entered the cooling.

Let's raise the strength to the realm first.

Thinking like this, Lin Yun opened the properties panel.

[Name]: Lin Yun (to be assessed) (assessment countdown 4 days, 17 hours, 57 minutes and 47 seconds).

[Honorific number]: Five Elements Controller (Yellow Level), Space Controller (Yellow Level).

[Realm]: Xuan Realm.

[Level]: Level 40 (3.43 million/20 million).

[Vocation]: Yellow Guardian - Level 10 (100,000/200,000).

[Prestige]: 1465.

[Power]: 167170 (+27500) The Mystery of Force (A grade).

[Agility]: 166938 (+4000) Space Mystery (Grade A).

[Constitution]: 167145 (+3000) The Mystery of the Body (Grade A).

[Energy]: 167484 (+30

) [Talent]: Unlimited Plunder (SSS level), Five Elements (A level), Soul Mystery (A level)....

[Skills]: Full Mastery (Grade A), Space Storm (Grade A), Space Blade (Grade A)....

[Combat power]: 56 levels (comprehensively evaluated by various basic indexes.) Freely

assign attribute points: 102858.

Not bad.

Whether it is level or basic combat power, it has been greatly improved.

Although the combat power is 56 rank, on the basis of 56, 60,000 attribute points have been accumulated.

According to previous experience, the range of 57-59 steps, for each ascending order, requires 70,000 attribute points.

100,000 free distribution points is enough for his combat power to rush to the 58th level.

There are no surprises.

After a pleasant extra point, the combat power reached the 58th level.

"If you get another 130,000 attribute points, you can start the assessment."

With another 50,000 attribute points, the combat power can rush to the 59th order, and between the 59th and 60th levels, there is still some room for improvement, and this improvement space, on the basis of 70,000 attribute points, the increase in magnitude must also exceed the previous one, that is, more than 15,000.

What he has to face is the most difficult assessment, and before the assessment, he naturally wants to improve his strength to the extreme.

The improvement of attribute points is one thing, and there is also the improvement of talent and equipment.

Attribute points can be achieved by leveling up, plundering spirit grass spirit plants, and upgrading Huai Township to unlock more feeding places.

In terms of talent, it is simple.

With the crushing full-scale invasion of Huaixiang and the existence of enslavement prisons, the number of enslavements in Huaixiang is constantly rising, including some A-level talent holders, and this small number of people is the key to his talent improvement.

It was getting dark.

It was his fifth day into this world.

Compared with the previous four days, this fifth day is particularly fulfilling, from team battles, to camp battles, building villages, doing god-level village exclusive tasks and a series of things, one after another, it can be said that it is seamless, especially in order for Huai Village to upgrade in the shortest possible time, he frantically slaughtered the level 11 ferocious beast group of seven novice villages, and in the end, he almost fell down.

Effort pays off after all.

In this process, his own strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and in District 1, Huaixiang has also become a giant-like existence.

He didn't need to go to other novice villages to find A-level talent owners and then kill them to plunder the talent, the townspeople of Huai Township had invisibly helped him do this, and the efficiency was undoubtedly much stronger than doing it alone.

The benefits of having a strong force are vividly reflected at this moment.

Finally, there is the improvement of equipment.

This is also the simplest and most straightforward.

Of course, the lottery also requires luck, but this whole day, his luck is very good.

To use a fashionable word, today is his lucky day.

Come to think of it, this next wave of lotteries should not disappoint him.

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