Enter the Power Channel and click on the Slavery Prison.

The virtual interface in front of you, a burst of changes.

Left: 15 slave prisons (viewable).

Middle: There are currently 1442 prisoners (can be viewed).

Right: 18,452 slaves (viewable).

Open the slavery prison on the left first.

Ten small icons representing the enslavement prison appeared in an instant, and then opened the enslavement prison in the headquarters of Huaixiang Township.

As the small icon zooms in, more detailed information appears.

Number of prisoners: 138 (viewable).

1,458 people have been successfully enslaved (viewable) and 542 have been enslaved.

A Level 1 slavery prison can enslave 1,000 people, and slavery here does not mean accommodating so many people, but at most planting the mark of slavery on so many people.

After Huai Township was upgraded to level 2, Lin Yun also raised the enslavement prison to level 2, but the number of enslaved prisons reached 2,000.

Subsequently, Lin Yun opened '1458 people have been successfully enslaved'.

A new interface appears.

At the top: sorted by talent; Sort by combat power; Sort by rank; Searchable.

Lin Yun nodded with satisfaction, this setting is very humane, and he can find the person he wants to find in a short time.

Click on Sort by talent.

A-level talent enslavement: 2 people.

Class B talent enslavement: 22 people.

Class C talent enslavement: 852.

Class D talent enslavement: 542.

E-Class Talent Enslavement: 39 people.

F-Class Talent Enslavement: 1 person.

C-level talent enslavement has the most, F-level talent enslavement is the least, and even compared to A-level talent enslavement, there is 1 person less.

That's normal.

After all, the advancement of Huaixiang Town starts from the periphery, and those who can brush the level in the periphery, that is, the high-level strange area, the talent is not much worse.

Coupled with the news of the invasion of Huai Township, it soon spread out, and the lower the talent and combat power, the more conservative the people are, and it is normal to retract back to the novice village.

Turn on A-level talent enslavement.

Two names appeared.

Liu Zhongmin (1327 Novice Village): Has the mysteries of A-grade talent. (Summonable)

Smith (3901 Novice Village): Has the A-class talent wood mysteries. [

Hint: As the mayor of a god-level town, you can view the location of all enslavements on the power map, and you have the power to summon enslavements to your side five times a day. 【Hint

: As the mayor of a god-level town, when you actually enter the enslavement prison hall, you can summon the slavery controlled by the enslavement cell to the prison hall. Hearing

the prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao at the right time, Lin Yun showed a smile of surprise on his face.

The advantages of god-level towns are really reflected in all aspects, and as the mayor of the town, the advantages are even more obvious.

Very good, very powerful.

The gaze fell on these two names again, both old rivals.

1327 Novice Village, is Park Jung-min's novice village, after losing to him in the personal arena and losing a trace of the meaning of time, Park Jung-min became angry and broke the news that he had the mystery of time in the regional chat channel.

For him, the leakage of time is harmless, but for Park Jung-min, a small stick with a bad heart, he will not be soft and directly launch a team battle against the 1327 Novice Village.

Huai Township won the final victory, and in the individual standings of the 1327 Novice Village, this Liu Zhongmin was firmly in first place and also the top of the 1327 Novice Village.

Although he was not qualified to join the camp battle again, Liu Zhongmin decisively chose to join the extermination camp, jumping up and down, wanting revenge.

As for the 3901 Novice Village where Smith is located, it is an opponent in today's camp battle and one of the strong men of the forest extermination camp.

In such a short period of time, these two people chose to give up under the torture of slavery prison, and were willing to be planted with the mark of slavery, which is enough to show that their hearts are very average.

A playful smile.

Lin Yun returned to the original enslavement prison interface again.

The quota of five enslavement places that can be summoned every day naturally cannot be wasted on these two people in the headquarters of Huaixiang Township.

After some simple operation.

Looking at the virtual panel in front of him, there were 22 A-level talent owners, Lin Yun grinned, although there are no S-level talents yet, but the full-scale invasion has just begun, and it is very good to have 22 A-level talents.

Click in and check it out.

The 22 enslaved talents are mainly concentrated in the twelve talents of the five elements, strength, speed, physique, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, these twelve talents are also relatively common, can also be said to be hot talents, in addition, there is also an A-level talent battle mystery.

Professional counterpart.

At this moment, Lin Yun's mind couldn't help but think of these four words.

Think a little.

Lin Yun made a decision.

On the side of the five element talents, it is useful to integrate B-level talents, and A-level talents can be suspended.

The four talents of wind and rain, thunder and lightning, he can also rise to A level by plundering B-level talents, and directly plunder A-level talents, but it is a bit wasteful.

Speed mysteries, for him who already has space mysteries, the improvement is not destined to be too big.

And there are exactly two kinds of strength and physical talent, and with the mystery of this battle, there are just enough places for five places.

After making up his mind, Lin Yun no longer hesitated.

Five white lights flashed.

About three meters in front of Lin Yun, five people appeared.

"Enslave Koizumi Junjiro and bow down to the Lord, may the Lord live forever."

"Enslave Tony and bow down to the Lord, may the Lord live forever."


first time he saw Lin Yun, the stunned look on the faces of these five people was replaced by that kind of respect, and they knelt directly to the ground and respectfully kowtowed nine times.

The whole process was so silky, as if it had been rehearsed countless times, and in this voice, there was not the slightest dissatisfaction, some were just that kind of respect and piety.

This mark of slavery was more domineering than the master-servant contract, and from the moment it was planted, their thinking underwent a fundamental transformation.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of Koizumi and others, Lin Yun is the supreme god.

As soon as Lin Yun gave an order, there was an abyss ahead, and they would jump down without hesitation.

Looking at Koizumi and the other five who were kneeling there, Lin Yun's gaze became complicated.

It is impossible to be soft-hearted.

It's just that at this moment, Lin Yun once again felt the cruelty of this world.

In a world that adheres to the laws of the dark jungle, the law of the jungle preys on the weak and respects strength.

Without strong enough strength, let alone what kind of freedom, even thinking consciousness will be distorted, and life and death are also between the thoughts of others.

At this moment, Lin Yun's desire for strength was far greater than ever.

Originally, I thought of teasing Koizumi and the others again, but at this moment, it no longer exists.

With a wave of his palm, a strong wind shot out, ending the lives of Koizumi and the other five.

And even at the moment of death, Koizumi and the other five did not make any resistance, still kneeling there, allowing Lin Yun's strong wind to bombard him.

Looking at the expressions on their faces, they were still so respectful and reverent.

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