Take a step and keep going!

Eighty-first stone steps!

Eighty-second stone steps!

Eighty-third stone steps!

Eighty-fourth stone steps!

Eighty-fifth stone steps!

When his right foot landed on the eighty-fifth stone step, under that terrifying pressure, Lin Yun only almost fell down.

Trying to stabilize his figure, he raised his head with difficulty, staring at the only fifteen steps left above, and a fierceness flashed in Lin Yun's eyes that were already bloodshot.

Resisting this pressure that was enough to tear people apart, Lin Yun lifted his left foot with difficulty and stepped on the eighty-fifth stone steps.




At this moment, the powerful flesh constantly emitted a low explosion!

This was a high-energy, high-frequency explosion generated by the pressure from all directions colliding with Lin Yun's flesh!

In just an instant, Lin Yun's body was everywhere, and there was no longer an inch intact.

In the explosion of flesh and blood, brilliant blood flowers bloomed.

Under the powerful physical recovery ability, the flesh and blood were squirming, wanting to reorganize, but before the flesh and blood were regrouped together, the terrifying pressure to the extreme crushed the flesh and blood!

Rao is that Lin Yun has been mentally prepared, but in this continuous extreme pain, he almost fainted!

In the extreme wave of pain, wanting to make a sound has become a luxury.

Under that all-round terrifying pressure, let alone making a sound, even if it is breathing, it becomes extremely difficult.

Is this the limit of what my physical body can bear?!!


Deep down, Lin Yun roared unwillingly.

The unprecedented pain tore at every nerve of Lin Yun.

At this moment, Lin Yun had even forgotten the assessment.

There is only one thought in my mind, and that is to hold on!

The improvement of physical cultivation has always been accompanied by endless tribulations.

Every powerful physical cultivation is ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to oneself.

No madness, no survival.

It is the most true portrayal of physical cultivation.

The low and dense popping sound continued.

Everywhere in Lin Yun's flesh, a blood mist was exploded.

The blood mist was blown out and did not dissipate, and under this terrifying pressure, these blood mist were compressed between Lin Yun's surroundings.

If you look closely, you will find that the black lines with strands have been removed from this blood mist.

This terrifying pressure was like an invisible millstone, grinding Lin Yun's flesh alive.

Big risks are often accompanied by big opportunities.

While this body is constantly exploding, the impurities in the flesh and blood are also being removed little by little.

It's just that the speed of physical destruction far exceeds the speed of self-repair.

Soon, Lin Yun's body became shriveled.

Forcibly enduring the pain that could not be described in words, Lin Yun gritted his teeth and persisted.

Having made a decision, then, until the last moment, he will definitely not give up.

The flesh and blood are still being crushed.

Seeing Lin Yun's physical body gradually shriveled, a mysterious and mysterious energy emerged from the flesh.

As the owner of this body, Lin Yun sensed this energy for the first time.

The power of heaven and earth!

After he gathered the four B-level talents of Wind and Rain Thunder and Lightning, he unlocked the Hidden Heavenly Duty Heavenly Punisher and obtained a trace of the power of heaven and earth.

It was also with the help of that trace of the power of heaven and earth that his body and divine soul were tempered.

Obviously, the previous tempering did not completely consume that trace of heaven and earth power.

And this trace of heaven and earth power was hidden deep in his body.

At this moment, under this external pressure, the power of heaven and earth was stimulated.

The crushed flesh and blood, with the help of the power of heaven and earth, completed the reorganization and regeneration in only an instant.

Even the flesh that lingered between the surrounding bodies returned to the flesh again.

At this moment, Lin Yun only felt that his physical body was unprecedentedly powerful.

When he sensed that the external pressure was no longer enough to crush his flesh and blood, Lin Yun decisively took a step and walked upwards!

The power of heaven and earth in the body has not disappeared.

Instead of letting it continue to hide in his body, he preferred to completely absorb and refine it and turn it into a part of his strength.

Eighty-sixth stone steps!


90th stone steps!

When the ninetieth stone step was climbed, the suffocating pressure swept over again.

Outside the body, the invisible big millstone crushed Lin Yun's flesh and blood inch by inch!

In his body, the energy of the power of heaven and earth was rapidly repairing Lin Yun's flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood are crushed, then reorganized, then crushed, reorganized, and so on.

It was as if there were two different forces, using Lin Yun's physical body as the battlefield, and an alternative duel was being carried out.

The sourness in it is even greater than before.

However, for this kind of sourness, Lin Yun said that the more the merrier.

Pain is pain.

But in this process, he can clearly feel that the impurities in his flesh are being eliminated little by little, and at the same time, in each reorganization, his flesh and blood are like wolves who are hungry to the extreme, frantically devouring this energy contained in the power of heaven and earth.

As long as it can continue to become stronger, it is no matter how much torture it is, what is the harm.

Time passed quietly.


When a certain moment came, a dull roar came from Lin Yun's body.

It's like, invisibly, something, bursting through.

Deep in Lin Yun's flesh, pure and mysterious energy quietly flowed out.

At this moment, Lin Yun's blood was like smelling a bloody shark, and it completely rioted.

That longing even exceeds the desire for the power of heaven and earth.

The mind looks inward.

Although this was the first time Lin Yun had seen this energy, he had a familiar and intimate feeling.

After this energy appeared, it flowed in the flesh, washing every place in the flesh.

With each flush, Lin Yun could clearly feel that his physical body was getting stronger at an exaggerated speed, and the power contained in every inch of flesh and blood was also soaring.

And the power of heaven and earth, which had not yet been consumed, seemed to have been pulled by some kind of traction, and with the operation of these energies, in the end, it was completely integrated.

As for the external pressure, it was no longer enough to cause much damage to Lin Yun's physical body.

As soon as the flesh and blood were exploded, they quickly squirmed and completed the automatic reorganization.

If before it was a baptism to absorb the energy of the power of heaven and earth, then now, Lin Yun's physical body is undergoing a transformation.

In the body, every inch of flesh and blood was washed crystal clear, and the light was overflowing.

In the extreme sublimation, these energies and Lin Yun's flesh and blood were completely intertwined and fused.


In the trembling sound of the air, ripples bloomed between heaven and earth, and from a distance, it was very gorgeous.

[Tip: Congratulations on breaking the first barrier of the flesh body, nourished by the power of the origin of the flesh, greatly strengthening the flesh, basic strength +200000, basic agility +200000, basic physique +200000. Hearing

the prompt of the Heavenly Dao, a bright smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

No wonder, when he saw those energies before, he had a sense of familiarity and intimacy.

It turned out to be the power of the origin of the flesh!

The power of the origin of the flesh body was originally a part of his physical body, but it had not been excavated, so he had never seen it.

And only by breaking the entrance of the flesh body can the power of the origin of the flesh body be released!

In terms of physical cultivation, the body is the greatest treasure, and this sentence is indeed true.

Just breaking the first physical entrance allowed him to get a full 600,000 attribute points, which almost doubled his strength, agility, and physique!

It is no wonder that when entering the assessment space, Tiandao had prompted that the change of four-dimensional attribute points would not affect the fluctuation of basic combat power.

It turns out that the assessment is not just a simple assessment, but also an organic cause.

Whether you can seize the opportunity depends on strength and luck.

Fortunately, in the face of difficulties, he did not give up or retreat, but gritted his teeth and persevered, otherwise, if he wanted to break this first physical entrance, I don't know when it will be.

With this huge improvement, he is more and more confident about the next assessment.

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