Turning off the joint channel, Lin Yun stood up and moved his muscles.

Night shrouded, and the dark world slowed down the speed of everyone's search for fierce beasts.

But it is simply difficult to stop Lin Yun with visual madness!

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yun immediately rushed to the high-level ferocious beast area!

The figure shuttling in the dark night gradually accelerated!

The victory of the team challenge, he is going to decide!

As for the word failure, it was not in his head from the beginning!

On the way, it is inevitable to pass the range of activities of level 2, 3, 4, and level ferocious beasts.

In 5 minutes, Lin Yun reached the level 2 ferocious beast area.

A quarter of an hour later, he had already arrived at the Level 3 Ferocious Beast Region.

The rampage along the way, without half a point of cover. Many low-level ferocious beasts even saw Lin Yun, and the next moment they were separated by yin and yang.

Half an hour later, Lin Yun finally arrived at the level 4 ferocious beast area!

Along the way, the scattered low-level ferocious beast points have also accumulated 80 points, and his experience has also reached (1050/1200).

"The score of low-level ferocious beasts is too low, you still have to kill high-level ferocious beasts!"

If others hear this, they may scold Lin Yun Versailles.

You know, how difficult it is for ordinary people to get 80 points, not to mention that it only took half an hour, and one or twenty points in such a short time is the norm!

It's just that Lin Yun doesn't want so much.

"As long as a level 4 ferocious beast comes, it is enough for me to rise to level 5!"

At this moment, a moon shadow cat appeared in front of him!

"It's just coming!" Lin Yun was overjoyed in his heart and immediately rushed forward to kill him in seconds!

The next moment, the white light came on!

[Successfully killed the fourth-level ferocious beast: Moon Shadow Cat! ] Gain experience +230. 【

Unlimited plunder success! 】 Gain 2 agility attributes! 230


Lin Yun encountered all the low-level and high-power ferocious beasts along the way! Not much experience after killing!

Encountering this kind of normal ferocious beast all of a sudden, the experience of two hundred and thirty points also made Lin Yun cry and laugh.

Of course, that's not the end of it!

As the announcement sounded, Lin Yun's body also lit up with white light.

[Your level has been upgraded to level 5! ] 【

Your strength attribute increases by 20 points.】 【

Your agility attribute increases by 20 points.】 【

Your physique attribute increases by 20 points.】 【

Your energy attribute increases by 20 points.】 【

You get 20 free attributes! 】 】Haha


Upgraded again!

Without thinking, all 20 free attributes were evenly distributed to four dimensions at once.

No need to deliberately look, Lin Yun's mind immediately appeared his own progress, level 5 (100/2400)....

With such a progress, he will soon be able to catch up with Su Boyang in his village! The gap with Jin Canlie on the other side is also getting smaller and smaller!

Thinking of the gap in points between the two villages, Lin Yun immediately accelerated and rushed towards the level 5 ferocious beast area.

The gap has fallen, and he will race against time for the next time....

Another half an hour later, Lin Yun had already reached the area where the level 5 ferocious beast was active!

The level 4 ferocious beasts encountered along the way also made Lin Yun's points rise to 320! Immediately suppressed Su Boyang and Su Han!

At this point, the team challenge has been two hours!

In a full two hours, the accumulated gap had reached a terrifying eight hundred points, even if Lin Yun was in a hurry!

Lin Yun didn't have the heart to pay attention to this.

In his opinion, as long as he keeps killing monsters, everything will not be a problem!

Carrying the silver he, he continued to go deeper into the level 5 area....

And the chat channel at this time is just the time when the challenge is full of an hour, and the cold is reporting the progress and calming people's hearts.

Sui Han: "Everyone, now we are killing a level 4 ferocious beast, and soon my brother will break through to level 6!" And my experience is now 1260! As

soon as these words came out, someone responded immediately.

"Wow! Su Boyang is also level 6 soon!

"Does that mean that our gap can slowly narrow in the future?"

"That being said, the other side is also improving, and Jin Canlie over there may be about to upgrade to level 7!"

"Don't scare yourself upstairs! The experience of reaching level 7 is definitely a lot, it will not be so fast!

"Same upstairs! I also give you a big cheer. Now I have the experience of level 5 470! And I estimate that there may be 5 or 6 people in our village who have now risen to level 5! Don't give up, keep up the good work! As

soon as these words came out, the low morale was indeed inspired a lot.

"Groove! Another big guy haunted! Dare to ask the big guy is?

"Under Liu Yong."

"Me me me! I know, the rank list Liu Yong is third!

"Worship the big guy! Brothers, as long as we continue to unite as one, we will definitely be able to tie the score!

"But the gap will gradually accumulate!" Now it's all over eight hundred! More than eight hundred! How long will this have to be chased!

"That's not right! Wrong! Lie in the groove, everyone look at the standings! Lin Yun appeared! Top of the list, lying groove! 320 points!

"What, the top of the list? Wasn't it still Su Boyang's boss just now?

"So fast in such a short time! I suspect that Lin Yun won't have killed the high-level ferocious beast in the first place!" "

Ah, this..."

I suddenly thought of a question..." "

I know, everyone think about it, when Lin Yun didn't appear, the gap between us and the opposite side was five hundred per hour, and now the gap per hour after Lin Yun Guy appeared became three hundred!"

As soon as the words fell, someone followed.

"Look at the points of the big guy again, lying groove! Isn't that obvious? Lin Yun broke out!!

"Lying groove, it makes sense!"

This remark instantly stunned everyone!

But the next second, the sound of complaining hit!

"So it is! Heh, according to this, Lin Yun didn't contribute at all in the first hour!

"That's it! If he hadn't killed the ferocious beast, would we have been more than five hundred points behind in an hour?

"That's it, come out and pretend to be a good person now!" The gap is eight hundred, even if it comes out now, what to chase! "

As soon as Lin Yun's matter was discovered, Liu Yong secretly said that it was not good, and sure enough, all demons and monsters appeared this time.

Liu Yong was most annoyed by these people who dragged their feet during these critical periods, and immediately choked back.

"Hey, you can't say that! Lin Yun didn't appear before, maybe he was looking for a fierce beast or something else? How can you blame Lin Yun for everyone's affairs!

"Why, did I say something wrong? With such a big gap now, would he have done so if he had come forward earlier? I, An Wenbin, will leave it here, and the king of heaven Laozi will also say this! "

There are many people who pay attention to the leaderboard, and this An Wenbin is also a stable player in the top ten.

At this moment, the sour cucumbers couldn't hold back, and immediately went online.


Seeing the war intensifying, Sui Han couldn't sit still.

"Okay! What is the use of saying this one by one now, is it bad to have this time to complain and kill more murderous beasts? If there is anything, you have to say it now!

As soon as this remark came out, it really suppressed many people, but it also made the chat channel completely embarrassed.

"It's really annoying, how come there are such people everywhere, isn't it good to divide and brush monsters? It has to be a human mentality! And that An Wenbin, don't you know how much influence he has? I have to come out!

Su Boyang said lightly: "Okay, don't be angry." Lin Zida has everyone, and the point gap is indeed not small! I'm also level 6 now, so instead of talking nonsense with them here, it's better to kill two ferocious beasts!"

"Also, with this kind of still can't recognize the situation, it's still a pair of keyboards in hand, and the nonsense of some players in the world is a waste of time."

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