"Keep up." Seeing Jiao Wenyao chasing towards Devouring Heaven, Gu Zixuan said urgently.

Although he expected this alien beast to be stronger and surprise him, if he was run away by this alien beast, it would be a big deal.

The descendants of this ancient beast, even if they are still ignorant, are still very vengeful.

He didn't want to be targeted by such a strange beast.

And if this strange beast grows up, it will definitely become his nightmare.

Hearing Gu Zixuan's words, Feng Qingyun did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and hurriedly urged the mana to catch up.

Just flew out about a few hundred meters, as if sensing something, Feng Qingyun glanced around suspiciously.

"What's wrong?" Feeling that the flight speed slowed down, and Jiao Wenyao was about to disappear from his sight, Gu Zixuan frowned.

"Gongzi, for some reason, I suddenly have a bad premonition," Feng Qingyun said truthfully.

Gu Zixuan suddenly turned his head sideways, glared angrily at Feng Qingyun, and said coldly: "You mean, this prince can't get this strange beast?!! "

Gongzi, you misunderstood me..." was stared at by Gu Zixuan like this, and said with trepidation.

Halfway through his words, he was rudely interrupted by Gu Zixuan.

"Hurry up!"

Feng Qingyun did not dare to slack off anymore, suppressed the doubts in his heart, urged the mana with all his strength, and chased after Jiao Wenyao.

In the next second.

Feng Qingyun's face changed drastically, and he urged his battle armor with all his strength.

However, it was already late.


Following those previous realms, Feng Qingyun also tasted the feeling of being slapped by a brick.

Gu Zixuan suddenly turned his head, and what he saw was Feng Qingyun's dull gaze, and the one that shot towards him... Weird weapons.

In his gaze, the weird weapon is getting bigger and bigger.


In the violent explosion, Gu Zixuan's body flew out upside down!

Only then did Gu Zixuan see clearly that it was a handsome young man who attacked him.

Compared to this handsome face, which was slightly stronger than him, the deep eyes of this young man were even more impressive.

Just one glance gives people a feeling of self-shame.

This young man was naturally Lin Yun.

Looking at Gu Zixuan's body flying out upside down, Lin Yun's eyes flashed a different color.

To be precise, what surprised Lin Yun was the golden armor that Gu Zixuan was wearing.

After shooting down Feng Qingyun, he slapped Gu Zixuan again.

And just when the plate brick transformed by the Five Elements Pagoda was about to shoot on Gu Zixuan's head that had just turned around, the golden armor on his body shone brightly, and a golden light mask appeared, blocking the plate brick.

He can be sure that at that moment, Gu Zixuan can't react at all, as for urging the battle armor, it is even more impossible, after all, through the viewing function given by the Heavenly Dao, he has learned that Gu Zixuan's combat power is still stuck at the 59th level!

In other words, Gu Zixuan has not yet stepped into the realm!

Without urging, it could automatically protect the Lord's armor, and this was the first time he had seen it.

Even the lower-grade emperor-level armor he had obtained before did not have this function.

It is worthy of being the son of the lord of Changshan County, and this equipment is really luxurious.

Putting Feng Qingyun into the enslavement prison, Lin Yun took a step forward, and the brick in his hand was photographed again.


In another explosion, Gu Zixuan's body that was still in the air flew out upside down again, but this time, Gu Zixuan flew in the direction of Huai Township.

Looking at the golden light mask again, after a tremor, it calmed down again.

Emperor-level armor!

At this moment, Lin Yun could conclude that the golden armor worn by Gu Zixuan had reached the emperor level!

Being slapped flying twice in succession, Gu Zixuan finally eased up, looked at Lin Yun in disbelief and said, "You... You are the Advent?!! The lord of Huai Township?!!

When he saw that Lin Yun ignored him at all and flew towards him again, Gu Zixuan said urgently: "Advent! Don't get me wrong! We are not enemies! I'm here to work with you! What

responded to him was another brick of Lin Yun!

Gu Zixuan flew out backwards again.

"Stop! You stop first! Listen to me finish..."Boom


Gu Zixuan was blasted away again!

"I really came to cooperate with you..."

"I am Gu Zixuan, the son of the lord of Changshan County..."

"Changshan County is the overlord of Senryu Island..."

"I can bring a large number of strong people to Huaixiang Town..."

"I can send you a lot of cultivation resources!"

The moment the voice fell, Lin Yun's plate brick slapped on the golden energy cover again.

The difference was that this time, Lin Yun slapped above the golden energy shield and slapped Gu Zixuan directly towards the ground below.

It floated down about three meters in front of Gu Zixuan.

Lin Yun smiled indifferently and said, "Send me cultivation resources?" Then come to dozens of imperial soldiers first, and come to millions of top-grade spirit stones. Seeing

that Lin Yun finally stopped, Gu Zixuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing Lin Yun's words again, the muscles on Gu Zixuan's face couldn't help but twitch a few times.

"Spirit Stone is good to say, if... Dare to ask Gongzi's name? Gu Zixuan adjusted his mentality and said with a gentle smile.

"Lin Yun."

"If Brother Lin cooperates with me, let alone millions of top-grade spirit stones, it is tens of millions of top-grade spirit stones, but this imperial soldier is too precious, with my ability, I can only take out five imperial soldiers at most to send to Brother Lin." Gu Zixuan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Yun secretly rejoiced.

It's really a big fat sheep.

A look of disdain appeared on his face, and he said playfully: "You can only take out five imperial soldiers, is this the strength of the overlord of Qianliu Island?" Hehe.

"Brother Lin doesn't know something, it is the strongest alchemist in the Star Luo Sea Region, and he can only refine high-grade imperial soldiers, which also leads to very few imperial soldiers, moreover, most of the imperial soldiers are in the hands of large forces, as for those small forces, the Heaven Realm powerhouses, only a very small number of them have imperial soldiers!" Gu Zixuan forcibly endured the unhappiness in his heart, and said patiently: "Five imperial soldiers, it is already my limit, but I can promise Brother Lin, among the five imperial soldiers, there is one middle-grade imperial soldier, what do you think?"

"In this way, it can be regarded as sincere." Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully and continued: "It stands to reason that the lord of such a big force as the Lord of Changshan County should have countless descendants, and you are only one of them, and your cultivation is also very average, and your words are not very convincing.

Gu Zixuan, who was despised by Lin Yun again, his eyebrows jumped.

At this moment, Lin Yun's voice sounded again.

"However, the identity of the son of the county lord of Changshan County still has some weight, although your cultivation is average, but you can barely have the power of a battle, but if you join Huaixiang Town, the lord of Changshan County will have no opinion."

Gu Zixuan, who was already very irritable, was slightly startled when he heard Lin Yun's words, and then hurriedly said: "Of course not, this is the purpose of my trip, and my father also knows it."

Lin Yun raised his head slightly, looked at Gu Zixuan with a defiant expression, and said in a loud voice: "Remember your conditions, one middle-grade emperor soldier, four lower-grade emperor soldiers, tens of millions of upper-grade spirit stones, if you enter Huaixiang Township and don't take out these things, I can kick you out at any time!" "

Brother Lin said and smiled, I, Gu Zixuan, am a trustworthy person, and I will never do such a thing." Gu Zixuan nodded, and a hint of eagerness could not help but appear in those eyes.

"There is another thing, mention it, Huai Township is a Huai Township that belongs to me alone, and if you join Huai Township, you must also submit to me, this is the bottom line." Lin Yun continued.

"This is nature, I am willing to submit to Brother Lin and let Brother Lin dispatch!" Gu Zixuan bowed.

In those eyes that Lin Yun couldn't see, a hint of gloom flashed.

He Gu Zixuan was not a stupid person, and in this short period of time, he had already figured out some things.

First, the strange beast appeared, and when the strange beast took Jiao Wenyao away, Lin Yun appeared at the right time.

If it was just a coincidence, he didn't believe it, it was very likely that that the strange beast had already been subdued by Lin Yun.

And this Lin Yun's cultivation is definitely not something that has just broken through to the realm.

Quietly appeared, instantly defeated Feng Qingyun, such means, this kind of combat power, even if it did not reach the late stage of the realm, it was not far off.

Although he still had some hole cards that he had not used, the purpose of this trip was to join Huaixiang Township, and then participate in the assessment and condense the strongest Yuan God!

It doesn't matter which way.

Wait until the Yuan God is condensed, and then have fun with this Lin Yun.


The lord of Huaixiang Town, as well as that strange beast, were destined to belong to him, but it was only temporarily stored here in Lin Yun for a day or two.

"What an interesting fool, if only the people of this Senryu Island were all of this kind of intelligence."

At this moment, a playful voice sounded.

Gu Zixuan was slightly startled, and then his eyes were dark.

Regaining his vision again, Gu Zixuan found himself in a dim stone house.

It is surrounded by stone walls with intricate patterns carved on them.

Where is this?

A pain from the depths of the soul suddenly struck.

"You have entered the Huaixiang Town Slavery Prison, where you will be subjected to endless torture and suffering, and if you choose to become a Huaixiang Township slave, you will be free from pain and torture."

In my ears, an icy voice sounded.

"Ah!! Slavery prisons!! Lin Yun!! You pit me!! The

anguish and mournful roar echoed in this prison.

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