After doing all this, Lin Yunchang breathed a sigh of relief.

I have to say that the power of the falling god bow is indeed strong, but the consumption of mana is also extremely large, and this blow alone almost consumed his mana.

Through this blow, he also has a little more understanding of the Falling God Bow, and in the future, he will be more handy in using the Falling God Bow.

Without lingering, Lin Yun stepped into the interior of the space, shuttled through the space, and came to the Huaixiang Town Slavery Prison.

Stride into the prison hall.

Looking at the frequency of light in front of him, after Lin Yun's operation, three white lights flashed, and Ling Fei and his wife, Xue Ze, appeared in front of Lin Yun.

The three remained unconscious and collapsed to the ground.

As the head of Huai Township, Lin Yun had absolute control over the enslavement prison.

Because he decided to make a move on Kangcheng, after knocking out these three people, Lin Yun just threw them into the enslavement prison, and did not let the enslavement prison torture them and accept them as enslavement.

After all, killing slavery has no experience and other rewards.

Before participating in the assessment, Lin Yun also tried to lift the mark of slavery and then kill it, which was rewarding.

However, there was not even a single lottery opportunity, only experience rewards, and only half experience.

The hint given by Heavenly Dao is that within 24 hours, killing a person who has released the enslavement mark will only gain half of the experience.

Lin Yun could also understand the intention of Heavenly Dao to some extent.

The existence of the enslavement prison is that in order to encourage the expansion of power, the Dao of Heaven plunders resources and population, and the transformation of the plundered population into slavery can make the power better develop and grow.

Everything that Heavenly Dao did seemed to be to cultivate a powerful force, a qualified master of great power.

And killing slavery, especially killing mass enslavement, in the long run, is detrimental to the development of a force and does not meet the requirements of the Heavenly Dao.

At the same time, it also confirms that there is a glimmer of life in the underworld.

Lin Yun was not a rule-maker, so he could only act according to the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

But well, there are policies and countermeasures.

For the situation of Ling Fei and his wife, it is enough not to accept them as slavery.

With a wave of his palm, Lin Yun shot out a powerful qi and killed Ling Fei and his wife and Xue Ze.

[Successfully killed a level 51 powerhouse (local force) and gained 19 million experience. 【

Experience bonus...】【

Successfully kill a level 51 powerhouse (local force) and get 2121 freely distributed attribute points. 】

【Successfully kill a level 51 powerhouse (local force) and burst a mythical prize pool lottery.]


the prompt of the Heavenly Dao, Lin Yun nodded with satisfaction.

Rich experience, attribute point rewards, plus lotteries, in two words, that is: perfect.

Unlimited plunder goes.

[Unlimited plunder success, get A-level talent: the true meaning of power. ] 【

Detecting that you have the same talent, the talent is automatically fused...】Good


The mysteries of power are already the highest level of talent in Ling Fei's body.

Being able to plunder the mysteries of power was naturally what Lin Yun wanted to see the most.

Next, it depends on whether the integration can be successful.

Just as Lin Yun was expecting, the prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao sounded again.

[Talent fusion is successful, the mysteries of your A-level talent power have become greatly strengthened, and you are one step closer to the law of comprehension power, and your basic strength is strengthened by 40 times. ] 】Cool


The power of the mysteries of power has been raised again.

As for saying that the mysteries of force could not be promoted to the law of force, this was expected by Lin Yun.

Prior to this, each of his five element talents had successfully fused at least twice, among which, the gold system and the water system had been successfully fused three times.

That is to say, A-level talent needs to be successfully fused at least three times before it is possible to reach S-level talent.

Go on.

[Unlimited plunder success, get A-level talent: Fire Mysteries. ] 】

【Your S-level talent five-element rule is formed by the fusion of five series A-level talents, and the mystery of fire is automatically integrated...】【The mystery of fire is successfully integrated, your perception of the fire element is improved, and the power of your S-level talent five-element

law is improved. Good


After the gold system and the water system, the fire system has also successfully fused three times.

Go on.

[Infinite plunder success, you get the B-level talent: the true meaning of rain. ]

【Detecting that you have the same talent, the talent is automatically fusing...】At

this moment, a complicated look appeared on Lin Yun's face.

Being able to plunder the useful talent of the True Meaning of Rain, Lin Yun was naturally delighted.

But at the same time, Lin Yun thought that before participating in the assessment, he had failed more than a dozen times in the process of fusing the true meaning of rain!

Just to say that the success rate of the fusion of the true meaning of rain is simply outrageously low.

If yesterday was his lucky day, then this is the only stain on his lucky day.

[Talent fusion is successful, get the A-level talent rain mysteries. 】

【Your Wind and Rain Thunder and Lightning Four Series talents have reached A level, and your Heavenly Punisher level has been upgraded to Xuan level. 】

【Heavenly Punisher (Xuan Level): Walking in the world, enforcing the law on behalf of the heavens, punishing evil and promoting good, obtaining the blessing of the power of ten heavens and earth, in the ancient plate realm, the four series of wind, rain, thunder and lightning talent and skill power +500%, the heavenly level increases with the increase of talent level.

As the voice of the Heavenly Dao fell, that familiar energy descended from the sky again and poured into Lin Yun's body.

Lin Yun's body flew up, and an extreme sense of comfort appeared.

For this process, Lin Yun is no stranger.

Before, when the talent of the four series of Wind and Rain Thunder reached level B, when he unlocked the hidden vocation of the Heavenly Punisher, he had received a trace of the blessing of the power of heaven and earth.

It was also with the help of that trace of the power of heaven and earth that his body and divine soul were tempered, and at the same time, a part of the energy was hidden in various parts of his body, which was completely stimulated in the physical body assessment to help his physical body complete a transformation.

And now, with all four series of talents reaching A level, the level of the Heavenly Punisher climbed from the yellow level to the Xuan level, and he actually got ten traces of heaven and earth power.

This is comfort, which is brought about by the power of heaven and earth to temper his body and spirit.

Seeing that the impurities in his body and divine soul were constantly eliminated, Lin Yun's face showed a bright smile.

When the quenching was over, Lin Yun's ears sounded the prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao.

[Tip: Your body and spirit have been tempered and fully enhanced, base strength +200000, basic agility +200000, basic physique +200000, basic energy +200000. Another

800,000 attribute points arrived.


At this moment, the smile on Lin Yun's face became even brighter.

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