At this moment, a bright smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

The Five Elements Talent was finally promoted to SS Level.

Different from infinite plunder, the five elements are talented in both attack and defense.

This made his comprehensive combat strength improve a lot.

The honorific title of the Five Element Controller has also been raised from the Xuan level to the Earth level, which has allowed him to exercise restraint over the Five Elements Talent and raise it to another level.

The free distribution of points and prestige rewards is also very good.

At the same time, I got another exclusive lucky draw.

For this global announcement, Lin Yun decisively chose to give up.

What the world-wide announcement brings is only prestige.

For now, he also lacks prestige.

With the passage of time, he also became more and more aware of the situation in the Star Luo Sea.

The native forces of Senryu Island can find the advent, and the native forces of other islands, if you think about it, are not much different.

Before this, the successive announcements from the whole world made him and Huaixiang out of the limelight, and these news will inevitably be known by those big forces.

Qianliu Island is the territory of Hongyu County.

After the seven-day protection period, Huaixiang City had to face not only the local forces of Qianliu Island, but also the people sent by the royal family of Hongyu County.

At this time, if he continues to choose the global announcement, it will inevitably make the royal family pay more attention to Huaixiang City.

Another of the most important reasons is that his strength is improving too fast.

The so-called realm cannot strike at the advent within fifteen days, and the heavenly realm cannot act against the advent within one month, and this setting to protect the advent is useless here, even with the city of Huaixiang.

The overall strength of Huaixiang City is still too weak after all.

Therefore, whether it is from his personal consideration or from the perspective of Huaixiang City, it is necessary to properly hide it.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun opened the virtual prize pool.

Since the last draw, he has accumulated more than 40,000 draws during this time!

Just to say that the number of draws is definitely the most.

After all, Slaughtering City brings not only experience, but also the number of lotteries.

However, the following epic lottery accounts for the majority.

After some synthesis.

Looking at the number of spirit level lotteries below the virtual prize pool, Lin Yun sighed lightly.

The number of lotteries seems to be a lot, but most of them are low-level draws, and in the end, there are only forty-one spirit-level draws.

Spirit level lottery synthesis king level lottery, the success rate is 60%.

Lin Yun has always been a person who does not like to play odds.

Consuming one lottery, even if it fails, will retain six draws, in Lin Yun's opinion, it is still very cost-effective.

If you calculate it this way, it will become a seven-in-one, even if you are lucky and all of them are successfully synthesized, you can only synthesize five king-level lotteries.

He does not lack these things such as spirit soldiers and king soldiers.

Let's go here first, accumulate and accumulate, and wait until the emperor-level lottery is synthesized, and then start the lottery.

However, there is no need to deposit for exclusive draws.

This is also his purpose in opening the virtual prize pool, as for synthesis, just go with the flow.

[Successful lottery, get spirit-level exclusive equipment: Five Element Beads. 【Tip

: Detecting that you have obtained four pieces of five-element exclusive equipment, when you collect five different pieces of five-element exclusive equipment, you will get an unexpected surprise. Good


Another piece of exclusive equipment in hand!

It's still one last piece away!

According to previous experience, either he gets another honorary title, or if the controller of the five elements is promoted to the heaven level, he will be able to put together the five element set, and when he is introduced, he will be rewarded richly.

Continue to plunder.

The five-element talent has come to an end for the time being.

Next, it was the turn of the storm and thunder.

It was enough to kill twelve enslaves with the mysteries of the wind, the talent of the wind system, and was the first to be promoted to the S-level law of wind.

Immediately afterwards, he killed ten enslaves, and the talent of the thunder system was also promoted to the S rank.

Killed eleven more enslaves, and the electric talent was also promoted to S rank.

In the previous fusion process, the most bumpy rain system talent was saved for the end.

Some plunder.

Killing nine enslaves, Rain Mystery successfully fused four times.

Luck is pretty good.

Fusion here, Lin Yun did not continue.

This is not to say that there is no slavery with the mysteries of rain.

In the Advent enslavement, there are eighteen who possess the mysteries of rain, and after consuming nine, there are nine left.

However, considering that these four series of talents have been upgraded to the S level, the level of the Heavenly Punisher will be upgraded to the Earth level, and after the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, after refining the body and divine soul, what is obtained is a four-dimensional attribute point.

Therefore, Lin Yun received the remaining nine enslavements into the small world of Qiankun Creation, and then continued after entering the assessment space and determining that the basic combat power would not fluctuate.

As long as his luck is not too bad, he will get a large wave of attribute points.

Go on.

The mysteries of body and power have also been smoothly upgraded to S level.

Like the Five Elements and Wind and Rain Thunder, these are regular talents, and they also have the largest number of people.

Along with the mysteries of the body and the mysteries of force, promoted to the law of body and the law of force, the basic strength and basic physique were strengthened fifty times.

The two doppelgangers have also been strengthened to a certain extent.

The main attribute bonus reaches 60% of the ontology, and the other three bonuses are 40% of the ontology.

At the same time, there are two more skills.

Summon and teleport.

Within a million miles, Lin Yun can instantly appear at the location of the doppelganger, or summon the doppelganger to his side.

These are undoubtedly two very used skills.

However, there is a cooldown time limit, which is the same as the cooldown time of the condensed avatar, which is 48 hours.

Then there's the talent for speed.

Like the Five Elements Talent, there is the honorific title of Space Master, and the success rate of the fusion speed mysteries is 100%.

What made Lin Yun a little disappointed was that when the number of successful fusions reached five times, and then plundered, all he got was attribute points, and his spatial mysteries, the basic speed bonus, climbed to 70 times, but he was still an A-level talent.

Under the setting of the Heavenly Dao, the speed talent is only a branch of space after all, and it is not enough to raise the mysteries of space to the level of space laws by fusing speed talent.

At this moment, Lin Yun couldn't help but think of the Empty Nether Stone!

For now, this is the only way he can think of to promote his spatial talent.

There are two ways to get the Void Stone, one is the teleportation array of the local forces, and the other is the Dead Land!

The first time he got the Empty Nether Stone was after killing the Skeleton General of the Realm and destroying the stone pillars of his palace.

Unlike these six lonely cities on the edge of the barbaric land, further north, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is no longer so scarce, and there are more and more people.

Outside each city, there are a number of villages and towns of varying variation.

If you try to block messages, the difficulty will be greatly increased.

In comparison, going to the land of death is a better choice.

Of course, the talent that should be plundered, it is still necessary to plunder.

The plunder of these twelve conventional talents has come to an end.

Next, it's the turn of the rarer talents.

There are three enslavements that possess the mysteries of war.

Three fusions, one success.

The overall improvement effect brought by the challenge skill has also increased from 20% to 30%, and the cooldown time has been shortened to 6 hours.

Then there's the mystery of the soul.

Four times successful once.

With another successful fusion, the soul fire in the Mud Pill Palace was also enhanced to a certain extent.

There is only one enslavement with dark mysteries, but the fusion ends in failure.

Two more white lights flashed.

Unlike the previous enslavement, these two enslaved talents were not possessed by Lin Yun, and they were also the only two rare talent enslavements left!

One is the supreme yang mysteries, and the other is the supreme yin mysteries.

The one who has the mysteries of the supreme sun is a small middle-aged man with a moon generation head who is not good-looking, and can even be described as a crooked date.

And the one who has the most yin meaning is a European and American woman with long golden wavy hair and a convex front and back.

When these two enslaves appeared in the hall at the same time, standing together at close range, they even gave Lin Yun the illusion that half sea water and half fire were fire.

Their strength is very weak, and they may not be able to detect anything, but Lin Yun can clearly see that the breath between these two people attracts each other, spontaneously flowing towards each other, and when these two breaths come into contact, they spread out.

It is as if, invisibly, there is a wall that separates these two mutually attractive breaths.

"Enslave Miyamoto to see the Lord, may the Lord live forever."

"Enslave Eva to the Lord, may the Lord live without boundaries."

The loud and masculine voice and the soft voice that gives people a different kind of seduction sounded at the same time.

The gaze fell on the woman who was crawling there.

What a stunner.

Thinking like this, Lin Yun waved his palm, and he shot out a vigorous breath, decisively ending the lives of these two people.

The so-called mercy and cherishing jade does not exist.

The moment he stood on the opposite side of Lin Yun, the fate of these two people was also predetermined.

Unlimited plunder goes.

[Unlimited plunder success, get A-level talent: Zhiyang Aoyi. ]


【Unlimited plunder success, get A-level talent: to the yin mysteries.

Lin Yun's face changed slightly.

At the same time, Yuanshen who was sitting in the dantian suddenly opened his eyes.

Along with the acquisition of these two talents, the mysteries of these two talents also appeared in the Yuan God.

The Zhiyang Mysteries and the Zhiyin Mysteries appear in the Yuan God at the same time, and they flow uncontrollably together.

However, when these two mysteries collided together, it was as if they had exploded, causing a roar, and along with it, the mana in the Yuan God was also disordered.

Next second.

This roar stopped abruptly.

With the promotion of the five-element rule to the five-element rule, the five-element rule that had just been condensed in the Yuanshen shone on the five-colored light on these two mysteries.

Immediately afterwards, the Zhiyin Mysteries and the Zhiyang Mysteries were slowly intertwined and fused at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Between minds.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun was slightly startled!

Four words came to mind.

Yin Yang Avenue!

Thinking of what happened in the Yuanshen just now, faintly, Lin Yun had a guess.

Yin and yang are not the same, but there are no absolutes in the world, and if there are five elements neutralized, it can not only solve this problem, but even make yin and yang blend.

Thinking like this, Lin Yun's heart moved, and the five-element rule instantly shone brightly.

The brilliant five-color dazzle filled the entire Yuanshin.

At this moment, the fusion speed of the Supreme Yin Aoyi and the Supreme Yang Aoyi suddenly became faster.

In his heart, seeing this scene, Lin Yun's face couldn't help but show a touch of expectation.

When a certain moment came, the prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao sounded at the right time.

[Tip: Your A-level talent to Yang Aoyi and to Yin Aoyi successfully fused to get S-level talent: Yin Yang Law! ] 】

【Tip: Since you get the S-level talent Yin Yang Law, automatically awaken the S-level talent skill: Yin Yang Divine Light. 【Hint

:..., Automatic Awakening S-level Talent Skill: Yin and Yang Fusion. 【

Yin and Yang Divine Light: The divine light formed by the interweaving of the power of yin and yang has powerful power. 【

Yin and Yang blending: Arouse the deep desires of living beings with the qi of yin and yang, those who are not firm in their minds will sink into it, and those who are determined will also be affected.

When he heard this, a look of stunned appeared on Lin Yun's face!

The skill of yin and yang blending, to put it bluntly, is not an aphrodisiac, moreover, it is still an aphrodisiac with a wide range of lethality!

[Tip: Since you get the S-level talent Yin Yang Law, you get the honorific title: Yin Yang Master (Xuan Level). 】

【Yin and Yang Master (Xuan Level): The affinity between the yin and yang elements between heaven and earth is multiplied, it is easier to understand the yin and yang laws and rules of heaven and earth, and the power of yin and yang skills is +500%. The

Yin and Yang Avenue is also one of the top avenues between heaven and earth, and it is expected by Lin Yun to obtain the honorific title.

What made Lin Yun a little ironic was that the power of the fusion of yin and yang had increased by 5 times!

At this moment, he could even imagine what a ridiculous scene would occur when the people of a city were affected by the fusion of yin and yang.

[Tip: You are the first strong person among the advents of the heavens and realms to obtain the three numbers, and you will be rewarded with 1 million attribute points, 10,000 in reputation, and once in the exclusive prize pool lottery for the king. ]

】【Hint: You are the first strong person among the advents of the heavens and realms to obtain the three trumpets, and you have the right to notify the heavens and realms, do you notify all the advents of the heavens and realms? 】

【Hint: The Heavens and Worlds Notice, can greatly increase your prestige, will also make you and your world hostile to countless advents, and will also attract the attention and targeting of other hostile forces in the Heavens and Worlds, please choose carefully.

At this moment, Lin Yun's hearty laughter echoed in this hall.

With this wave of rewards, he had accumulated more than four million just by freely distributing points!

There are also 10,000 prestige and three exclusive king-level lucky draw opportunities!

This feeling is simply cool!

As for the announcement of the heavens and realms, Lin Yun decisively chose to give up.

The risk is not proportional to the return.

This kind of thing, only the kind of self-feeling good players who are the first in the sky, the second in the earth, and Lao Tzu third will stupidly do it.

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