Come to that familiar square again.

Looking at the Assessment Temple in front of him, Lin Yun did not linger any longer and strode forward.

The temple door slowly opened.

Step into it.

The scene in front of me changed for a while.

There is no more ancient picture like the first assessment.

There are two main halls.

Directly above the hall on the right, there are four big characters: Xuan Realm Assessment.

Directly above the main hall on the left, it is written: Ground Realm Assessment.

Looking at the hall on the right, a hint of surprise appeared on Lin Yun's face.

His gaze easily passed through the hall and saw the scene.

Familiar nine light gates, familiar nine stone monuments.

Except for the first line of words on the stone tablet next to the light gate on the far left, everything else is the same as before.

This is the moment.

In this hall, a young man dressed in black armor stood in front of this stone stele, looked at the records on the stone tablet with burning eyes, and said to himself: "Cloud Lord, the first in the heavens and realms!" It is rumored that in ancient times, looking at the heavens and realms, the ancient plate realm was one of the top realms, so it seems that the rumors are not false. When

the words fell, the young man strode into the light gate next to the stone monument and disappeared.

Outside the main hall.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that all the advents of the ancient plate realm, as long as they open the assessment, will appear here.

It's just that if the Xuan Realm is assessed, it will directly enter the corresponding assessment hall, and the Earth Realm assessor can see the situation in the Xuan Realm Assessment Hall.

This is also the beginning of the advent, most of the local forces, not yet known about the advent of the advent.

The next time, when he opens the Heaven Realm Assessment, there will be many people participating in the assessment at the same time.

From this young man's words, it can be judged that it should be a local force cultivator, and it is very likely that it belongs to a certain big force like Gu Zixuan, and there are elders in the family who have planned everything in advance and are waiting for the advent to appear.

As for the name Yunzhong Jun, it was also considered by young people to be a certain Tianjiao in the ancient period, that is, at the peak of the ancient plate realm.

In fact, the young people's thinking is not wrong.

This is normal thinking.

After all, who would have thought that the Gupan Realm, which had been reduced to a weak realm, would appear as the first of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Without lingering any longer, Lin Yun strode into the Earth Realm Assessment Hall.

Nine light gates, corresponding to nine difficulties.

Walk to the light gate on the far left that represents the SSS difficulty assessment.

His gaze fell on the stone tablet next to the light gate.

The first line: 嬴, cultivation in the late stage of the Earth Realm, pass the SSS difficulty assessment, pass the twenty-one levels, the first in the ancient plate realm, and the first in the heavens and ten thousand worlds.

Xuan Realm assessment, the third in the heavens and ten thousand realms.

The assessment of the earth realm, the first in the heavens and all worlds.

Win's achievements cannot be described as unruly.

Such an existence, as long as it does not fall prematurely, will inevitably leave a strong mark in the history of the ancient plate realm, and even in the history of the heavens and realms.

Or even someday in the future, he may run into Win.

After all, with the continuous improvement of cultivation, people's lifespan will also increase, and it is even possible to achieve immortality!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yun took a step and stepped into the light gate in front of him.


[Tip: You have entered the late SSS difficulty assessment space, since you are entering the assessment space for the first time, the assessment you participate in defaults to the difficulty of SSS purgatory in the late stage of the realm. 【Note

: If you fail the assessment, you will be revived, and the difficulty of the assessment will be automatically reduced to difficult difficulty, and so on.】 When your assessment difficulty is reduced to easy difficulty, after failure, it will be directly erased. 【

Tip: This assessment time is one hour, within one hour, passing seven levels is considered to be qualified, there is no limit to the assessment, the more levels you pass, the more rewards you get. 【

Tip: During the assessment period, all contact between you and the outside world is interrupted, and everything returns to normal until the end of the assessment. 】

【Tip: During the assessment period, you can only gain experience by killing the gatekeeper, and the increase of your four-dimensional attribute points will not affect the fluctuation of basic combat power.】 In

the strange small world, hearing the prompt of the Heavenly Dao, Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully.

At the same time, some information about the assessment appeared in Lin Yun's mind.


Lin Yun digested this information while taking out the Qiankun Creation Ding.

A steady stream of essence flew out from the Qiankun Creation Ding, and then entered Lin Yun's mouth.

At this moment, Lin Yun seemed to have turned into a heaven-swallowing being, frantically devouring these spirit grass spirit plant essences.

The four-dimensional attribute also soared.

Open the properties panel and add more than eight million free allocation points to the four dimensions.


Lin Yun summoned the nine enslaves in the small world of Qiankun Creation, and with a wave of his hand, ended their lives.

Then, it began to plunder.

These nine enslavements are all single-talent possessors.

With entering the assessment space, the basic combat power will no longer fluctuate, and it will be timely to solve them.

When the plunder reached the fifth enslavement, the mysteries of rain were finally promoted to the S-class Law of Rain.

[Your Wind, Rain and Lightning Talents have all reached S level, and your Heavenly Punisher level has been upgraded to Earth level. 】

【Heavenly Punisher (Earth Level): Walking in the world, enforcing the law on behalf of the heavens, punishing evil and promoting good, getting the blessing of the power of one inch of heaven and earth, in the ancient plate realm, the four series of wind, rain, thunder and lightning talent and skill power +2000%, the level of heavenly duty, with the increase of talent level. The

power of heaven and earth followed, refining Lin Yun's body and soul.

The assessment information is the same as before, and it is divided into two items.

One is about the introduction of the assessment, and the other is the list information.

The assessment is simple.

When the assessment begins, the gatekeeper will appear directly, and after killing him, a new gatekeeper will appear.

That is, there is no break in between.

If you want to rest, you can also defeat the gatekeeper and leave him alive.

However, in this process, the assessment time will also be consumed.

When the assessment time arrives, the assessment will be over.

This not only tests a person's combat strength, but also tests his ability to continue fighting.

It's like a beating, keep fighting until you fall, or it's time for the assessment.

And this small world is really like a ring, with a radius of only a hundred miles.

Of course, there is no such thing as being knocked off the ring.

And this list information, there are still only ten people.

Huan is naturally the first well-deserved.

The second place is Tian, who passed the nineteenth level.

The third place is absolute, passing eighteen levels.

And the remaining seven people all passed the seventeenth level.

However, in the same seventeen levels, in the Xuan Realm assessment, the speed assessment ranked second and the fourth was the fourth, while the first soul Venerable in the Divine Soul Strength assessment ranked ninth.

This is defined in terms of the time it takes them to pass the seventeenth level.

The same number of breakthroughs, less time-consuming, ranked high.

At the same time, in this list, an unfamiliar name appeared.


The Xuan Realm assessment is not obvious, and the Earth Realm assessment is in the top ten.

Although it is the tenth, it is also very difficult.

[Tip: The countdown to the assessment has begun, please be prepared.]




the countdown reached three, Lin Yun also smoothly transformed all the essence into his own strength.

Looking at the four dimensions, from 16 million + before entering the assessment space, it has soared to 38 million +!

In other words, in this short period of time, Lin Yun's four dimensions have increased by 22 million!

Of course, this is not the end, the tempering of the power of heaven and earth is still continuing.

When the power of heaven and earth is tempered, it will be a wave of rich attribute points.

The improvement of basic combat strength made Lin Yun more and more confident about the upcoming assessment.

At the same time, Lin Yun also set himself a small goal: that is, 22 levels.

In the Xuan Realm assessment, he got the first place in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms.

And during this time, his comprehensive combat strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, coupled with the preparations for this assessment, it is natural to aim for the first place in the heavens and realms!

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