Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while and perfected some details.

For the current Huaixiang City, it is more difficult to control this area in their own hands, and it is the local forces in this large area.

Although these forces could not pose a threat to Huaixiang, they were numerous in number, and their distribution was not regular.

Even if it is the six cities in the periphery, there is no delay during this time, but according to the current progress, it is difficult to wipe out these local forces.

In comparison, the Advent here is simple.

Most of the 1,000 points of influence in Huaixiang City were joined by other novice villages after they established villages.

And the existence of these points of influence is also more conducive to the comprehensive expansion of Huaixiang City.

At the same time, in secret, the village slaughter operation led by Long Zhan has also come to an end.

During this time, more than 800 novice villages were slaughtered.

These novice villages, whether in Blue Star or after coming to the battlefield of the heavens, were full of hostility towards Huaxia, and this hostility of theirs also cost them their lives.

Today, in the entire District 1, except for Huaixiang City, the remaining novice villages are only over 8,000.

Among them, there are also some novice villages, which have survived in name only.

Regional chat channels.

Since the beginning of the full-scale expansion of Huaixiang, the wind direction of regional chat channels has changed drastically, and you can see all kinds of kneeling messages at any time.

Especially now.

It has been less than a day since the end of the novice protection period, and most of these novice villages who have not joined Huaixiang City, most of the descendants, have not yet rushed to level ten, and because of the comprehensive expansion of Huaixiang City, having a harmonious monster brushing environment is more luxurious for them.

In this case, the kneeling licking of the chat channel has also reached the extreme.


Entering the seventh day, the new round of team battles and faction battles has been refreshed, however, unlike the previous two rounds of team battles, this time, most of the novice villages are watching.

Because, with this round of team battle refresh, each novice village can pick the target.

This time, the challenge targets they could pick were just over 8,000.

In their eyes, Huaixiang City has taken over nearly 20% of the novice villages in District 1.

Huaixiang City is growing at a snowball speed, and no one wants that the team battle object they have chosen is just being favored by Huaixiang City and is about to join Huaixiangcheng.

As for those novice villages that have already started the challenge, they have also become the envy of these novice villages on the sidelines.

Because, these novice villages that opened the challenge, at the moment when the team battle was refreshed, quickly chose those novice villages that were hit by Huaixiang City, that is, the novice villages in the so-called forest extermination camp.

It was also in this situation that the senior officials of Huaixiang City, who had been silent all along, once again sent a message on the regional chat channel.

"Everyone has the right to live, and the seven-day protection period is coming to an end! After deliberation, we in Huaixiang City decided to give all the villagers in District 1 a chance to pass the ten-level assessment, and what you have to do is very simple, that is, gather in the level 5 fierce beast area of their respective novice villages and wait for our arrangement.

Each newbie village is willing to accept the person we arrange, select a person, contact our people, apply for friends to add information, just fill in, we X area is willing to accept the arrangement.

It doesn't matter who you recommend, this person will not have any additional treatment, so there is no need to grab this spot.

This matter, the workload is still very large, each novice village, only one person is allowed to contact us.

After applying through your friend, don't talk nonsense to us, don't think about what conditions, if someone does, we will assume that you are making trouble.

There is only one chance, and you have half an hour to make a decision.

During this period, those who have time can contact me, Liu Yong, or Li Jie, or the same as before, Huaixiang City will give you some special treatment. "Huaixiang City, Deputy City Lord Su Boyang.

And this news, in various novice villages, caused an uproar.

Everyone understands that Huaixiang City is going to integrate the rhythm of District 1, and at the same time, this news has also made countless people who are afraid see hope.

"People in districts 1-100, contact me." Huaixiangcheng, Meng Wei.

"People from districts 101-200, contact me." Huai Xiangcheng, Zhang Meng.


from District 9901-10000, contact me." Huaixiangcheng, Wang Zeran.

Just as Su Boyang said, the workload in this matter is still very large.

One person is responsible for a hundred districts, and then summarize this information to Su Boyang and others, which can not only reduce the pressure of Su Boyang and others, but also improve efficiency.

Everything is going on in order.

And the goal is to control all the comers in their own hands in the shortest possible time, either as ordinary city-dwellers or into slavery.

Let's talk about Lin Yun here.

After ending the chat with the management, he opened the chat channel and sent a message to Yuntaige.

Next, open the Properties panel.

[Name]: Lin Yun (to be assessed) (assessment countdown 179 days 22:45:42).

[Honorific number]: Five Elements Controller (Prefecture Level), Space Controller (Xuan Level), Yin Yang Controller (Xuan Level).

[Realm]: Heavenly realm.

[Level]: Level 92 (5.2 billion/15 billion).

[Heavenly Duty]: Xuan-level guardian - level 35 (240,000/10 million), heavenly punisher (prefecture level).

[Prestige]: 62434.

[Power]: 21.14 million (viewable).

[Agile]: 21.56 million (viewable).

[Physique]: 21.51 million (viewable).

[Energy]: 16.74 million (viewable).

【Talent】:( can be viewed).

Skills: :( can be viewed).

[Combat power]: 97 levels (comprehensively evaluated by various basic indexes.) Free

allocation of attribute points: 6.4 million.

The four dimensions added up, it has exceeded 80 million, and the basic combat power is only 97 ranks.

When the four-dimensional 15 million, the basic combat power reached the 89th order.

Lin Yun could only sigh that after reaching the Heavenly Realm, the improvement of this basic combat power became more and more difficult.

And this can also be reflected from this assessment time.

With the breakthrough of the realm to the heavenly realm, a new round of assessment also followed.

Compared with the fifteen days at the time of the realm assessment, the period of the realm assessment has also been extended to 6 months.

However, there are many ways in which he can obtain attribute points, and his strength improvement is much simpler than that of other advents.

60,000+ prestige, which is also enough for the time being.

The level also climbed to level 92, although further up, the consumption of top-grade spirit stones needed to be calculated in tens of thousands, but for him, it was nothing.

Tap on Talent.

Infinite Plunder (SSS Level), Five Elements Rule (SS Level), Yin Yang Law (S Level), Soul Law (S Level), Law of War (S Class), Law of Wind (S Class), Law of Rain (Class), Law of Thunder (Class), Law of Electricity (Class, Dark Mystery (Grade A).

Except for the dark mysteries, the remaining talents have reached the S level.

Of course, in addition, there are the laws of space, the law of force, and the law of body.

Thinking of the beginning, there was only one infinite plunder, and Lin Yun had a bright smile on his face.

Infinite plunder, a talent that does not have any combat ability, its strength, the further back you go, the more obvious it is.

Add all the free allocation points to your energy.

If energy is carefully divided, it can be divided into spiritual power and mana.

This is also what Lin Yun comprehended after condensing the Yuan God.

And divine consciousness, to put it bluntly, is a kind of embodiment of spiritual power.

The amount of energy not only has an impact on the divine consciousness, but also has an impact on the mana that the Yuan God can contain, and naturally cannot be left behind.

At this moment, Lin Yun's eyes lit up.

The mind moved.

Lin Wu and Wang Mei flew out of the Qiankun Creation Pavilion and landed in front of Lin Yun.

In this short period of time, Lin Wu and Wang Mei's basic combat power was infinitely close to the 60th rank!

This was naturally boosted through the attribute points obtained by upgrading the level of the Upper Grade Spirit Stone.

With Lin Yun's instructions, Lin Wu and Wang Mei did not rush to use the free allocation point.

And these free allocation points will come into play after the assessment begins.

"Yun'er, let me ask you a question, can you go back to Area 87 again?" Lin Wu asked with a serious expression.

The voice fell.

Looking at Lin Yun, whose expression became a little complicated, Lin Yun continued: "Child, listening to you talk so much, although many things you said lightly, but I can see that you have also suffered a lot, and the situation in Huaixiang City is not as optimistic as you say.

Your mother and I are far from enjoying the blessings.

Our talent is not weak, and now, with the resources you gave us, after the basic combat power is improved, we can also play some roles.

I thought so, your mother and I took the more than three hundred people in Linzhen back to District 87.

We will not go head-to-head with local forces, nor will we think about how big a territory to build, on the one hand, we collect intelligence on Area 87 to prepare for the future, and on the other hand, we will look for people who have the meaning of time, so that you can get the time talent as soon as possible.

With your mother as the controller of the space, our safety is still guaranteed.

"Yes, you also have the talent of the law of space, you should know how strong this talent is to save life, plus the equipment and treasures you gave us, as long as we are careful, there will be no problem." Wang Mei echoed.

Hearing this, Lin Yun smiled bitterly in return.

In Area 87, in the process of destroying the Blood Moon, he obtained the three-inch time mysteries, and it was also at that time that he also had such an idea.

However, his plan was much more than that, and at the same time, he wanted Qingtian to do this.

The Celestial Wolf Island, where District 87 is located, is the territory of the Green Wolf Clan, and although Qingtian is not the indigenous of the Celestial Wolf Island, it is also a green wolf, and it is more convenient for Qingtian to be in charge of this matter than others.

And his desire to meet with Qingtian's patriarch father was also related to this plan.

"Dad, Mom, to be honest, this idea of yours coincides with a plan I am brewing, but in some details, it needs to go at my pace and arrangement." Lin Yun thought for a moment and said.

Just as a parent cannot keep his son by his side forever, he cannot keep his parents by his side all the time.

Especially in this battlefield of the heavens, when he embarked on the path of cultivation, he was in his fifties, in fact, he was still very young.

Parents have their own ideas and pursuits, and he, the son of a son, cannot force or force parents to act according to their own wishes and ideas.

"Okay, we'll listen to you." Lin Wu said with a smile.

Subsequently, Lin Yun opened the power panel and gave two of the viscount places that had just been unlocked to his parents.

At the same time, he appointed his father as commander of the Seventh Legion.

"Yun'er, this legion leader..." said Lin Wu with a startled face.

"I don't want to hide from you, the formation of the Seventh Legion, with the Seventh Legion in charge of the affairs on the side of Sirius Island, is part of my plan." Lin Yun said: "However, the existence of this seventh legion cannot be made public for the time being.

In fact, Lin Yun didn't say a word.

Since his father wanted to do this, he naturally could not let his father subordinate to others, and he also believed that his father was capable of this.

Hearing this, Lin Wu bowed his head slightly, "I understand what you mean."

Lin Yun smiled, and after unlocking a series of permissions for his parents, he then took his parents to an empty hall in the city lord's mansion.

Summoning the more than three hundred people from the small world of Qiankun Creation, Lin Yun opened his mouth and said: "Dad, in the future, they will be the people of your seventh legion, it will be up to you to accept them into Huaixiang City and help them improve their strength, and then, you will go to the assessment together, the assessment also takes time, and when the assessment is over, let's talk about it in detail."

As he spoke, Lin Yun took out a storage ring and handed it to Lin Wu.

In the Qiankun Creation Small World, in addition to using the Superior Spirit Stone to improve his strength, his parents had very limited things, and these things were all given to his parents before he left the Qiankun Creation Small World.

Only this resource, let alone buy people's hearts and form the seventh legion, even if it is only for the two of them, Lin Yun feels that it is far from enough.

This time, taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yun packed those elixirs, equipment, talisman seals, and two million top-grade spirit stones into this storage ring.

"Dad, if you hold this storage ring, it should be the starting capital of your seventh legion." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Lin Wu did not shirk.

He could see his son's intentions, and after taking the storage ring, Lin Wu spoke: "I will restrain them, and before implementing the plan, we will not leave this hall except for the assessment."

Immediately after that, Wang Mei said: "Yun'er, the five people you brought back from Longzhen, I thought about it for a while, but I still think that it is more appropriate for you to arrange it. Hearing

this, Lin Yun nodded and said, "Okay, then you are ready to prepare, I will withdraw first, after you pass the assessment, send me a message."

"Okay, you go get busy."

Subsequently, Lin Yun did not linger any longer and strode out of the hall.

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