Enter the small world of Qiankun creation again.

Compared to before.

Now the spiritual energy of the Qiankun Creation Small World is weak, and the spirit grass and spiritual plants have also become dull, and the overall appearance is much depressed.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Yun took Yun Mengyao and floated to the center of the small world.

The Creation Qi that circulated between heaven and earth converged and entered Yun Mengyao's body.

The qi of creation, mixed with the power of creation, circulated in Yun Mengyao's body.

In this flow, the constantly destroyed flesh and blood were quickly repaired, and then burst again.

In his mind, seeing this scene, Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the power of creation still played a certain role.

Although it could not be stopped, it also slowed down the speed of physical destruction.

Looking at this strange small world, and then feeling the changes in his body, Yun Mengyao's eyes also bloomed again.

If they can live, who wants to die.

In my mind, there are too many questions.

What level of treasure is that Xiaoding that carries this piece of heaven and earth?

In this world, why are there so many spiritual grass spiritual plants and spiritual roots?

What is the cyan gas that slows down the speed of destruction of his body?

Just to say that the kind of vigor it carries is even much stronger than the talent of the wood system.

Not to mention, there were some things she hadn't touched.

However, Rao had more doubts, and she did not ask them rashly.

How could she not see that that Xiaoding, this piece of heaven and earth, all involved Lin Yun's secret.

But all cultivators have their own secrets, and she is naturally no exception.

If it were not for the last resort, or the people closest to you, these secrets would not be known to others.

And now, for the sake of a promise that day, Lin Yun risked his secret leaking out and brought her here.

If she asked each other rashly, it would make them embarrassed to each other.

"Today, I, Yun Mengyao, swear to the heavens, if I can get away with this calamity, I will not allow Lin Yun to allow it, and I will never tell others everything that happened today.

Raising her head, Yun Mengyao looked at the void in the distance, endured the pain, and said in that trembling voice.

From beginning to end, Lin Yun did not stop Yun Mengyao.

Unlike in the Blue Star Realm, the binding force of the oath is in the individual and in the heart.

In this heavenly battlefield, as long as you make an oath to the Heavenly Dao, once you violate it, then the Heavenly Dao will bring down the thunder calamity.

This thunder tribulation is different from the thunder tribulation before swallowing the heavens, once it falls, unless it is said that there is an existence comparable to the heavenly Dao, it will not be spared.

It can be said that the oath made by Yun Mengyao is already the heaviest vow.

No matter from any point of view, at this time, Yun Mengyao made such a vow, which was a very smart move.

"How did your father treat you?" Lin Yun asked.

Meeting Lin Yun's gaze, Yun Mengyao said seriously: "Over the years, my father has searched all over the Xingluo Sea, spending countless efforts and resources, just to let me survive this calamity.

Lin Yun bowed his head slightly, "I need spirit grass spirit plants and spiritual roots that can be induced and contain the power of heaven and earth, the more the better, these things are beneficial to this small world." Hearing

this, Yun Mengyao did not hesitate at all, opened the friend channel, and sent a message to Li Xiping.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Mengyao took out two storage rings and said: "These two storage rings, one of them is my accumulation over the years, you see if there is anything you need, the other is handed over to me by my father through Uncle Li before, there are tens of millions of top-grade spirit stones, I put five million into the power warehouse, and there are five million left."

This time, in order to help me, you consumed too many spirit stones, and the people of Huaixiang also consumed too many spirit stones.

No matter what, you have to accept these spirit stones.

At this time, Lin Yun was not pretentious and took two storage rings.

The divine thought did not enter Yun Mengyao's storage ring.

In addition to the absence of spirit stones, it can be called a small treasure trove.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Yun took out some of the treasures from them, and most of these treasures were strange things such as strange crystals.

As for the equipment, pills and so on, Yu Yunmengyao's current injury did not help at all.

When these things appear in the small world.

Lin Yun's gaze was fixed on one of the inconspicuous stones.

As the master of this heaven and earth, he could clearly feel that among this pair of strange stones, only this stone caused the reaction of this heaven and earth.

[Broken star core: The star core is the most core and most original thing of the stars, containing the power of endless stars, this star core, for countless years, the power of the stars has been exhausted, only a trace of the origin of the stars, sealed in the deepest part of the star core. ] It

turned out to be a star core.

Although it was broken to the extreme, it was precisely because of this that it would be obtained by Yun Mengyao.

For a world, Qiankun, the five elements, and yin and yang are all indispensable.

The same is true of the sun, moon, and stars.

If you can evolve a star with this star core, it will be beneficial to the growth of Xiaotiandi.

And the growth of Xiaotiandi is also helpful to Yun Mengyao's injury.

Think so.

Lin Yun manipulated the power of heaven and earth and submerged into this star core.


With the power of heaven and earth submerged, a trace of the origin of the stars that was sealed in the deepest part of the star core was stimulated.

The originally inconspicuous stars bloomed with a faint blue light.

Then, it soared into the sky and soared above the dome of the sky.

Under the blue starlight.

That piece of heavenly dome, from a distance, seems to be a starry sky.

A faint starlight fell down.

The entire heaven and earth, at this moment, trembled slightly.

That day, on the original basis, it rose nearly 10,000 meters to Shangshengsheng.

The black barrier at the edge of the small world quickly retreated.

Mountain peaks rise from the ground.

One by one, faint laws emerge from the nothingness and circulate between heaven and earth.

Vast aura gushed out from the depths of that earth.

The entire small world, at this moment, ushered in a great transformation.

It's in this metamorphosis.

In Lin Yun's ears, the prompt sound of the Heavenly Dao sounded again.

[Hint: You get an inch of creation. 【

Hint: You get an inch of creation.】 【

Hint: You get an inch of Qiankun Meaning.】


Tip: Detecting that you have obtained a hundred inches of Creation Meaning, it will automatically fuse into a Creation Mystery. 【Hint

: You get the A-level talent: Creation Mystery.】

When this prompt sounded, many things appeared in Lin Yun's mind that had never been seen before.

These are all things about the Avenue of Creation.

It's as if you had controlled these things before, but they were unblocked.

Lin Yun's understanding of the Avenue of Creation instantly reached the extreme that he could achieve at present.

And this is also where the Advent is different from the cultivators of the local forces.

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