Walk out of the teleportation temple.

Lin Yun came to a continuous palace group in a light car.

Stepping Heavenly Temple.

It is the largest gold cave in Hai'an City, and it has a great reputation in the entire Qianliu Island.

The entire Stepping Heavenly Hall, in addition to the main hall, there are a thousand palaces.

Each palace has a small Spirit Gathering Array, which is divided into four grades, which are Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang in order.

There are only a hundred heavenly temples, while the remaining three grades of palaces have three hundred each.

It is only said that in the Heavenly Temple, for every day of cultivation, one thousand Spirit Stones need to be paid.

You get what you pay for.

The cultivation effect of the Heavenly Temple is also excellent.

In the Heavenly Temple, practicing for one day is equivalent to practicing outside for a month.

For monks, time is precious.

One step at a time, one step at a time.

Therefore, even the cost of practicing in the Heavenly Temple is very high, and it is often in a state of fullness, and even at some times, there is a need to queue up.

Like the Great Array of Hai'an City, the Stepping Heaven Hall was also from the handwriting of that formation master.

Striding into the main hall, someone immediately greeted him.

"Gongzi, what grade of temple cultivation do you want to choose?"

The one who spoke was a guard who looked to be in his thirties, dressed in standard armor.

Compared with the guards of the teleportation temple, the guards here are only said to be worlds apart in attitude.

"Heavenly Temple." Lin Yun said lightly.

Hearing this, the guard's attitude became more respectful: "Gongzi, please come with me."

Lin Yun bowed his head slightly.

"This time, you have come to the right place, if it is an ordinary time, the Heavenly Hall may not really have a vacancy, this time, the Lord of Changshan County invited the world, many big people have gone, and the Heavenly Hall just has a vacancy."

Lin Yun smiled indifferently, and casually, he took out ten top-grade spirit stones and threw them to the guards.

The guard hurriedly took it, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"This is my first time to come to the Heavenly Temple to practice, what do I need to pay attention to?"

Hearing this, the guard said: "Every heavenly temple, there is a Gathering Spirit Law Array and a Guardian Law Array, when you enter the Heavenly Temple, after opening the Gathering Spirit Law Array and the Guardian Law Array, you can practice with confidence, there is a Guardian Law Array, unless Hai'an City is breached, otherwise, no one can affect your practice, and no one can peek into your secrets."

When he said this, the guard stopped, and a look of hesitation appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Yun directly threw a storage ring to the guard.

After the guard took the storage ring, he looked at it a little, and when he saw the thousand top-grade spirit stones in it, his face was overjoyed, he pulled Lin Yun to the side of the hall, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously: "Gongzi, the first ten heavenly hall, there are big people in the closed death gate, among them, there are ten major forces of the heavenly realm powerhouse, and there is also a late heavenly realm powerhouse in scattered cultivation.

If you can, try to choose a heavenly temple practice away from these big people.

Except for the first ten heavenly halls, the rest of the cultivation effects are the same.

Although it is strictly forbidden to make a move.

Those who do it in the Heavenly Temple, shoot and kill, but there are always exceptions.

Although the Guardian Dharma Array can protect you thoroughly, if someone is angry and attacks the Heavenly Temple you are in, it will also affect your cultivation.

If you are at a critical juncture in your practice, the consequences are unimaginable. "

Oh? There are still late-stage Heaven Realm powerhouses practicing here? Lin Yun raised his eyebrows.

"This is nothing, at most, there are seven late Heaven Realm powerhouses practicing here." The guard said: "If it weren't for the banquet of the Lord of Changshan County, there would also be three late Heavenly Realms now.

Lin Yun bowed his head slightly, "Let's go." The

guard hurriedly nodded, and under the envious gaze of the other guards, he led Lin Yun to the depths of the hall.

Soon, the guard took Lin Yun to a palace.

"Elder An, there is a prince who wants to enter the Heavenly Temple to practice."

"Come in."

As he spoke, the door slowly opened.

Lin Yun and the guards walked in.

The purpose is an old man sitting cross-legged on a futon.

The first layer of the late Celestial Realm.

In the first time, from the fluctuation of the old man's breath, Lin Yun judged his cultivation.

Sitting on the cornucopia of Hai'an City, the overall strength of Peng County, although it cannot compete with Changshan County, it is also stronger than other major forces.

Of course, Qing Qingyu, a pervert, is not among them.

At Qing Qingyu's step, only one person can easily destroy any big force on Qianliu Island.

"Now, there are still fifty-three heavenly temples empty, and Xiaoyou wants to choose a heavenly temple at will, but I don't know, how long does Xiaoyou plan to practice?"

An Lao waved his hand, condensing a light frequency with mana, and the temporary fifty-three numbers were displayed on it.

With a kind smile on his face, he looked at Lin Yun and asked in a gentle voice.

There is no shelf in the late stage of the Heavenly Realm at all.

"Gongzi, An Lao is a strong person in the late stage of the Heavenly Realm, and stepping into the Heavenly Hall is controlled by An Lao, and only those who want to enter the Heavenly Hall to practice are eligible to be received by An Lao." The guard duly reminded.

"I've seen An Lao." Lin Yun showed a hint of surprise at the right time, and bowed his hand: "Long lost the name of the Heavenly Temple, this time, just to experience, tentatively set for ten days, as for the Heavenly Temple, choose 69."

"10,000 top-grade spirit stones, I hope An Lao will check it."

When the words fell, Lin Yun threw An Lao a storage ring.

Taking the storage ring, An Lao nodded with a smile, threw a token to Lin Yun and said: "This is the token of the sixty-ninth heavenly temple, after entering the heavenly temple, use this token to activate the Gathering Spirit Law Array and the Guardian Law Array, you can start cultivating, when the ten days are over, the token will be invalid, and the formation will disappear." "

A slight pause.

After Lin Yun took the token, An Lao continued: "This is the old man's message jade Jane, in the future, if Xiaoyou encounters trouble in Haian City, you can contact the old man."

While speaking, An Lao threw Lin Yun another message jade Jane.

"Elder Xie An."

Lin Yun took the message Jade Jane, answered with a smile, and then left the hall.

Under the leadership of the guards, soon Lin Yun came to the Sixty-ninth Heavenly Hall.

"Gongzi, when your cultivation is over, I will wait for you here, I hope you have gained something from this practice."

Lin Yun nodded with a smile, and then stepped into the Heavenly Hall.

Say it's a palace.

In fact, it is a stone house of about fifty square meters, and on the stone wall, there are intricate and intricate patterns, and a futon.

Beyond that, there is nothing.

But the vast majority of the cultivators who came here to practice were to improve their strength and break through the current realm.

As for the so-called material enjoyment, it is not taken seriously by these people at all.

It is no exaggeration to say that if they only pursue enjoyment, the spirit stones spent on staying here for a day are enough for them to spend days drinking and dashing through this life.

After entering the Heavenly Hall, Lin Yun waved his big hand, and the door quickly closed.

The moment the monk entered the Heavenly Temple, in fact, the countdown began.

However, Lin Yun did not directly open the Spirit Gathering Formation and Guardian Formation after entering the Heavenly Hall like most cultivators, and began to practice.

The mind moved.

Divine consciousness is released.

That divine consciousness only covered the heavenly temple where he was.

Determining that no one was peeping, Lin Yun casually condensed a doppelganger with mana and sat cross-legged on the futon.

Then, take a step and step on a spatial node in front of you and enter the interior of the space.

At this moment, that mana avatar activated the token in his hand.

The Gathering Spirit Formation opened, and the majestic aura flowed out from all directions, filling this heavenly hall in just an instant.

The guardian formation was also opened at the same time, guarding this heavenly temple in it.

Outside the Temple of Heaven.

Seeing this scene, a playful smile appeared on the guard's face: "Another big fish, I only hope that the bigger the origin of this prince, the better." "

Inside the space.

Lin Yun smiled indifferently.

From the position of the guard, he naturally hoped that the bigger his origin, the better, so that the old man could eat meat, and he could drink some soup with him.

However, how could his Lin Yun's spirit stone be so easy to take.

And wait and see.

Thinking like this, Lin Yun's gaze fell on the almost transparent barrier in front of him.

This barrier was so weak that it was negligible, and it could not stop him from shuttling through space.

However, if he really ignored this barrier, then the people in the corresponding heavenly temple would be aware of it.

Staring at this barrier, Lin Yun's eyebrows raised slightly.

The guardian formation of only one heavenly temple could actually affect the space.

That formation master's attainment in formation can be described as unfathomable.

However, one thing he could conclude was that this formation mage was not a spatial cultivator, otherwise, this barrier that appeared inside the space could not be so simple.

This barrier is connected to the sixty-ninth heavenly temple where the mana doppelganger is located.

As long as it touches this barrier, the mana avatar will be aware of it.

Although this mana doppelganger was controlled by him, for the sake of safety, Lin Yun still did not choose to pass through this barrier, but chose to detour.

This barrier only penetrated into the interior of the space for about three meters.

Bypassing this short distance, for Lin Yun now, it is not a problem.

Then, Lin Yun walked towards the place where the aura fluctuated the most.

Being inside this space, in addition to the almost transparent barriers, he could clearly feel that there was a majestic aura flowing out from one place, and then, dividing into rivers of aura.

It's like a big tree with countless branches.

And now, what Lin Yun has to do is to follow this branch, find the main trunk of the big tree, and then find the heel of the big tree.

Although Lin Yun did not know the formation, he also knew that the operation of the Gathering Spirit Law Array also required spirit stones.

In particular, the operation of the Heavenly Temple's Spirit Gathering Law Array is not only a simple consumption of spirit stones, absorbing spiritual energy from heaven and earth, but also absorbing spiritual energy in spirit stones.

Otherwise, when this heavenly temple is like a bottomless pit, all of them are operating, I am afraid that this spiritual energy within a range of thousands of miles will be absorbed.

In the interim, other scattered cultivations in Hai'an City are bound to have an impact, and in turn, affect the prosperity of Hai'an City.

This kind of exhaustive and fishing thing, as long as the county lord of Pengjun is not a fool, he will not do it.

Following the source of the aura tide and bypassing the barriers, Lin Yun soon found his target.

This was a hall that also had a guardian formation, adjacent to the hall where Elder An was where he had seen before.

Before, he only thought that this was an ordinary hall, and from it, he did not notice any aura fluctuations.

At this moment, it seems that it is because of the guardian formation of this hall, and the effect of concealing spiritual energy fluctuations.

This alone is far more than the guardian formation of the Heavenly Temple.

In addition, the barrier condensed by the guardian formation of this hall penetrated deep into the interior of the space about five meters.

At the same time, the barrier inside this space is also very solid, enough to resist the possible space storm in this area.

At this moment, Lin Yun knew that he still underestimated that formation mage after all.

This time when he came to Hai'an City, he naturally had his own plan.

As far as he knew, the City Lord of Hai'an City was a powerhouse of the third layer of the late Heaven Realm.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such cultivation, in front of him, is still not enough to see.

This is one of the reasons why he chose Haian City.

The only thing he feared was the Great Array of City Defense controlled by Guan Feng, the city lord of Hai'an City.

In his plan, he would lure Guan Feng out of the City Lord's Mansion, and then, suddenly out of the space, knocking him out before he could react.

At the same time, let Devouring Sky destroy the Haian City Protective Array.

If it goes well, the rest will fall into place.

Guan Feng is very cautious, sitting in the city lord's mansion and hardly going out, even in the city lord's mansion, he is always open the city lord's mansion to guard the big array.

If you want to do it, you can only lead it out.

The quickest and easiest way to lure Guan Feng out of the City Lord's Mansion was to make a move on the Heavenly Stepping Temple.

However, what he didn't expect was that the precautions of the Heavenly Stepping Temple were far beyond his imagination.

There is no absolute defense in this world.

If he had enough time, he believed that he could find the flaws in Hai'an City.

However, what he lacks most now is time.

The arrow was on the string, had to be sent.

Thinking like this, Lin Yun flipped his palm and took out the Falling God Bow.

The law of the five elements is the string, and the five elements of mana converge into arrows.

After pulling this bowstring, Lin Yun did not rush to shoot this inevitable arrow.

As soon as his mind moved, wisps of spatial laws flowed out, turning into sharp blades and rushing towards those barriers.

In just an instant, the Blade of Space passed through that barrier.

The barrier shattered, and along with it, the guardian formations of the heavenly temples also trembled violently.

"Who exactly?!! It actually disturbed the practice of this seat?!!

"Find dead !!"

"Ahhh... Decades of hard work and destruction will be destroyed, and whoever you are, this throne will crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces. "


one after another roars of extreme anger came from the heavenly halls, and under the urging of mana, echoed in the huge Hai'an City.

At this moment, countless cultivators' hearts throbbed.

That breath belonged to the strong people of the Heaven Realm, and among them, there was even the breath of the strong people in the late Heaven Realm, which made them instinctively fearful.

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