Unlike most of the cities on Qianryu Island, Changshan County was built by the god-level forces of the previous group of advents, and it has been preserved intact.

Just talking about the layout, it is not much different from the county seat of Huaixiang.

The teleportation array is located in the corner of the county seat.

The cross-regional teleportation array is located in the center of the city, and here is also the most heavily guarded place in Changshan County.

In addition to Gu Changfeng's county lord's mansion and a single office, the mansions of high-ranking people in Changshan County were also built here.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you walk out casually from here, even if it is just a subordinate, you don't dare to be too proud when you see the ordinary heavenly realm.

When he approached the core area, Lin Yun stopped.

Looking around, the streets around the core area, restaurants, inns, densely

packed with people, countless realm cultivators, just like mortals, crowded here, just to witness this once-in-a-century grand event.

In the core area, it is a completely different scene.

There were Heaven Realm cultivators and important members of the major forces, under the leadership of the guards, either leisurely, self-satisfied, or indifferent towards the county lord's mansion.

At first glance, it feels like walking the red carpet in the blue star world.

Lin Yun raised his head slightly, and his gaze fell on the building about a kilometer north of the county lord's mansion.

Unlike other buildings in the core area, there is not a single building within a kilometer of this magnificent palace.

At that gate, four guards stood.

Unlike the other guards of Changshan County, these four guards wore silver armor and held silver spears.

Even if it was getting late, standing there was still so dazzling.

And the cultivation of these four guards is also the early stage of the Heavenly Realm.

In the Star Luo Sea Region, the Heavenly Realm cultivators are an existence that countless people look up to, and here, they can only be a guard.

But even so, many Heaven Realm early stage cultivators wanted to become one of them.

Because, in the Star Luo Sea area, being able to wear that silver armor and hold that silver spear is a symbol of status in itself.

Silver Guard!

It looks like an ordinary name, but it is a name in the Sea of Shocking Star.

This was the smallest but most elite legion among the top ten legions of Hongyu County, one of the top ten heaven-level forces in the Star Luo Sea Region.

At the same time, this was a legion composed entirely of Heavenly Realm cultivators, and it was also a legion that was completely responsible to the country master.

Because, the commander of the Silver Guard Army is the lord of Hongyu County.

Guarding the ten cross-regional teleportation arrays of Hongyu County is one of the duties of the Silver Guard.

The information he learned from Gu Zixuan was that this cross-regional teleportation temple alone had ten heavenly realm guards.

Among them, there was one late Heaven Realm, three middle Heaven Realm, and six early Heaven Realm.

The cross-regional teleportation array of Qianliu Island is only connected to the cross-regional teleportation array of Hongyu Junguo.

Only the cross-regional teleportation array in the national capital is connected to the cross-regional teleportation array within its sphere of influence, as well as the cross-regional teleportation array on the main island of the other nine major forces.

Every time you use the cross-region teleportation array, you need one hundred Spirit Stones.

If it is said that from Qianliu Island to Celestial Wolf Island, it is necessary to first go to the national capital of Hongyu County, then to Qingwolf Island, and finally, to Celestial Wolf Island, in this process, just the rush fee, it will cost three hundred Spirit Stones.

And in the entire Star Luo Sea area, the cultivators who can take out three hundred top-grade spirit stones at one time are only a few.

It is precisely because of this that the population movement between the major islands in the Star Luo Sea is very small, and the cross-regional teleportation temple is also relatively deserted.

The teleportation array in Changshan County City is also no exception, even if Gu Changfeng holds a birthday banquet, it is the same.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Gu Changfeng did not entertain people outside Qianliu Island.

After just a short wait-and-see, Lin Yun withdrew and left the area.

Although few people use the cross-regional teleportation array, it is still open to the public.

As for Lin Yun, as long as it was not a place temporarily sealed by formation, he could enter it without knowing it.

It's just that, for now, it's not the best time to strike.

Shuttling through the city of Changshan County, it didn't take long for Lin Yun to come to the south of the city.

On weekdays, the south of the city is the most prosperous place in Changshan County.

This is the trading area of Changshan Gunjo.

From chambers of commerce and auction houses, to blacksmith shops, tailor shops, etc., everything involved in trading is concentrated here.

Since Gu Changfeng's dinner party is coming, although there are many people who come to Changshan County, for now, this place is a little cooler than usual.

With Gu Zixuan's introduction, as well as the experience gained from Yun Mengyao in the process of double cultivation with Yun Mengyao, although this is the first time Lin Yun has come to Changshan County, he also roughly knows the situation of Changshan County.

After coming to the south of the city, Lin Yun found an inconspicuous inn, handed over a top-grade spirit stone, and successfully stayed in a guest room.

Of course, this is also because of Gu Changfeng's dinner, the fees of these inns have increased geometrically compared to weekdays.

If it is a weekday, even if it is in Changshan County, staying in the best room in this kind of small shop for one night is at most fifty medium-grade spirit stones.

After entering the guest room, Lin Yun sat cross-kneeled on the bed, waiting for the best time to strike.

Time passed quietly.

About ten minutes later.

In Lin Yun's ears, a prompt sound from the Heavenly Dao sounded.

This is a friend message from Lin Wu.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yun opened the friend channel.

Lin Wu: "Yun'er, the first point of influence has been built, located on the Tiger Island controlled by the Golden Tiger Clan, and I named it Fuhu Village. Seeing

this message, a smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

Fuhu Village.

From this name, it can also be seen that my father has understood what he means.

Just like arranging the Seventh Legion on Celestial Wolf Island, the ultimate purpose of establishing points of influence in the areas controlled by other Heaven-level forces is to prepare for the unification of the Star Luo Sea.

Lin Wu: "Yun'er, the second point of influence has just been built, located on Spirit Leopard Island controlled by the Blood Leopard Clan, and I named it Cheetah Village. Just

then, another message came.

For this information, Lin Yun is not surprised.

The establishment of strength points by the Seventh Legion on the territory of other Heaven-level forces was carried out simultaneously.

There may be a deviation in time, but it will not be much different.

As for doing this in such a short time, it is because God unknowingly occupies a city.

Just like the current Qingyuan City

, the people of the Seventh Legion can easily reach the chassis of other heaven-level forces with the help of the teleportation array of that city, which is nothing more than spending more spirit stones.

If it is a large-scale operation, it may cause some trouble.

However, if you just establish a point of influence, you don't need too many people, three or five people are enough.

This was followed by another flurry of information about establishing points of influence.

Without any accident, in addition to the eight heaven-level forces of Hongyu County and the Green Wolf Clan, Huaixiang County has established its own points of influence.

Lin Yun: "Dad, the four villages on Tiger Island, Cheetah Island, Yellow Bull Island, and Fengfo Island are strictly guarded, let them be smart, before my side takes over, if you find an invincible situation, leave in time, and then find a place to establish a point of influence, left and right is just a waste of resources."

In the remaining four villages, one person was left to garrison, and the rest hid on their respective islands, waiting for orders, and again, to protect themselves.

Lin Wu: "Okay, I know, if there is an accident, I will notify you as soon as possible." Shortly

after ending the chat with his father, Lin Yun received another message prompt from Su Boyang.

"Boss, the Golden Tiger Clan is ready and ready to start."

"Let's get started."

With Lin Yun's order, at the Golden Tiger Clan's station, under the witness of Su Boyang and Zhang Lei, Jin Xiaotian passed on the position of patriarch to Jin Qianwu.

It's just that this small detail is not known to Lin Yun in Changshan County.

The moment Jin Qianwu got the position of patriarch, a series of prompts sounded in Lin Yun's ears.

Through these prompts, Lin Yun naturally also knew the news that the Golden Tiger Clan had successfully joined Huaixiang County.

After the Green Wolf Clan, another prefecture-level force on Qianliu Island joined Huaixiang County.

At the same time, with the addition of the Golden Tiger Clan, Heaven's Dao prompted that the difficulty of the beast tide assessment in Huaixiang County had doubled.

This double, although it is not an exaggeration of directly increasing by five times when the Green Wolf Clan joins, but it is a doubling of the current basis.

This also means that compared with the beginning, the difficulty of the beast tide assessment in Huaixiang County has climbed to 160 times.

Of course, in this process, Huaixiang, which has been promoted to a god-level county town, has also undergone earth-shaking changes in its comprehensive strength.

It is how exaggerated the difficulty of this beast tide assessment is, Lin Yun also firmly believes that Huaixiang County can successfully pass the assessment.

At the same time, with the Golden Tiger Clan joining, Lin Yun's side got millions of free distribution points through the feedback of the county people.

"Boyang, let Jin Xiaotian leave immediately and rush to Changshan County City to attend Gu Changfeng's dinner.

When Jin Xiaotian left, close the connection between the teleportation array of the major cities of the Golden Tiger Clan and other teleportation arrays, and after that, the clean-up operation could begin.

Let the people of the Golden Tiger Clan who remain in each city declare to the outside world that the situation is unstable, and the major cities of the Golden Tiger Clan will temporarily suspend contact with the outside world, and then open the major teleportation arrays after the situation is stable. "

A slight pause.

Lin Yun added another piece of information: "For the people of Xuanjianmen, try not to create killings, just put them in slavery prisons.

Su Boyang: "Boss, don't worry, I know what to do."

Subsequently, Lin Yun sent a message to Jin Qianwu.

"Light dance, you go to my county lord's mansion, my doppelganger Lin Tian, waiting for you there, he will tell you, next, the mission of your eighth legion."

Jin Qianwu: "Yes, master."

Then, Lin Yun sent another message to Mu Xingzhi.

"Mu Xingzhi, you go to the county lord's mansion now, my doppelganger Lin Yu will take you to a place, and when you get there, wait for my order while guarding the Buddha Annihilation Village."

Mu Xingzhi: "Yes, County Lord."

After the arrangement was made, Lin Yun fell into deep thought again, constantly deducing his plan in his mind.

This is a plan that everyone seems, daring, even fantastic.

However, in his opinion, although this plan is very risky, it is also very feasible.

If it can be achieved, it will greatly shorten the time for Huaixiang County to dominate the Xingluo Sea.

For adventists, time is the most precious when they can still enjoy the benefits of advent.

As for failure, he does not think about it and will not think about it.

At this point in his current step, looking at the Star Luo Sea Region, he asked himself, as long as he did not seek his own death, it might not be easier to kill him than to kill an extreme powerhouse in the late stage of the Heavenly Realm.

In this deduction, time passes quietly.

About fifteen minutes later.

Another friend alert sounded.

This is a friend information from Gu Zixuan.

"County Lord, I have arrived outside Changshan County, about a hundred miles of Moyuan Mountain, and cleaned up everything around me, bringing it into the sphere of influence of Huaixiang County, and I can establish a point of influence here at any time."

Seeing this message, Lin Yun's expression straightened.

For now, the plan, the most important moment, is coming.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Lin Yun opened the power panel, completed all the preparations for establishing the power point, and successfully established an ordinary town in Moyuan Mountain, naming it Moyuan Town.

Before this, Gu Zixuan, who was given the title of viscount, was naturally called the mayor of Moyuan Town.

Activate the Moyuan Town Enslavement Prison and Teleportation Array, and then divide the two villages belonging to Huaixiang County under the jurisdiction of Moyuan Town.

Lin Yun: "Zixuan, you can start."

Gu Zixuan: "I'll send a message to Gu Changfeng." "


The main hall of the county lord's mansion.

At this moment, Yun Qingyang and Yongchang are still in the game, and it can be said that this game has just begun.

Although it was to pass the time, when the game began, both Yun Qingyang and Mr. Yongchang's expressions were very serious.

At their level, sometimes, the time to play a game is even calculated in years.

And Jin Xiaotian, who was 'belated', was sitting on the seat, drinking small wine, eating spirit fruits, and watching this game.


Gu Changfeng sat on the seat, his eyes looking at Yun Qingyang and Yongchang who were playing against each other.

At this moment, Wang Ming, who was standing not far away, spoke: "County Lord, Gongzi gave me a message back, he asked me to tell you that he is now in Moyuan Mountain, in order to hide his ears, he put the congratulatory gift prepared for you in Moyuan Mountain, to see if you have the time and interest, go and check it?" Hearing

this, Gu Changfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, withdrew his gaze, looked at Wang Ming and said, "Mo Yuanshan?

Meeting Gu Changfeng's gaze, Wang Ming bowed his head slightly, "Gongzi said so." "

Short musings.

Gu Changfeng said in a deep voice: "Hao Yi, tell your master, pay close attention to the movements of the people coming from the royal family, at most twenty minutes, I will return."

"Yes, Lord of the County."

A hoarse voice came from the corner of the apse.

It was only at this time that Wang Ming realized that in this back hall, in addition to him and Gu Changfeng, there was a third person.

Wang Ming followed the prestige, only to see a black shadow that flashed away.

"Tell Xiao Jiu, I'll go to Moyuan Mountain, and you will stay here until I return."

In a flat voice, Gu Changfeng stood up and walked towards a portal in the back hall.

"Yes, Lord of the County. Wang Ming hurriedly saluted.

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