On the joint channel here, everyone scolded each other hotly.

And on the other side is the misty forest.

Lin Yun hid his figure under the corpse of the giant bear.

The cat walked down the half-human-tall weeds towards a moon bear on the edge of the pack.

The location occupied by the giant bear is excellent, and there is a huge rock next to it, which can hide the situation in this place well. The giant bear is lying on the ground and sleeping beautifully.

Looking closely, it was a level six ferocious beast.

Lin Yuncat slowly approached with his waist!

One hundred meters......... Fifty meters........ Thirty meters

Lin Yun is a very qualified hunter.

Calm down, and soon, he arrived at the side of the moon bear.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer, Lin Yun became more and more cautious!

Five meters... Four meters........ The giant bear that was lying on the ground fluttered

his ears and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly opened his eyes, a human figure came into view!

The Moon Bear is furious! I want to teach this daring human race a lesson.

However, how could it be faster than Lin Yun!

I saw a flash of sword.

The moon bear's throat was cut by Yinhe!


Blood splatter!

The Moon Spirit Bear opened his mouth, but found that his throat was leaking! Can't shout it at all!

The pupils began to dilate

, and finally, the Moon Spirit Bear opened its incredible eyes and

died unwillingly.

[Successfully killed a level 6 ferocious beast: Moon Bear, experience +500.] The

corners of Lin Yun's mouth slowly hooked.

It's really good!

A level six ferocious beast has 500 points of experience!

Seeing that the huge body of the Moon Polar Bear was about to crash to the ground.

Lin Yun quickly supported the corpse of the giant bear under the cover of weeds.

Slowly drop it underground.

Lin Yun looked around, very good! There was the resistance of the boulder, and no ferocious beast noticed the movement on this side.

Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief, it was good that the beasts were not alarmed.

Looking at the terrain again, the cat walked towards the second moon bear.

Once born and ripened twice.

Lin Yun quickly sneaked into the giant bear.


The knife flashed.

The same scenario is happening again.

Another ferocious beast died silently under Lin Yun's knife.

Skillfully lift the corpse and put it down.

[Successfully killed a level 6 ferocious beast: Moon Bear, experience +500.]

Lin Yun continued to sneak up on the ferocious beasts that wandered on the edge of the beasts.

Not long after, the third level six ferocious beast fell.

At this moment, it has been twenty minutes since the start of the Team Challenge.

Coupled with the previous 640, Lin Yun's personal points rose to 1120!

The point difference between the two newbie villages has also accumulated to seven hundred.

Discerning people can see how terrifying such a speed is.


No. 1894 No. 1894 Chat Channel –

"Yamamoto-sama! We are already seven hundred points behind the other side! What to do, did we lose!

Ito Hirotake: "This group of dragon country pigs is really vicious!" Rest assured, when they kill the beast they find before the challenge starts, they will be defeated by our speed!

"What Ito-sama said makes sense! That group of timid and cowardly Dragon Kingdom people had no samurai spirit at all!

Yamamoto Seventy-Three: "Yo Xi, when I reach level 8, the opposite side will definitely not be our opponent!"

"Yamamoto-sama! Are you actually going to level 8! "

Hahahaha, that group of Dragon Country people must not have imagined how strong our Yamamoto-sama is, haha!"

"Yes! The last time Yamamoto-sama was able to lead us to victory, this time will definitely be no exception! "

The people of Sakura Country cheer again!

Yamamoto-sama's strength is so strong, how can he be defeated by the Dragon Kingdom!

It's just that they don't know that Lin Yun on the other side did not find a fierce beast.

It's dozens of ferocious beasts!

Time flew by, another ten minutes.

After continuing to kill the 4 fierce beasts on the periphery, the level progress has also risen to level seven (6550/15,000).

Lin Yun's sight no longer had a moon bear that was easy to assassinate.

At this time, no matter which one is killed, it is bound to attract the attention of the rest of the ferocious beasts.

"It seems that a vicious battle is inevitable."

Lin Yun took a deep breath, since he couldn't avoid it, then kill more ferocious beasts as fast as possible after being discovered!

Making up his mind, he immediately bent down and dived towards the nearest moon bear.

One hundred meters......... Seventy meters........ Fifty meters...

The weeds in front of them gradually thinned and disappeared completely when they were still more than thirty meters away from the giant bear.

Knowing that he could no longer sneak around, Lin Yun took a deep breath in place.

In the next second, the whole person burst out like an off-string arrow.


The sword flashed, and the Moon Polar Bear didn't have time to react.

Lin Yun was so powerful that he cut off its head at once!


The bear's head landed.

The undisguised battle immediately attracted the attention of the bears.

The bear king in the center turned his head even more violently!

Seeing a weak human standing next to the corpses of the same kind, the bears still did not understand something.

It's this weak human! Kill their compatriots!


A strong wind hit.

In an instant, a level 6 giant bear elite came to Lin Yun.

A one-story tall body with a big mouth is about to swallow this human being.

Lin Yun's footsteps made a mistake and immediately dodged.

The extremely fast speed even leaves an afterimage in place.

The giant bear elite is wondering.

Why did you obviously bite that human being, and there is not the slightest taste in your mouth?

The next second,


The Giant Bear Elite was instantly penetrated by the silver seal!

Lightning Deal!

The sound of the system then sounded

, [Announcement: Congratulations to the newbie Lin Yun for achieving the sixth-level elite Monster Moon Spirit Bear First Kill achievement,

rewarding him with three reputation points. ] 【Reminder

: The reputation value obtained by each elite monster first kill is unique, and someone who kills the same elite monster in the future will no longer gain reputation. The

Moon Bear who was rushing here was stunned!

Roar~! Roar~! Roar~!

The bear king roared!

At that moment, the surrounding moon polar bears roared and walked away.

Subsequently, the Moon Polar Bear, which was obviously more powerful, arrived with five giant bear elites!

Lin Yun hurriedly activated the Peeping Eye.

[Fierce Beast]: Moon Polar Bear (Protector

) [Level]: Level

6 [Combat Power Assessment

]: Level 12

[Talent]: Earth Thorn (Grade E)

[Explosive Rate]: 30%

Protector Level! E-class ground thorn!

Lin Yun was overjoyed!

He actually encountered a fierce beast of the protector level!

It seems that elite ferocious beasts are one order higher in combat power than ordinary ferocious beasts.

And the level of the protector is one order higher than the combat power of the elite fierce beast.

Bang~! Bang~! Bang~!

The sound is getting closer.

The huge body of the giant bear protector has extremely fast speed!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed over.


Hearing the sound coming from underground, a

strong sense of crisis made Lin Yun quickly jump to the nearby tree.

Looking down,

the ground under your feet actually pierced rows of half-human-tall earth thorns!

Lin Yun was shocked!

It seems that this is the skill of the giant bear protector!

Call~! Call~!

The wind is blowing, and a giant bear elite is coming from the side!

Lin Yun, the combat power of the 11th order, is not in his eyes!


The giant bear's paw was easily blocked by the steel knife!


Lin Yun's right hand was hard!

Silver is inserted into the body of the giant bear elite.


Lin Yun pulled out the silver and quickly flashed.

Blood sprayed wildly from the wound!


The ground trembles slightly!

Another giant bear elite fell to the ground!

Lin Yun did not pause in the slightest, and attacked towards the giant bear protector with a stride!


The Giant Bear Protector will be furious!

Just in an instant, Lin Yun came to the protector!

Volley jumped, held the silver in both hands, and slashed hard!

Silver light!

The Giant Bear Protector was shocked!

Immediately waved his giant palm towards Lin Yun!


The huge bear's paw was cut off!

Blood is flying!

The Yinhe offensive has not diminished in the slightest.


The bear's head landed!


Without control, the giant bear's body slammed to the ground!

The sound of the system also sounded quietly with the fall of the giant bear corpse.

[Announcement: Congratulations to the newbie Lin Yun for achieving the sixth-level Guardian Moon Polar Bear First Kill achievement, rewarding him with 4 reputation points. 】

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