Changshan Gunjo.

The Great Array of City Guards opened, calming down the people who were originally a little panicked.

In their eyes, this meant that Gu Changfeng was in Changshan County.

Gu Changfeng is the Dinghai Divine Needle of Changshan County, and with Gu Changfeng sitting in Changshan County, then he is a spatial cultivator in the late stage of the Heaven Realm, and he is also destined to be left in Changshan County City forever.

In the main hall of the county lord's mansion.

Seeing the opening of the Great Protective Array, although the complexions of Jin Xiaotian and Qing Xuanhuang did not change, they couldn't help but feel a little worried in their hearts.

Although they said that they were confident in Lin Yun's strength, this was Changshan County City after all.

If there was no Gu Changfeng sitting in the town, they believed that Lin Yun wanted to leave, and no one could stop him, but in the case of Gu Changfeng, it was difficult to say.

After all, Lin Yun's cultivation still did not reach the point of being invincible to Thousand Streams Island, otherwise, it would be as simple as hiding his figure and destroying the cross-regional teleportation array.

Outside the main hall.

Stand in the air.

Just a little worried, how to stop the space cultivator Yongchang, seeing this sudden appearance of the city protection array, slightly startled, those eyes, then flashed a trace of doubt.

Didn't the county owner just leave?

Coming back so soon?

Or did the county owner anticipate everything in advance and left, just to paralyze the opponent?

When he thought of this, Yongchang's eyes were deep in a trace of puzzlement, and a flash flashed.

Everyone's gaze, at this moment, was attracted by the Great Array of City Protection.

They were all waiting, the space cultivator who destroyed the cross-regional teleportation array was forced out, they were curious about who this legendary space cultivator was, and how Gu Changfeng would deal with this space cultivator?

Kill it with thunderous means or capture it.

Time passed quietly.

Gradually, some doubtful voices appeared all over Changshan County.

The Great Array of City Protection was still opening, but the spatial cultivator was still not forced out, and Gu Changfeng, who was the lord of Changshan County, did not appear.

Was that space cultivator who fled before the Great Protective Array opened?

Or is it that the spatial cultivator's perception of space is so high that even the Great Array of City Protectors in Changshan County City can't help the other party?

It was in this confusion and suspicion.

On the large array of city protection, brilliant silver light bloomed.

Silver light fell from the sky.

It only lasted for a moment, and this silver light disappeared again, and the Great Array of Defenders also disappeared.

In the main hall of the county lord's mansion.

Gu Changfeng strode over from the side of the hall.

Everyone's eyes looked at Gu Changfeng.

Gu Changfeng's gaze first fell on Yongchang outside the hall.

"Yongchang, order down, the dinner party is canceled, Changshan County City enters a wartime state, check all suspicious people, once discovered, take it on the spot, if there is resistance, kill without amnesty."

Hearing Gu Changfeng's murderous voice, everyone was shocked.

Obviously, even if he opened the City Protection Array, Gu Changfeng could not leave the spatial cultivator who destroyed the cross-regional teleportation array.

"Yes, Lord of the County." Yongchang replied in a deep voice.

At this moment, a figure floated down to the front of the main hall, strode in, looked at Gu Changfeng, and asked, "Gu Changfeng, you failed to keep that space cultivator?" "

Not to mention the other nine major forces.

In Changshan County alone, there are no more than three people who dare to call Gu Changfeng's name, and this old man in front of him is one of them.

"When the Great Array of Guardians opened, he was no longer in the county town." Gu Changfeng said lightly: "Brother Meng is a little calm, no one can be safe and sound after offending the Hongyu County Kingdom, half-step Emperor Extreme Realm is not good, space cultivators are also not good, wait for me to deal with the matter in front of me, and then talk to Brother Meng in detail."

"That's fine." The old man bowed his head slightly, walked to the chair, and sat down.

Gu Changfeng's gaze swept over everyone, and he spoke: "This time, I invited you to come for the sake of the arrival, and I originally thought of waiting until the ten major forces gathered and then discussing with you."

Now, when such changes occur, let's just get started. "

A slight pause.

"Qianliu Island is one of the ten islands controlled by Hongyu County Country, according to the agreement between the ten major forces, how to distribute the advents on Qianliu Island should be decided by Hongyu County Country, I think you have no opinion."

"As it should be, Changshan County eats meat, and we will be content with some soup." Yun Qingyang said with a smile.

"I think Brother Gu should have found the traces of the Advent, my attitude is the same as the Cloud Gate Lord, Brother Gu eats meat, and we drink soup." Immediately after that, Jin Xiaotian said in a loud voice.

"The Green Wolf Clan has no opinion."

"The Blood Leopard Clan has no opinion."


Changfeng bowed his head slightly, "This is very good."

To be able to wait for the Advent to appear in our lifetimes alone is much luckier than our forefathers.

Personally, I don't want to kill too much.

As far as I know, there are nearly 100 million advents on Qianliu Island, so as long as you don't cross the boundary, naturally you are indispensable. "

A slight pause.

Gu Changfeng continued: "This group of advents has been on Qianliu Island for less than seven days, and they are still in the protection period, and there are many restrictions and restrictions on them.

As far as I am concerned, the most important thing for now is not how to distribute the Advent, but to find out the space cultivator who destroyed the cross-regional teleportation array.

"What Brother Gu said is that this mysterious space cultivator is the greatest threat to us.

The space cultivators in the late stage of the Heaven Realm, moreover, in their hands, also controlled a force.

This time, in order to distract Brother Gu and control the self-explosion of more than a thousand realms, the purpose was not just to destroy the cross-regional teleportation array. Yun Qingyang said slowly.

"The cross-regional teleportation array was destroyed, and the powerhouses on other big islands, if they wanted to rush to Qianliu Island, they could only pass through the vast sea, which had certain risks, not to mention, it would also consume a lot of time, and at the same time, there would not be too many people coming.

If you look at it this way, I'm afraid that next, he should be going to do something to us. Following that, Jin Xiaotian said in a deep voice.

"Is it possible that this person is also the one who did the work against Haian City, Mi Xie City, and Lifo City." The Great Elder of the Mangniu Clan frowned slightly and said.

"There are no absolutes, and this possibility is naturally possible, but, in my opinion, this possibility is unlikely.

His purpose was to teleport across regions, and before that, what was the point of destroying three cities first?

Is it just to transfer a few Heavenly Realms late to leave Changshan County?

To put it mildly, for this hidden space cultivator, the only threat is Gu County Lord, as for a few more late Heaven Realm cultivators, what does it matter.

If I were that person, I would never do this, and it might even cause some variables.

Taking a step back, even if you want to make a move on these three cities, you can wait until you destroy the cross-regional teleportation array.

When he said this, Qing Xuanhuang stopped, and his face changed slightly.

The mind moved.

He took out a Messenger Jade Jane and printed it with a divine thought fluctuation.

"County Lord Gu, I don't know if the people of my Green Wolf Clan can continue to use the Changshan County City Teleportation Array? This matter is very important, and I want to inform Patriarch Yu of the news in case that space cultivator makes a move on the Green Wolf Clan. Hearing

Qing Xuanhuang's words, Gu Changfeng bowed his head and said, "The Great Elder's words are out of sight, and the ten major forces are naturally unimpeded. Gu

Changfeng's words were naturally spoken to everyone.

Just as Qing Xuanhuang was speaking, the lords or representatives of the other major forces also took out the jade Jian of the transmission.

Naturally it was impossible to come to Gu Changfeng's dinner banquet alone, it was Qingxuanhuang and Jin Xiaotian, and they also brought dozens of clansmen.

When Gu Changfeng's words fell, one by one, the transmission jade Jian flew out of the main hall.

Then, Jin Xiaotiancai took Qing Xuanhuang's words and continued: "Elder Qingda's words have some truth, and I also think that it is not the same force that destroyed those three cities and the cross-regional teleportation array.

However, the specific situation has to wait for the news of the three Zen Xin, the three cities have been destroyed, especially Haian City and Lifo City are heavily guarded, and there are many heavenly realms, if I say that there are no traces left, I don't believe it.

"If that's the case, the situation is complicated, and all of a sudden, there are two more mysterious and powerful forces, which is not a good thing for us." Yun Qing raised his eyebrows and frowned slightly.

"Whether it is one force or two forces, the most disadvantageous thing for us is that we are in the open, they are in the dark, we know nothing about them, and they know us well, and the priority is to find them out." Gu Changfeng said in a deep voice.

A slight pause.

Gu Changfeng continued: "I mean, the major teleportation arrays must be guarded by the powerhouses of the Heaven Realm, except for the ten major forces, it is strictly forbidden for others to approach the teleportation array, even if the people of the ten major forces use the teleportation array, they need to..."

In this main hall, after Gu Changfeng and the others discussed for a while, Yun Qingyang and the others got up and left.

Soon, in the main hall, only Gu Changfeng and the old man surnamed Na Meng remained.

Gu Changfeng didn't mean to take the old man surnamed Meng at all, just sat there, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the chair, his brows frowning slightly, thinking about something.

And the old man surnamed Meng sat there, his eyes closed, looking like an old god was there.

For a while, there was silence in the main hall.

A moment later.

As if sensing something, Gu Changfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, stood up, and walked quickly to the door.

And the expression of the old man surnamed Meng also changed suddenly at this moment, and a worried and angry look appeared on his face.

In the next second, three sounds of breaking the air sounded.

But it was Lei Xiangyang who took those two late Heavenly Realms and finally rushed back to the county lord's mansion.

The moment he saw Gu Changfeng and the old man surnamed Meng, Lei Xiangyang's already gloomy complexion became more and more ugly.

Just from the expressions of the two, Lei Xiangyang knew that he had failed to catch the space cultivator who destroyed the cross-regional teleportation array.

"Gongzi, I was one step slower after all, and when I opened the Great Protective Array, that space cultivator had already left Changshan County.

What did the Lord of the Kingdom say about the destruction of the teleportation array? In the first moment, Gu Changfeng greeted him and asked in that worried and eager tone.

Although the cross-regional teleportation array was destroyed, Lei Xiangyang had an attribute panel long before he came to Qianliu Island, and he could naturally get in touch with the royal family through the friend channel.

"The Lord of the Kingdom strictly ordered us to take down that space cultivator within one day." Lei Xiangyang said in a deep voice.

"One day?!! The time is too short, if the cultivators of that space can't hide, I'm afraid, it will be difficult for us to find each other. Gu Changfeng exclaimed.

"The will of the lord of the country, no one can change." Lei Xiangyang said: "I dare to ask, what level has Uncle Gu's cultivation reached?" "

Seventh floor." Gu Changfeng said.

After a little thought, Lei Xiangyang continued: "Is there a secret realm in Qianliu Island, or is it a place that has great temptation for cultivators?

Gu Changfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Not to mention that in the past hundred years, Qianliu Island has not discovered a secret realm, even if there is a secret realm, it has long been divided by major forces, and it cannot be left now."

As for the place that can be extremely tempting to the cultivator, if I want to lure the cultivator out of that space in one day, all I can think of is the auction.

But holding an auction at this moment, as long as he is not a fool, he must be able to see that this is a trap laid for him.

Even if we can come up with something that is extremely tempting to him, it may not be able to lead him to appear.

Lei Xiangyang said in a deep voice: "Then take out something that he can't refuse." "

A slight pause.

Lei Xiangyang said: "For example, Ethereal Crystal. "

Gongzi actually has such a treasure?" Gu Changfeng was shocked and delighted: "I once saw a record of ethereal crystals in an ancient book, and it is rumored that ethereal crystals are the purest spatial divine stones, which are of great benefit to the cultivation of space cultivators, however, even tens of thousands of void stone veins may not be able to appear a single ethereal crystal!"

And in the Star Luo Sea area, not even a single empty stone vein has appeared!

If Gongzi really had an Ethereal Crystal in his hands, it would really be possible for his Space Cultivator to take risks. "

The matter of the Ethereal Crystal, I don't have Uncle Gu to worry about, but the location of this auction, if it is set in Changshan County, I am afraid that it will make the cultivators of that space retreat, and Uncle Lao Gu will choose any city from Changshan County, and then, as quickly as possible, spread the news."

"Choose any city?" Gu Changfeng raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, after choosing the city, I will arrange for someone to take over, and as for Uncle Gu, I will hide in that city, wait until the cultivator of that space appears, and take him down with me." Lei Xiangyang said in a deep voice.

A slight pause.

Lei Xiangyang said again: "As for the time of the auction, it is set for eight hours later. Hearing

this, Gu Changfeng nodded thoughtfully and said, "Eight hours, enough time for the prince to transfer a group of strong people from the royal family, as long as the cultivator of that space dares to come, he will definitely be able to make him come or not."

"Uncle Gu start preparing." Lei Xiangyang said lightly.

Gu Changfeng nodded and strode out of the main hall.

Looking at Gu Changfeng's departing back, Lei Xiangyang's eyes flashed with disdain.

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