On Qianryu Island, there is a forbidden place, that is, Qingyun Mountain.

To be exact, Qingyun Mountain is thousands of miles away.

In this area, let alone ordinary people, it is the high-level of the ten major forces, and they dare not set foot easily without permission.

This is an area that belongs to the Chen family alone.

In the past thousand years, although the Chen family has been very low-key, it has not expanded wantonly, and most of the time, it has been stuck in this area, as if completely isolated from the outside world, but everyone knows that the Chen family is a behemoth, and no one dares to easily touch this 'sleeping' big family.

At this moment, hearing Lin Yun say, in three days at most, he would step on Qingyun Mountain to meet the real principal of the Chen family, and in the depths of Chen Xingchen's eyes, a touch of surprise flashed.

After taking a deep look at Lin Yun, Chen Xingchen's expression returned to normal, and he smiled loudly: "It is our honor for Tianjiao like Lord Lin to go to Qingyun Mountain as a guest, and when I introduce it, I will introduce the clan uncle for Lord Lin, that is, what Lord Lin County said, the real master of my Chen family now." "

A slight pause.

Chen Xingchen continued: "As for Yongchang, with all due respect, it is not good to evaluate.

As we all know, in Changshan County, under Gu Changfeng, there are five deputy county lords, among which Yongchang is the only deputy county lord who has no real power.

However, he is the deputy county lord who has the closest relationship with Gu Changfeng, and can even be said to be Gu Changfeng's big housekeeper.

On weekdays, Yongchang rarely leaves Changshan County, and I, most of the time, are in Qingyun City, and over the years, the major forces of Qianliu Island have been at peace with each other, so there is almost no intersection between me and Yongchang.

The world said that the reason why Yongchang is today is entirely because of Gu Changfeng's relationship, if there is no Gu Changfeng, Yongchang is even inferior to some ordinary cultivators.

I don't think so, though.

Xu is Gu Changfeng's edge is too strong, maybe Yongchang hides too well, it seems that Yongchang is very mediocre, but I know, Gu Changfeng is a person with great ambition, can follow Gu Changfeng for nearly a hundred years, how can Yongchang be a general?

As for Yongchang's specific ability, it is unknown.

After a little contemplation, Lin Yun said slowly: "This time, it was also Yongchang who ordered you to follow Lei Xiangyang's people to Lifo City, how did he, a deputy county lord without real power, mobilize you, the deputy county lord, to you, did he give any advice?" Hearing

this, Chen Xingchen said: "Yongchang's county lord Gu Changfeng ordered to personally come to Qingyun City to see me, as for the advice, there is nothing, that is, let me take someone to cooperate with Lei Xiangyang's people to Lifo City to investigate the death of Zen Xin."

When he said this, Chen Xingchen seemed to have thought of something, and a look of abruptness appeared on his face.

"Killing Zen Xin should also be your handiwork."

Hearing this, Lin Yun nodded and said slowly: "You have to muddy the water, and those of us who are regarded by you as fish on the board have a chance, don't we?"

I still have business here, so I will not accompany you here.

Before going to Qingyun Mountain, he had wronged the Chen family master to stay here for a while. "

From beginning to end, Lin Yun did not want to accept Chen Xingchen the same as Lei Lin and the others.

What Lin Yun wanted was not Chen Xingchen, a powerhouse of the fifth layer of the late Heaven Realm, but the entire Chen family.

Chen Xingchen is at best just the principal of the Chen family pushing to the surface, there is no problem in dealing with some trivial and trivial matters, this kind of thing related to the future of the entire family, Chen Xingchen don't say take ideas, whether he can interject or not is two words.

However, Chen Xingchen is the head of the Chen family's generation after all.

A family like the Chen family, which has lasted for nearly a thousand years, still attaches great importance to face.

If he forced Chen Xingchen, the contemporary head of the Chen family, to hand over the Divine Soul Mark at this time, it would be tantamount to punching the Chen family, a big family, in the face, and it would be harmful and not beneficial to subdue the Chen family.

And hearing Lin Yun's words, Chen Xingchen did not say anything more, but bowed.


After leaving the stone prison where Chen Xingchen was, Lin Yun came to the stone prison where the others were.

Since he decided to go to Qingyun Mountain, the other Chen family members who were imprisoned in the enslavement prison, Lin Yun did not move them again.

As for the rest, it is naturally simple.

The same two choices, surrender or die.

It can only be said that in the comfortable environment of the Star Luo Sea Region, these cultivators who are backed by the ten major forces, the ability to intrigue is stronger than one, as for blood, there are also, but that's all.

In the face of death, this sporadic bloodiness is useless.

Lin Yun naturally understood that these people could easily betray the forces they were in today and join Huaixiang County, and in the future, in the face of the same situation, these people would also choose to betray Huaixiang County without hesitation.

Very simple truth, betrayal, only zero and countless times.

However, for the current Huaixiang County, these people are also indispensable.

It is precisely because of them that Lin Yun can learn the news about the opponent in the first time, and then make the most correct response.

The current Huaixiang County is too weak after all, and the opponents of Huaixiang County are behemoths.

As an advent force, if you want to gain a foothold in the Star Luo Sea area controlled by the ten heaven-level forces, and then kill a blood road, it is one thing to develop yourself, and these means are also indispensable.

Subsequently, Lin Yun did not stay any longer.

As before, collect these people into the thick earth flag, and then, by returning with one click, they will come to the area where Leylin fought before.

Stand in the air.

Lin Yun's gaze, staring into the distance, a playful smile flashed on that angular face.

That was the direction of Fron.

It is also the destination of Lin Yun's trip.

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