The corpse of the fierce beast is easy to find, and after a while, the goods 2 will all be redeemed.

It's just that Lingzhi is still a scarce resource, and for a while and a half, commodity 1 is not traded endlessly, but the first-order Flame Spirit Steel Knife has greatly increased everyone's enthusiasm for finding Lingzhi.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flame was high, and the boundary around the novice village was full of people.

The attribute points that can be provided by three first-order spirit plants or one second-order spirit plant are basically 10 points, and a flame spirit steel knife can increase the attack power by 20 points, and this account is calculated as a capital value word.

You don't have to kill high-level ferocious beasts to get a Flame Spirit Steel Knife, as the chat channel said, this is simply a benefit.

The enthusiasm came, and the speed of finding Lingzhi was faster, and the prompt sound of successful trading on Lin Yun's way to hurry kept ringing.

Finally, the first horse herd arrived, and I didn't know what came to mind, Lin Yun went to the cave first, and spent some time collecting nearly a hundred flame spirit stones.

After coming out of the cave, Lin Yun found a boulder on the edge of the horse group, hid behind the boulder, and observed the surroundings.

More than thirty flame horses strolled leisurely, completely unaware that death was approaching.

Compared with the luxurious lineup in the central area, the lineup here is somewhat shabby.

At this moment, Lin Yun turned into a seasoned hunter, waiting for the time to come.

When the Heavenly Flame Horse in the sky turned around and flew towards the Horse King, Lin Yun knew that the opportunity had come!

Lin Yun directly launched the ground to shrink into inches, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a flame horse, the cold light flashed, the sword light accurately cut through its throat, there was no time to make any sound, and the life had dissipated.

At the moment of the second kill, the emptied Lingluo ring played its due role.

The body was silently recovered, and there was nothing on the ground except a few drops of blood.

[Successfully killed a level 11 ferocious beast: Flame Horse! ] Gain experience +1650! Shrinking

the ground into an inch again, he retreated to the chaotic stone, looked up and looked around, the horses were still leisurely chewing the flame spirit stone, and none of them were alarmed.

Very good! Perfect sneak attack!

Find your target again and shrink into inches.

Universal attack!

Sword flash!

Another corpse of a flaming horse appeared in the Lingluo ring.

[Successfully killed a level 11 ferocious beast: Flame Horse! ] Gain experience +1650! The

number of plunders of the Flame Horse has long been full, and there is no value in extraction.

Lin Yun continued to intercept the flaming horses that wandered on the edge of the group.

Time flies!

In the blink of an eye, fifteen minutes passed.

Lin Yun secretly intercepted 6 free flame horses, and the level progress soon reached level 9 (21750/100,000).

The free flame horse has been killed, and it is no longer feasible to try to sneak attack.

Lin Yun's eyes flowed, and now there were 3 Heavenly Flame Horses, 5 Fire Cloud Beasts, and the remaining twenty or so fierce beasts were all Flame Horses.

If you wait any longer, this group of ferocious beasts will definitely notice the missing clansmen, and they must fight quickly.

Look around and find a higher ground with a great view, and come to the back.

Wood Strangle.

This time, it was not against any ferocious beasts, but to make a hiding place.

I saw a thick vine that broke directly from the ground, and then, retracted, and a hole appeared.

Immediately afterwards, another vine came out from nearby and slowly spread towards this side.

Take out all the remaining Flame Spirit Stones and push them directly to the other side from the back of the hillside.

At the moment of pushing the Flame Spirit Stone, Lin Yun jumped into the cave, and the vines covered the entrance of the cave in time.

On the hillside, nearly a hundred flame spirit stones rolled down.

For a while, the eyes of all the ferocious beasts were attracted by the flame spirit stones that rolled down.

One by one, there was a flash of surprise in their eyes, oh my God! Flame spirit stones have fallen from the sky!

One day the flame horse flew from a distance, did not find anyone, determined that there was no risk here, landed in front of a pile of flame spirit stones, gulped down.


Immediately after that, two more Heavenly Flame Horses fell, and five Fire Cloud Beasts on the ground also ran over.

The range of Flame Spirit Stones falling was not large, so these fierce beasts could almost be said to be close together.

Lin Yun here, through the gap in the vine, saw the Sky Flame Horse fall to the side of the hillside and quietly come out.

A smile on the corner of his mouth, eat it, this is your life money.

How could the ferocious beast with his head bowed think that death was right in front of him.

Shrink into inches! Coming to the pile of flame spirit stones, he held his sword in both hands and used all his strength to round the universe.

Poof~! Poof~! Poof~!

Bright red blood sprayed on the ground, and a horse's head popped to the ground!

This blow directly cut off the head of the nearest Heavenly Flame Horse!

[Successfully killed the level 11 Protector Beast: Sky Flame Horse! ] Gain experience +1950! The

blade has a block, and the force is slightly weaker.

However, this force is enough to cut the throat of the next one.

The blood flowed profusely, and the second Heavenly Flame Horse also lost its life.

[Successfully killed the level 11 Protector Beast: Sky Flame Horse! ] Gain experience +1950! The

third Heavenly Flame Horse moved forward slightly, which also caused Huanyu to only cut off its forearm.

The corpses of the same kind were beside them, and in fear, they immediately spread their wings and flew into the sky.

How could Lin Yun let it escape!

Wood Strangle!

Vines rise up to cover the sky.

The Heavenly Flame Horse was blocked, the flames on its body exploded, and the wooden vine was burned and gradually cracked.

The sky was in front of him, and a violent surprise flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Flame Horse.

However, this momentary stagnation was still seized by Lin Yun.


The head is separated, and the body falls to the ground!

This is how the strongest combat power of this small group came to an end!

[Successfully killed the level 11 Protector Beast: Sky Flame Horse! ] Gain experience +1950! All

the eyes of this ethnic group are staring here, and naturally they also see this scene.

Under the horse king, the most powerful protectors were killed in seconds, which made them unable to raise the idea of resistance in their hearts. Immediately hissed and scattered.

It's a pity that they don't have wings like the Sky Flame Horse, and on the ground, Lin Yun's agility is almost unsurpassed.

Huanyu flashed and struck towards the Fire Cloud Beast on the far left.

Lin Yun appeared on the right side in the blink of an eye.

Shrink into inches!

Lin Yun's body flashed like a streamer, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared on the side of the Fire Cloud Beast.


The world is shining!

The huge inertia directly pierced the Fire Cloud Beast.

[Successfully killed the level 11 elite ferocious beast: Fire Cloud Beast! ] Gain experience +1800! 】

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