Looking up again, he came to the original Flame Spirit Vein again.

There was a complete mountain range in the place where the Flame Horse Group was, and when he first investigated the three small groups in the periphery, he found three mine caves here, but at that time, he only took some Flame Spirit Stones and did not go deep. Now that all the ferocious beasts outside have been banished, there is time to explore.

Lin Yun randomly found a cave and jumped in, crossing the place where he had mined the mine, the further back he went, the more cave forks rose, the more the flame spirit stones were richer, and the power of flames in the air became more and more intense.

The Flame Spirit Stone is bright in color and crystal transparent. He seems to be walking on a mysterious road full of precious treasures. While walking and mining, soon hundreds of flame spirit stones had accumulated in the Spirit Luo Ring. I don't know how long I walked, the flame spirit stone in Lin Yun's eyes suddenly turned into a 3rd order.

[Name]: Flame Spirit Crystal

[Grade]: Third-order Spirit Stone

[Efficacy]: Special Items (for

upgrading villages) Lin Yun raised his eyes sharply, for upgrading villages


It was the first time he had really come across something about the village.

However, the introduction of this thing is too vague, and it seems that the specific effect can only be known after the village is completed as a whole.

Lin Yun was about to take away these Flame Spirit Crystals here, and his hand was half extended. Suddenly, as if thinking of something, the movement in his hand stopped.

No. 9527 No. 11

Ferocious Beast Area, coordinates 233.105.

Deep in the mountain cave, the Flame Spirit Crystal, special materials for village upgrades! At

this moment, the information of the chat channel was brushed like crazy.

"Woo hoo, I didn't expect to see Lin Yun talking in my lifetime!"

"Shh My husband spoke, and although we hadn't met or spoken, I had a mouth, and I said yes.

"Upstairs control control, you hara flow on me!"

“...... Gee, see and forget. I'm different, I will definitely take the Flame Spirit Crystal back, big guy look at me!"

"Hahaha, add me one!"

"Although I still don't know what this thing is, it must be a good thing if the big guy speaks!" I will definitely try to upgrade and contribute to the village! "


Nowadays, everyone has adapted to this world, and with the power of self-preservation, even the atmosphere of chat is much more relaxed.

It's a pity that the Lin Yun boss in their mouth is still as cold as ever. After saying that, he didn't care about the reaction of everyone in the novice village, and went straight to the depths.

A subtle air movement suddenly caught Lin Yun's attention, you must know that this is in an extremely deep mine cave, how can there be wind?

Lin Yun's eyes flickered, and he quickened his steps forward, the flow of air became more and more obvious, and finally, light appeared.

A hole that is enough for horse kings to pass appears. After walking a few steps quickly, crossing the entrance of the cave, he saw the canyon where the horse king was located in front of him.

Sure enough, when I saw Ma Wang and the people in the group across the mountain, I felt strange, there was such a passage.

After such a fight here, I also walked around the Flame Spirit Stone Vein, and the sky was already dusk.

Looking at the empty valley, Lin Yun sat on the ground, took out the steel knife that was traded, and opened the Lingluo ring.

Bang~! Bang~!

The Flame Spirit Stone in the space clanged and fell to the ground, and in the dim daylight, a blood-stained white unicorn was particularly conspicuous.

Lin Yun then remembered this unicorn that had been cut off by him, and held it in his hand thoughtfully.

The armor of the Heavenly Flame Unicorn came from here, and the unicorn should be part of its source of strength, but I don't know if this slashed unicorn still has strength.

Looking at the flame spirit stones and steel knives in one place, Lin Yun suddenly had an idea.

Holding a unicorn, white light shines in his hand.


[Infinite plunder success! ] Obtain the power of the Sky Flame Unicorn*1. Sure

enough, it works! Take off the dust of your robes.

Lin Yun used the appearance of a quenched steel knife to integrate the power of a unicorn into the dust. The dark undershirt gradually showed a light thread, just like the original unicorn.

The light dissipated, and the last trace of one-horn's power melted into the dust.

Lin Yun looked at this third-order magic robe again, and the original defense value of 100 points had now become 150 points.

The magic robe was put on again, and Lin Yun quickly realized that something was wrong, and tried to use spiritual power to urge Pu Chen.

The streamer flashed, and Lin Yun had an extra armor on his body!

Hahaha! All right!

Sure enough, it is worthy of the treasure on the king's body, not only can it add 50 points of defense, but also leaves the ability of armor together.

The upper body of the armor seemed bulky, but in fact, Lin Yun's movements were not hindered for half a minute, and he even faintly felt that a subtle force flowed into his body.

In this way, he can be regarded as attacking high and defensive!

I didn't expect that killing a fire king monster would have so many benefits. Lin Yun was simply more attentive to the next four series.

Once the sun begins to set in the west, it is an instant to enter the night, and after refining the dust, the sky is already dark, and the stars in the sky are twinkling.

Lin Yun hurriedly increased the speed in his hand, and under the dark night, the fiery red light flickered, but the nearby ferocious beasts did not dare to come at all.

A large number of ferocious beasts died here, and the murderous and evil qi remained in this land, and Lin Yun was able to quietly quench the steel knife.

After that, the refined Flame Spirit Steel Knife was all put on the shelves again, still three commodities, he only continued to adjust the level of the recovered fierce beast corpse, and exchanged one Flame Spirit Steel Knife for a level 8 fierce beast corpse.

After solving it, Lin Yun did not choose to sleep and rest, but collected some flame spirit stones before returning to the road. The only god-level village, he must race against time for this task, and he must not give it over because of time!

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