"Damn Lin Yun! Everything is his conspiracy! He took advantage of my lack of attention and sneaked up on me!!

Aaaah! He took away my three second-order spirit plants! That's it! He even took away the time that belonged to me! He is the Time Mystic Recipient of Village 9527!! The powerhouses who possess the mysteries of time, Lin Yun's body, already have two traces of the mysteries of time!! That's the power of great time! Kill him! Be sure to kill him! Park Jung-min after losing the game, on the world channel, cursed with crazy abuse.

"The Mystery of Time?!! What is this?!!

"How come I've never heard of anyone who controls the mysteries of time?!!

"The power of time?!! My God, this legendary power, has actually appeared?

"Baga, why is such a powerful force ?!! by the weak Huaxia people?"


time chat channel immediately exploded.


No. 3987 Novice Village.

A physically strong man, looking at the words in the chat channel, his brows furrowed.

"This Lin Yun actually got a trace of the time mystery that belongs to their novice village like me."

"My current combat strength assessment is only 16 ranks, and the personal arena has only won 10 consecutive victories before being suspended, and this Lin Yun, so far, has not been defeated, and his combat power is definitely stronger than mine."

"The masters of the mysteries of time, between each other, there will inevitably be a battle, but now, I am not as good as Lin Yun, nor is I as good as Andre, the first strong man in the village, now, what I need to do most is to keep my secret while improving my combat power as much as possible."

No. 138 Novice Village.

"In this way, this Lin Yun of Huaxia has already obtained two traces of time mystery."

"I already knew that he had time in his hands, so I directly challenged him." Mike, the first strong man in village 138, said with regret and disappointment.

Since the moment he arrived here and awakened his S-class talent, Mike has embarked on a rapid rise path, pulling the people in the same village far behind.

As the saying goes, the height of the station is different, and the vision is also different.

His goal, from beginning to end, was to be the strongest in the entire 1st district.

Competing on the same stage with the strongest people in other regions, this is what he yearns for and looks forward to.

Then, step on those people, step by step, to the top, and become the hegemon of this world.

As for Lin Yun's gambling battle news yesterday, it was not put in his eyes.

Although the third-order equipment has a certain attraction for him, it is not enough to say that it makes him stop.

The moment the personal arena refreshed, he entered the arena directly and completed three active challenges.

And as a powerhouse in the top ten of the arena points ranking, he will not lack people to challenge him.

After 13 fights, his winning streak has accumulated to 29 consecutive victories.

"Lin Yun, I hope your streak will not be ended, hold on for another day, and wait until tomorrow, I will defeat you and take away your time."

No. 28 Novice Village.

"The mystery of time? Kind of interesting.

"According to the current situation, defeating you in the arena will not get your time mystery, so what if I kill you in the real world?"

"Hold on, hold on until the end of the newbie protection period, I will go to you and take away the time that belongs to me."

"The mystery of time, such a thing, can only be used in the hands of my great Mark."

If anyone looks at the individual arena rankings, they will find that the top name is Mark, the same 29-game winning streak.


in the chat channel.

"In every novice village, there will be a person who gets a trace of the meaning of time, and those who have the mystery of time, as long as they meet each other, they will feel each other.

In the arena and the real world, kill your opponent to get the meaning of time on your opponent.

Lin Yun also has at least two hints of time mystery.

Aren't you moved by the powerhouses who aspire to dominate the world?

"Strong people who do not have time mysteries, although killing him in the arena will not allow you to get time mysteries, but ending his streak will be a fatal blow to his strength improvement."

When you find him in the real world, you can defeat him more easily. Park Jung-min sent two demagogic messages in succession, which made the world chat channel boil.

No one is a fool.

Everyone knows that Park Jung-min wants to take revenge on Lin Yun, but at the same time, Park Jung-min's words are not unreasonable.

At this moment, more and more strong people focused their attention on Lin Yun's body.

No. 1327 Novice Village.

"This damn Lin Yun actually stole the time mysteries that belong to us, it's just damned."

"Kill him, you must kill him, let him understand that stealing something that belongs to our kimchi country is the price of life."


, please lead us to defeat the 9527 village where the damned thief is, let them understand the end of offending us." While Park Jung-min was pulling hatred on the world channel, he also sent such a message in his own novice village.

"Yes, Elder, we should bring disaster to them."

"Elders, they must pay for their stupidity!"


the president who was given hope by everyone, at this moment, looked at the chat channel with a gloomy face, and said to himself: "This damn Park Jung-min, with the mystery of time, did not take the initiative to hand it over to me, really damn it."

"If I hadn't won two team challenges with them, how could he have the strength he has now, and what is the use of keeping him for this kind of bastard who doesn't know how to be grateful!"

"Now in this situation, first strike at 9527 village, wait until you defeat 9527, and then find you to settle the score."

When the voice fell, the president spoke in the chat channel.

"Village 9527 is being challenged, and if they don't fail this time, I will challenge them."

"I will start the points challenge mode, from now on, everyone prepares for the next challenge, look for the beasts, defeat them, but don't kill them, wait until the challenge starts, and then shoot."

"Park Jung-min, come and follow me."

When I saw these three messages, the chat channel became more and more enthusiastic.

"The president has spoken, let's take action."

"Elder, I will come to you immediately, it is my honor to be by your side." These are Park Jung-min's words.

It's just that what Park Jung-min doesn't know is that this will be a point of no return for him.

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