At this time 9527 newbie village in the chat channel.

It was also full of words of praise for Lin Yun.

"Lin Yun is awesome! After following the big guy to mix a few waves of attribute points, I think I can do it again!

"Do you have Lin Thigh Cow X?"

"I don't like to listen to you when you speak, it's impossible for me to catch up with my thighs, but my personal strength has improved, and there is nothing wrong with celebrating, right?"

"It's useless anyway, I'll lie flat, let the big guy charge, and our kind of waste will just shout 666 in the back."

"Why are you so depressed when you speak?"

"Isn't 9527 your newbie village? Everyone is prosperous and detrimental. Who are you showing here?

"Who is rotten, isn't this a fact, do you want us little garbage to find ferocious beasts to die?"


Su Boyang looked at the quarrel of the internal channel and frowned.

Lin Yun alone turned the tide outside the country and won the interests of everyone.

But now I am afraid that a considerable number of people already take this for granted.

But is this really good?


My younger sister Sui Han looked at her brother stunned, and shook Su Boyang.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, let's continue to find the right murderer."


Sui Han actually knew what her brother was thinking, but she couldn't do anything about it.

She looked at the quarrel in the internal channel, and her heart was suffocated.

I really want to say a word.

What if Lin Yun is gone?

This answer is actually answered by my brother with actions.

Whether there is Lin Yun or not, it is enough to do your own thing, do your best, and have a clear conscience.


While the internal channel of 9527 was arguing, the announcement of Heavenly Dao came.

[Announcement: Novice Lin Yun first kills the level 11 king fierce plant: Huaimu Demon King, rewards 5 points of reputation, and will no longer gain reputation if you kill later. ] So


The internal channel has become a unified scene of celebration again.

"Lin Yun is awesome!"

This is the third king of the five elements.

This also means that the task of building a god-level village has been completed halfway.

Not surprisingly, 9527 will become the first god-level village and the only god-level village in the entire district.

[Unlimited plunder success! ] Gain a C-level talent: Wood Control! 】

【Master the Wood Control (C-level) talent, the skill Wood Strangler (D-level) has been automatically upgraded to Wood Sea Strike (C-level)】【

Unlimited Plunder Success! Gain a C-level talent: Wood Control! 【

Same talent detected


The Locust Wood Demon King is actually a twin.

That's why they plundered twice in a row.


This was something Lin Yun did not expect.

After burning down ordinary dryads with one fire and killing elite dryads.

He had a few waves of head-on with the Locust Wood Demon King.

Fortunately, he is close-minded, otherwise he would be in trouble.

I didn't expect it to be twins.

Fortunately, he kept a hand.

When it first came, the ghost vine was too impressed to kill everyone.

Therefore, he had palpitations about the fierce planting of the wood system.

Knowing that the fierce plant will pretend to be dead and then sneak attack.

So he was on guard.

Even if the huge body of the Huaimu Demon King had been cut to pieces by him on the surface, he did not relax his guard.

There is only a slight slack....

It's the moment you jump out to kill.

The average person may go to touch the corpse.

But he had an intuition that things weren't as simple as they seemed.

It was this intuition that saved him.

Who would have thought that inside the clumsy looking Huaimu Demon King, there was an extremely agile Tree Core Assassin.

With only a trace of it, that sharp blade could cut off Lin Yun's head.

It's thrilling.

Fortunately, because of the throbbing in his heart, Lin Yun slowed down a little and cautious a little.

At this time, the results of the fusion also came out.

[Fusion failed]


Lin Yun whispered, but he didn't complain much.

There is a chance of successful integration itself, and they have won the previous two times, which is already very European.

You can't be the emperor every time, and it's good to be a person occasionally.

But this time, it was not without bonus.

Lin Yun looked at the shuttle obtained from the Tree Core Assassin in his hand, and the green liquid inside flowed crystalline.

Throw out a true eye identification.

He is not stupid enough to dare to eat and drink directly.

If there is no identification, it is really silly.

【Wood Spirit Essence】

Locust wood demon king companion spirit plant.

The rank is related to the accompanying duration, and this is the first time it has been exposed, and the highest order is the third order by default.

+45 energy after use.

was about to swallow, patted his head, forgot that Qiankun created a Ding , Xiao Ding can cultivate and ascend.

Reached the highest level?

I bet five cents is not!

Lin Yun smiled and sent the wood spirit essence to the Ding to cultivate.

Who knows!

After the wood spirit pith entered the Qiankun Creation Ding, it turned into water!

The joy from Xiao Ding thanked Lin Yun for his food.

Was this absorbed by Xiao Ding?

Lin Yun shook his head with a smile.

Maybe 45 energy is gone, after all, fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Lin Yun looked at the properties panel.

The thinking has all broken 2,000, and the energy has gone to 3,000.

If others see such basic attributes, they will only sigh that it is too terrible.

However, Lin Yun's heart did not have much fluctuation.

After completing the wood system mission, he successfully obtained the wood king spirit bead.

The task of building a god-level village has been completed by three-fifths.

Looking at the shattered battle environment, Lin Yun summoned Devouring Heaven to clean up the battlefield.

[Free Attribute Point +2] [Free Attribute Point +2] [

Free Attribute Point +2]


Fire and water systems have spar veins.

What about the wood system?

Without the interference of the fierce plants of the wood system, Lin Yun strolled leisurely.

It didn't take long for him to discover a jungle shining with a strange light.

Got closer and took a closer look.

It was discovered that it was a wood spar embedded in the trunk of a tree.

It exudes a strange light.

Coming together, this becomes a halo.

Lin Yun lightly snapped, and the wood crystal fell into his hand.

Warm and light, not at all like stone.

Just like the wood spirit pith obtained before, in the translucent frosted shell, the liquid inside flowed crystal and shone with a strange light.

Lin Yun cast the Eye of True Vision.

The results of the identification are out.

[Name]: Wood Spirit Crystal

[Grade]: Third-order spirit stone [

Efficacy]: Special items (necessary materials to upgrade the village)

Sure enough.

Again material for upgrading the village.

He had already collected the Flame Spirit Crystal, the Water Spirit Crystal, and the Wood Spirit Crystal.

It seems that there are Earth Spirit Crystals and Golden Spirit Crystals next.

This should be all there is to upgrade the village.

After collecting the materials, Lin Yun went to the territory of the Earth System Ferocious Beast again.

Next stop.

Soil system!

At any time, open a joint chat channel.

The person who found 9527 was still teasing the little stick, and he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth.

The little stick is really remembered to eat or beat.

The team fought against the score because he stopped, so the score on the 9527 side basically did not move.

Only the sticks of 1327 silently scolded one after another, narrowing the gap between the two sides little by little, and it seemed that they had not completely given up.

Lin Yun shook his head.

Close all panels and head straight to the Earth Beast area.

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