Golden fierce beast herd.

Lin Yun, who was full of combat power, was like a bolt of lightning, shuttling through this valley.

And that fierce beast with a combat power close to the twentieth order, at this moment, it was so fragile.

Lightning deals.

But wherever Lin Yun went, it was a second kill.

That huge body, after losing the breath of life, collapsed to the earth.

The fierce beast in front had not completely fallen, and there were new ferocious beast corpses, which continued to fall towards the ground.

From a distance, it looks like an autumn breeze sweeping away leaves.

An angry roar came from not far away.

But it was that golden king-level ferocious beast, seeing that Lin Yun had killed thirty or forty of his subordinates in this short period of time, and when this killing was still continuing, he finally couldn't hold back.


Those ordinary and elite-level ferocious beasts quickly retreated and spread towards the two wings.

And this golden king-level ferocious beast also moved and rushed towards Lin Yun's side, and behind the king-level ferocious beast, there were dozens of fierce beasts that were obviously larger than those ordinary and elite ferocious beasts.

Obviously, these king-level fierce beasts are guard-level fierce beasts.

"Shake the earth sacred cow, are you in such a hurry to send it to death?" Looking at the king-level ferocious beast charging towards him, Lin Yun smiled indifferently and said, "However, I don't have the spare time to play with you now." "

The earth-shaking sacred cow is the name of this golden king-level ferocious beast.

Up to 25 level combat power, C-level talent golden oath and D-level talent power crazy, the real combat power of this earth-shaking sacred cow has reached at least 26 level.

Although it is not difficult to kill this earth-shaking sacred cow with his current combat strength, it is still unrealistic to want to do it in seconds.

Lin Yun naturally did not forget the camp battle.

Nowadays, the most important thing is to frantically swipe points, first win the camp battle, and then turn back to deal with this earth-shaking sacred cow.

As he spoke, Lin Yun's figure did not pause at all, reaping the life of that ordinary and elite ferocious beast.

The powerful wind bamboo sword had already become a blood sword, and blood continued to drip from it.

Soon, an interesting scene appeared in this huge valley.

Ordinary ferocious beasts and elite ferocious beasts are like frightened birds, frantically fleeing.

Lin Yun's speed was already very fast, plus he shrunk the ground into inches, chasing these fierce beasts, constantly harvesting.

And the earth-shaking sacred cow and those protector-level fierce beasts that were originally rushing towards Lin Yun head-on, at this time, they had already turned around and chased behind Lin Yun.

One after another earth-shaking roars came from the mouth of the earth-shaking sacred cow, and then looked at the huge eyes of the earth-shaking sacred cow, and the anger in them seemed to be about to burn.

However, in the face of Lin Yun, who was haunted and did not confront it head-on at all, the roar of the earth-shaking sacred cow became more and more urgent, as if it was conveying some message.

And in this roar, the fleeing ferocious beasts became more and more crazy, and even if their companions died beside them, there was no pause or hesitation, as if there was something in front of them that could allow them to escape from the hands of this demon.


No. 1900 Novice Village.

Looking at the points that were still soaring, Erwin's heart was constantly sinking.

It was less than two minutes before the start of the camp battle, and Lin Yun's points were already approaching the 70,000 mark!

This also means that Lin Yun has already killed hundreds of level 11 ferocious beasts!

With hundreds of level 11 ferocious beasts, all he could think of was the terrifying group of gold-based ferocious beasts.

Thinking of the number of golden ferocious beasts he had witnessed before, Erwin only felt that his heart was trembling.

What kind of monster did I provoke?!!

It's just five days, and his combat power is three or four orders higher than him!

You know, what he awakened was an extremely rare S-level talent!!

Could it be that that monster named Lin Yun awakened an SS-level talent?!


It must be so!

It's not fair!

It's not fair!

Why did that Lin Yun awaken an SS-level talent, while I only awakened an S-level talent?!!

Erwin's heart was full of grief and indignation, and then Erwin's heart was filled with that bitterness.

Obviously, this time he kicked the iron plate, and it was an iron plate that had prepared everything in advance, only to wait for the faction battle to officially begin, and then frantically brushed monsters.

This time in the camp battle, even if they are only facing a novice village of 9527, even if everyone else in the novice village of 9527 is dumbfounded, there is no hope of winning on their side.

This is a suicidal camp war, and it is also a camp war that is already doomed before it even begins.

If he didn't think about dealing with Lin Yun, but randomly picked a novice village to start a team battle, such as the novice village that jumped very happily, how good it would be, he could easily get 200 attribute points, and even if he was more efficient, he could get double the reward.

Now, however, it is necessary to lose 300 attribute points in vain.

This entry and exit is a full 500, or even 700 attribute points.

Now, although he is at the front of the personal arena, he can fully imagine that this wave of losses will make him completely fall out of the leading group, and even tomorrow some people will take the initiative to challenge him, and then, step on him!

Thinking that in the regional chat channel before, in front of the entire district, Lin Yun's challenge tomorrow, Erwin's face was angry and aggrieved.

The gambling battle with Lin Yun is destined to end in vain.

At this moment, he could even imagine that when he 'wisely' chose to avoid the war tomorrow, he would endure the ridicule and ridicule of countless people.


The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved Erwin, roared madly: "Lin Yun, one day, I will kill you with my own hands!! "

1438 Novice Village.

Koizumi Junjiro, like Erwin, was venting his grief and indignation.

And not far behind Koizumi, under the mountain, he planted his head, his head was lowered, and the expression on his face was very complicated, which can also be said to be tangled.

About to be deducted attribute points, Yamashita's heart is naturally angry, but at the same time, tomorrow's personal arena, Koizumi is destined not to challenge Lin Yun again.

In this way, the diamond lottery after he upgraded to level 10 was saved, and from this point of view, his heart was another fluke and joy.

In the other novice villages of the Blue Fang camp, the strong people who had previously promised Lin Yun's personal challenge on the regional channel, at this moment, were all the same as Erwin and Koizumi, and they were both sad and angry and holding back to vent their emotions.

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