Ye An is now very tired after completing the goals of the current stage, he urgently needs to take a good rest now, tomorrow the academy also has an orientation party for new students, requiring all new students to participate.

Ye An is not prepared to behave too differently, people are social intelligent life, there is no need to make themselves different in this regard, stand out, the real awesome characters have always been happy with the people.

The next day, Ye An and many new students came to the auditorium of the Vocational College, from the outside, the auditorium was built unpretentiously but quaintly atmospheric, the internal space should be drawn with a special magic array for space expansion, after entering it, you will find that the internal space is far larger than the size of the building seen outside.

After a grand bell rings in the sky, everyone quiets down and the orientation party officially begins.

Elder Shen appeared first, and after briefly welcoming the freshmen, a vice principal with only a strand of hair was still stubbornly like a vine around half of his head with the surname Fu gave a long, chattering, and drowsy speech.

After a long two hours, even a patient person like Ye An began to secretly complain that there was enough time to brush a copy by himself, and Vice Principal Fu finally ended his speech.

Putting aside those meaningless self-praise and obscure, the false welcome to the new students and the insincere optimism about the future of the new students, the real content in Vice President Fu’s words is only the following sentences.

First, the orientation meeting of Donghai City Vocational Academy is more special, and freshmen and senior students will be randomly selected to fight a battle, so as to let everyone know the gap between themselves and senior students, so that everyone can calm down the pride caused by suddenly gaining strength as soon as possible.

2. All new students in this activity can actively participate in the challenge, and no one needs to worry about bad situations such as death and disability, whether they participate passively or actively, they can get credit rewards according to the combat situation.

3. The event officially began.

Then a magical scene appeared, all the student seats in the auditorium moved to the side and back and gradually rose, forming a huge layer of audience seats similar to gladiatorial arenas, and the very center turned into a flat stone clearing.

Two balls of light, one red and one blue, jumped rapidly over the heads of all the trainees, and when the balls of light fell, voices without human emotion sounded above the auditorium.

“Freshman Jiao Yingwu vs. second-grade Deng Ruizhi.”

As soon as the words fell, the figures of two people appeared in the clearing.




“The battle begins!”

“After the battle, second-year Deng Ruizhi won, freshman Jiao Yingwu received 1 credit reward, and Deng Ruizhi received 10 credit reward.”

The first battle ended very quickly, both of them were warrior professions, and before the freshman named Jiao Yingwu could react, he was emptied of his health by a charge from Deng Ruizhi, and then the figures of the two returned to their respective seats at the same time.

Because the angle and distance were relatively suitable, Ye An could clearly see the fear of death left in Jiao Yingwu’s eyes, and he seemed to have forgotten that Vice Principal Fu had said before that this competition had magical protection and would not really lead to death and disability.

The red and blue balls continued to beat, and soon two more figures appeared in the center of everyone.

“Freshman Lin Yongning vs. second-grade Jia Zhengqing.”




“The battle begins!”

“The battle is over, second-year Jia Zhengqing wins, freshman Lin Yongning gets 1 credit award, and Jia Zhengqing gets 10 credit reward.”

The two archer professions that participated in the battle this time, both of them are muscular and can run horses on their arms, Lin Yongning’s performance is slightly better than the previous Jiao Yingwu, at least ready for battle, and shot out a bow and arrow, but Jia Zhengqing very easily dodged Lin Yongning’s attack, and sealed his throat with a backhand arrow, sending Lin Yongning down.

“When he was a freshman, Yongkang fought against second-year Feimon.”




“The battle begins!”

“The battle is over, the sophomore Feimon wins, the freshman Lin Yongning gets 1 credit award, and Fei Meng gets 10 credit reward.”

This time the two are no longer the same profession, and even in terms of professional advantages and equipment comparison, the freshman Lin Yongning still has certain advantages, because Lin Yongning looks like a wealthy person, wearing a full set of heavy armor and holding a round shield and a one-handed heavy hammer, while Feimon is just a casual sportswear holding a dagger in his hand, most of the freshmen think that this battle does not say victory, but Lin Yongning can definitely hold on for a while, but the result has long been doomed, Feimon effortlessly inserted the dagger into Lin Yongning’s eye socket, The battle ended in the form of a flash sale, and the process was easy and hesitant.

In just three battles, all ended in the form of a second kill, the atmosphere of the scene changed drastically, the original arrogance of the freshmen was completely suppressed, and the attitude of the old students was always calm, because for them, they had also experienced all this.

This is the special orientation meeting of Donghai City Vocational College, and this is the first class given to new students by Donghai City Vocational College.

The theme of the course is that you never know how strong an opponent you will face in what situation.

So are you really ready to become a professional?

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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