Sister Mina's attributes are probably already at the level of level 90

This group of career changers was helpless in front of her.

In the end, they all died tragically in the main hall.

The blood even stained the statues in the hall red....

"Let's go, Yin Yin, take me to your house!"

"Big brother, sister Mina, have the bad guys been beaten away?"

"Yes, the bad guys have been beaten away!"

The blindfolded Yin Yin only heard various screams.

She squeezed Yun Fan's clothes tightly, not daring to let go.

He smiled excitedly when he heard that the bad guy had been beaten away.

Yun Fan gently raised his hand....

The transferees who fell to the ground just now were all summoned as skeleton soldiers....

"In the future, these skeleton soldiers will assist you in completing the construction of the temple!"

Yun Fan's voice sounded in Sister Mina's head again.

After hearing this, he immediately knelt down to bow down.

With such a powerful group of skeleton soldiers.

This city will not be difficult for Yunfan in the future....

Yin Yin led Yun Fan's robe all the way to the backyard....

There were still explosions of battle in the backyard.

Compared to the main hall, there is no cruel picture here.

Yun Fan untied the blindfold strip on Yin Yin's head...

Yin Yin, who could see, showed the way to Yun Fan.

"Well, my house is the innermost room!"

It's a bit like a courtyard, surrounded by various rooms....

But that loft-style high-rise.

There are several rooms on each floor.

The nuns in this temple also live in it....

An explosion sounded from the direction Yin Yin's finger was going...

Two humanoid voices flew into the air from the explosion.

Finally, he landed on the ground with a half-squat and stabilized his figure.

"Why aren't these rabbit cubs coming!"

"In the end, the bosses have appeared here, what can be powerful in the front hall!"

"Commander, I see that those guys are just touching fish!"

"When you turn back, you must teach them a good lesson!"

[Human Protective Warrior (Level 69)].

[Human Light Priest (Level 67)].

Two people, one of whom is the regiment leader among several transferees.

They are fighting the boss they call at the moment.

A dungeon will only have one final boss

When they met, they naturally felt that the group of people outside could not encounter any powerful bosses....

As everyone knows, the group of people outside has long become skeleton warriors!

The two were now solemnly looking at the place where the explosion had just exploded.

A dark shadow emerged from the smoke and dust of the explosion.

Another humanoid figure jumped down from the third floor.

Step the ground out of a big hole.

His figure is unusually stable, standing straight on the ground!

This thing looks like a human.

But the top of the head has the horns of the devil, and the whole body is bloodshot like a spider's web....

The eyes also emit a dark red glow, and it feels murderous.

[Hell Blood Demon (Level 69) (Leader)].

[HP: 42.192 million / 42.192 million].


"Big brother... That's my dad! "

"Your dad?"

"Isn't your father a knight?"

It's not a human being.

How could it be this Yin Yin's father.

Yun Fan didn't understand, but Yin Yin was determined.

"I don't know, but that's my dad, and I don't know why dad became like this!"

Xiao Yinyin was very anxious....

Calf stepped straight forward, wanting to find out the truth with her father.

Yun Fan did not stop her.

It was just a skill cast on Yin Yin.

[Casting: Discipline Protection (Level 15)].

[Effect: After release, you get a shield with 1500% spell attack power, which lasts for five minutes, can be released on other targets, cooldown is 3 minutes! ] 】

A faint shield appeared around Yin Yin's body.

She was also unaware of it.

Hurry up and see your dad!

"Dad, Yin Yin is back! Yin Yin misses you so much! "

Far away, Yin Yin was shouting....

While shouting and crying, his little face was full of grievances.

At a young age, she spent several days outside alone.

At this moment, I can see my father, and I want to vent all my grievances.

"How could there be an indigenous little girl here?"

"It seems to be... That boss's daughter! "

"This knight has long been taken away by other creatures, and he is not a human at all!"

"This indigenous little girl looks like she's dead!"

"Hurry, take advantage of this little girl's opportunity to send her to death, contact the rest of the team!"


The words of the two were heard by Yun Fan... I kind of understand what is going on....

Hell Blood Demon, a demon that parasitizes inside the human body to absorb energy.

It only manifests itself when the host dies.

As the two said, the creature in front of her has long been not her father!

Seeing Yin Yin running over, the Hell Blood Demon launched an attack without hesitation...

A bloody spike formed in front of it.

It shot like a bullet at Yin Yin's head....

While the two spectators were contacting the team members, they were already treating Yin Yin at this moment as a dead person....

A level 1 human child cannot withstand the skills of a level 69 boss....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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